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Advice Question


My friend has been feeling very bad lately. Emotionally. She says everyone hates her and that she will ride her bike and let a car run her over! I am at a loss of words, so please tell me something to save her!!!!!
she tells me what's going on, and one thing is that her mum says she wants her out of her life!
shadowluvr posted over a year ago
tell her that u wont judge wha she is going to say and just listen before u speak
jazzscarb posted over a year ago
 shadowluvr posted over a year ago
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Advice Answers

POPclogger216 said:
First, take the bike away. Then, ask her why she is feeling that way, has anybody said anything to her, and that she can trust you. If she at first says she doesn't want to talk about it, then be a little persistant, she may feel like no one wants to hear what she's going to say . Listen to what she has to say, then help her get through it/fix it.
If all else fails, grab her into a big bear hug ant tell her that you love her (as a friend).
Hope this helps! :) :) Please tell me how she is!
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posted over a year ago 
Jakemulliken said:
One you need to tell her parents. I know that she might hate you for telling them but you need to get an adults help. Also try to talk to her and ask what is wrong? Say i am here to help you. If that does not help call the police. They can find a way to help her out.
Also you can email me if you need any more help.
i am here to help people out!
Good luck and be safe
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posted over a year ago 
para-scence said:
Take her bike away, then don't leave her until you're sure she wont. Let her know that not everyone hates her, and all the things shed miss if she would die. Let any trusted adults know too.
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posted over a year ago 
Prawls8612 said:
Tell her that you need her in your life and make her feel good. It will make her happy.
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posted over a year ago 
Sheetal1256 said:
Just tell her...everything happens 4 a reason..this ain't no time 4 her silly mistakes...she got whole life 2 life...why not live it wid to da fullest....who knows 2morrow will come or not...just keep patience...n every difficulties will vanish soon...just believe in urself,ur capability,n the zeal to live:D
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posted over a year ago 
dientes16 said:
I am praying for your friend and for you to have the right words and know the right thing to do. If I were you,I would tell her how much she means to you, stay with her as much as possible, and tell a trusted adult.
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posted over a year ago 
skytail127 said:
ok, tell her that you are there for her, make sure she understands she is not alone. remind her of all the reasons why life is worth living and all of the people who care about her. reminde her that this too shall pass and then talk to a trusted adult, like her dad, your parents, a teacher, or someone like that. get her some help and make sure she isnt left alone with her bike.
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posted over a year ago 
jazzscarb said:
can she go to another family menmber and i suggest she seek help out side of her home i know how it feels to be hated and wanting to die if she's on here she can talk to me to !
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posted over a year ago 
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