A Series of Unfortunate Events What Did You Think of the ENDING?

MioneWeasley545 posted on Dec 28, 2007 at 04:09AM
What did you think of the way the 13-book long series ended (in "THE END")? Did you find that it just got more baffling? Were you hooked? And what do you think happened to the Baudelaires?

Stupid Sugar Bowl bugs me. Made me think about it and there was no answer! Grr. lol. :D

A Series of Unfortunate Events 17 replies

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over a year ago wired2damoon said…
I was so irritated by the ending. It just...didn't feel like an ending...it kind of left me wanting more which I think was the idea lol! It was always "Unfortunate Events" so I didn't expect it to end well, but yeah I really agree it was kind of baffling.
Yeah the sugar bowl thing was weird, I really didn't understand why he mentioned it when there was no resolvement! Grr lol! Still a great series though, I loved the wit!! =]
over a year ago funnyshawna said…
i know!!grt. suga bowl!!!! annnnoyying! but i liked the ending, even though it didnt answer everything.
over a year ago ChloeOC02 said…
I was so happy when Count Olaf died in ''THE END'' cuz he was a very very bad man to the Baudelaires!!!
over a year ago pri-kay-dee said…
I found it really infuriating! I started reading, hoping that all the loose ends would be tied up, but it just created more mysteries!
I was also really hoping to see the Quagmires' again. :(
over a year ago mcewen_girl said…
It kinda bugged me...it defo left me with questions..but overall I LOVED the series
over a year ago api said…
I loved it!!!! It's true that we don't have to know all the secrets, because they're secrets. But i wanted to know what actually happened to the guys in the submarine.
over a year ago martemora15 said…
what was the thing with kit? who do you think was the baby's father, i think it was that third "twin" that died at the hotel. did any of u guys see that olaf said kiss u again, ewww!
over a year ago IsabellaAzuria said…
it was interesting
over a year ago martemora15 said…
i've heard tha'u can find some answers in the beatrice letters
over a year ago giuliamania said…
I think the end was good but i wanted tto find out what they did ince they got back to the real world and not the island. Did they fight fire in V.F.D. and isn't lemony snicket their father? so shouldn't they meet?
over a year ago giuliamania said…
Oh lemony isn't they're father but he was in love with Beatrice they're mother
over a year ago Flyingdonkey said…
the sad part was that everyone dies :(
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
Did u guyz read the 14th book? Called Chapter Fourteen? It's at the end of The End. I was sad that kit died but hardly sad that Olaf died.
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
From what I can tell, the story is what the children wrote in the book on the island once they got there. Lemony Snicket found the book and rewrote the events that it described. A lot of the questions weren't answered because the Baudelairs never learned the answers before leaving the island and therefore had no way of putting the answers with the rest of the story.
over a year ago jonasbros3222 said…
over a year ago VFD4ever94 said…
i thot that the end wasnt even hardly an ending. that i wanted so much more!!! :) i hated at first how none of the questions came to be answered, but i realized they werent supposed 2 b answered because thats basically one of the main themes of the story. secrets r secrets and mysteries r mysteries. how can they be mysterys and secrets if they're told or solved in the end of a book? it hardly counts. i read the beatrice letters, i own it actually. it helped with some mysteries of what happened afterwards. also the unauthorized autobiography of lemony snicket was helpful too. i love the series. all of u who can even answer this question about wat u thot of the ending r awsome cuz u actually got there. i absolutely hate it when ppl abandoned a series of unfortunate events b4 they reached the end. ugh!! lol.
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
For some reason I didn't like the ending too much maybe because I didn't understand it too well, but I really want to re read it to try to understand