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Who are Jon Snow's parents?



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So GRRM is gonna reveal who Jon's parents are in later volumes... well there are supposedly only two more books...sooooo. I figure it has to come out in book 6 in order to tie every thing up prettily in book 7. Dear God please let him end the series at book7. George is no Stephen King, or James Patterson, those guys crank out books like rabbits birth their young. If he shoots for book 8 we'll never see the conclusion. You think?
posted over a year ago.
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haha...I am thinking the same...he looks too old and heart attack prone to last even two more books leave alone three and I would hate to think what a commercial writer would do to the story in trying to mop up the books....we would end up with a Hollywood, Spielsberg type slop at the end
posted over a year ago.