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Advice Question


I feel like there is no where to turn. Everywhere I go I hear people talking about me, calling me stupid ugly. I can't take it anymore, even some of my friends are treating me bad. I went to one of myy friends party and we decided to play a game, there was two way to decide who gose first the ugliest or the oldest they chose the ugliest and stared with me. I feel so alone, I've talked to people and still its no help, no one seems to understand how i feel, and i can't trust anyone. I really need help and I feel like if I don't get help soon, i'm going to end up hurting myself. Dose anyone have any websites that could help me or something please? I'm in desparte need of it.
 rose12345 posted over a year ago
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Advice Answers

godzillaman999 said:
They are just words, don't let them take advantage of you like that, fight back (Trash talk) or ignore them. It's easy for me. None of us human beings is ugly. We are all just diffrent. Just remeber, you aren't ugly. They are just being idiots, just fight back or ignore them.
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posted over a year ago 
Okay thanks
rose12345 posted over a year ago
You're welcome, and that fight part means trash talk.
godzillaman999 posted over a year ago
clelily13 said:
ignore them. there just either jealous of you or they feel so bad about themselves they put down other people to make themselves feel better. talk to your parents or your best friend about it. they can help(: if not just tell the bully that they need to fuck off. sorry for the language but it keeps them away(: i hope i helped and i hope you feel better hun<3 DONT HURT YOURSELF. THATS NEVER THE ANSWER. YOUR GONNA FEEL EVEN WORSE IF YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
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posted over a year ago 
rose12345 posted over a year ago
POPclogger216 said:
I don't know of any websites, but I do know thiss:
It doesn't matter what you look like, or what other people think or say, you're still beautiful in God's eyes. Even if you don't believe, He still thinks your beautiful. And with God on your side, those useless words they tell you, trying to put you down are just that. Useless. :)
My friend likes Lady Gaga, and she told me this quote. "You laugh because I'm different; I laugh because you're all the same." Just because you're different, doesn't mean your fat, ugly, or stupid. It means you're YOU, and only you. And nothing can change that. If they don't like you for who you are, then they might not be the friends you thought they were. I'm sorry they're treating you like that.
If you need any more advice, a friend, or just somebody to listen, I'm here. :)
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posted over a year ago 
rose12345 posted over a year ago
StarGirl1721 said:
Don't worry about them people tease you either because there miserable and want to make someone more miserable than them selves, it could also be because they don't like you, don't get upset by it but its the truth.........Don't care if people think your ugly, no matter what your always beautiful.
Don't feel alone you just have to search for the right friend. I see many people with this situation so don't worry your not the only one, just get your mind off of it, If your friends play a game like that and they think your ugly tell them that you don't like it.

If they still don't listen don't play with them if you have no friends go make friends, friends that won't hurt you but it may be very hard to do that......I just have to ask, Have you teased those people before, that tease you now or have you done something wrong to them? I am not trying to get on your personal stuff I am just asking, it would be great if you do.

by the way I hope I helped, sorry I have no websites best thing you can do is have patience and Ignore them, if they say something mean in front of you and or say it loud just so you can hear it, just act as if you never heard them and get on with your life. Don't let bullies ruin your life.

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posted over a year ago 
rose12345 posted over a year ago
Your welcome I hope I helped, I don't think I really did
StarGirl1721 posted over a year ago
Kassaremidylynn said:
Okay, first off, don't let a-holes get you down. I know it's a HELLA lot easier said than done to ignore gossip, but you gotta try, because one day you are going to meet people who like you, it just might take a bit longer. Think about it like this:

If you hurt yourself, you might miss those people. Then, not only are you missing out, but so are they. All of you and these theoretical people are missing out on movie nights, inside jokes, stupid stuff you accidentally said, fights, getting lost because someone took a wrong turn but still having a great time, trying food that looks like its still alive, and so much more because you did something you'll definitely regret later.

There is also a hotline you can call. The people are so freakin' nice, and they listen to you talk and get upset. It's the Trevor Project Hotline, for when you feel like you may actually do something really dangerous to yourself. This is the number:

1866 488 7386

And this is the website:


They both really do help. I've used it personally, and so have my friends. I know it's primarily for LGBTQ community, but it can work for other stuff. I hope this helps, and you remember to stay strong through the large crowd of jerks.
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posted over a year ago 
RiderOfTempest said:
I'm sorry :( i can relate. I have almost the exact same situation going on over here. I have to bite back harsh comments myself, because of what they do. Some friends.
If your feeling alone, neglected, taken advantage of, bullied, or if u have no one to confide in...know your not the only one. :) I don't really have any websites...but these are what you can do, it helps me, and I can see u and i have similar interests, and were in the same boat.
Read books--Of your choice :) i read mostly fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, dark romance and supernatural. It helps to give you other things to think about, remenicing and day-dreaming, to escape problems for a while.
Music--If your bullied for how u look, I suggest Lady Gaga, Blood on the Dance Floor, Black Veil Brides, or....Katy Perry?
Blast the music that speaks to you and makes you happy, blast it and memorize the lyrics to the songs.
Hmm, if i think of anything else...idk. I really suggest you listen to "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga, if u havent already. Learn the lyrics.
Your obviously better than them. Ignore the Haters. Haters make me famous. ;) Dont let them get to you. Train yourself not to care, because its your opinion about yourself, and who you are inside that matters.
If they laugh at you because your different, smile and walk away, because their all the same. Because your a better person, their shallow and dumb, and seeking ways to make themselves feel better. Calling other people ugly wont make them any prettier. The same with fat and skinny.
If your friends act like you say....well in my opinion their douches. But i havent met them neither has anyone else . So its your opinion that matters. Do they care about you? Would they give a damn if you did hurt yourself? Are they genuine friends or enemies in disguise?
I know i probably didnt help...and this is so long it isnt funny, but best of luck to you :)

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posted over a year ago 
Try this, its inspirational speaking. I'll comment or Message more if i find any: link
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
CrimeDramaBee said:
Keep in mind that you're not alone, and hurting yourself is never the answer. You are a beautiful person- inside and out, and well, sorry if they can't see that, but it should not be your problem. If your friends think that way then they are not your true friends. Many schools have rules to investigate bullying, so see if yours does. There's probably someone else who feels the same way as you, and someone who will stick up for you. Lay down outside and look at the clouds and think of everything you like about yourself. What are you good at? Are you kind? Do you like animals? What makes you unique? And wouldn't it be awesome to have more people like you around than people like bullies? Why would you want to hurt yourself, when you already are a beautiful person? Why do you deserve more pain than you already have? Find people you trust and take a stand. It's not cliche. It's something that you can do for yourself. And who will they be in 10 years?

In honor of my love for Glee, take a listen <3
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posted over a year ago 
para-scence said:
Dont listen to them. No one is ugly; Im sure you are a beautiful, wonderful person. Theyre just asses. Try talking to a school counselor or something, or just tell them to knock it off. Theyre being rude and immature. Try letting your friends know it hurts you.
Hope everything gets better.
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
OK, firstly they are only using words which is as bad but not worse than physical bullying. I have been in the past bullied and although hard when it happens if this is happening at school you should tell the teachers if its when your not at school apart from telling your parents or even the parents of the children doing it. Other than trying to keep away from them for a while and seeing if they still do it next time you see them. I am not sure what else to suggest. Hope some of this helps.
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posted over a year ago 
neofly said:
ok well hey dont go that far its not ok. Just listen i say u tell those friends that they r hurting ur feelings and that every time they say that u wonder why there any piont for u to stick around. and for those people u hear talking about u justignore them there just saying that to feel better about them selves. Its unexceptible for people to treat u that way. please dont think it means u need to hurt ur self think of it as a way to toughn and relize that if those peole wont except u then maybe its time toget new friends. hang in there u will be ok. good luck and if u need to talk send me a message.
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posted over a year ago 
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