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Advice Question

How do I help my friend?

I have been friends with someone for about a year and right now she appears to be having a mental break down. This has been happening for approx 2 months. She won't take anyone's advice, she isn't thinking logically either. When she called me yesterday to tell me something I tried to tell her what was going on and she hung up on me. I find that I cannot take this anymore, when I talk to her I find that I am getting mentally exhausted.

It all started when her ex-boyfriend sexually violated her. The next time she saw him they talked about it, then she hung out with him and 2 other friends. Yesterday she called the cops on him, I have no idea why because she hung up on me.

I just don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

She is in her mid 30's!
 United86 posted over a year ago
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Advice Answers

BabyBlud said:
Perhaps your friend is feeling a little like she's drowning. She's in her mid-30's you say, she has her own life, her independence and with everyone clamouring around her trying to show her they care, it's like being a teenager all over again getting berated for wearing something forbidden or missing curfew.
I'd back down for a while, but still show support for her. If you're worried she is having a mental break down, go see your doctor and ask advice on what the appropriate way to go would be. Ask around for leaflets on mental health, and slip them to her when she's in a good mood. Trawl the internet to find out what illness she may have. Different mental illnesses have different factors, mood swings, appearance, how she talks and walks and what she eats, all can be clues as to what is happening inside her mind.
She may be hanging up on you because all you want to talk about is the problem she's facing, which if it is mental can make her more distant and weary of you and your intentions. try ringing her again but instead of focusing on what happened and why and talking about the problem, ask her round for tea and a chat, or to watch a movie together one night. how about a night on the town so you can both relax. If you treat her normally (even when she goes off the rails with mood swings etc) the trust she had in you will be re-kindled and in her own time she may open up a little bit more.
You could try going to the police station yourself, and asking their advice on what you can do for her, seeing as officers there should be trained to deal with the repercussions of sexual violations, domestic abuse etc.
To be honest, it sounds as though you yourself need a break. What would happen to you friend if you're trying so hard to get her better that you yourself turn ill? That would be helping no one.
First and foremost you must remember she is a grown woman, she has her life away from you too, and if she needs to handle this on her own so be it, but always be there to support her with whatever decision she makes.
In my experience, i've learnt that a good friend will on one occasion barell in guns blazing to defend their friend and then when the time is appropriate, step back and support but allow the friend to take the helm.
Whatever is going on, i hope your friend gets better soon and realised what a good friend you are. Hope everything turns out well X
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks so much, you give some good advice. However I am not the one which brings this stuff up. She is the one, whenever we talk we have to talk about it. Also she has tried suicide before too, which kind of scares me. She's not really independent either she has to live with someone because of her mental health. She told me a couple weeks ago that whenever she sees herself in a mirror she cries. Ever since I have known her she is always depressed. I have never seen her smile or laugh. Which breaks my heart. I know that she has an illness, I just think that she has another one. Because that illness which she has, I don't believe would cause this.
United86 posted over a year ago
Does she have therapy? Perhaps you could go to her therapist and explain your fears to her/him and see how they react. Many people in therapy often hold things back until they feel they can be trusted, so her therapist may not know exactly how she is feeling or what its going on. Medication could also be a factor, as she already has a mental illness, changes in medication or routine could cause repurcussions also, unfortunately the only way to resolve that is either wait it out to see if once her body accepts the new medication she calms down, or change the medication entirely. With the little you've told me of her condition and how she acts it sounds to me like bi-polar disorder, a severe form of depression. I hope she's getting the help she needs and you're a very good friend to be so concerned about her. Seeing as she's the one who's bringing up the prioblem in the conversations it could mean she does want to talk about it, but doesn't appreciate the helpful advice just at this moment, be sympathetic of course, but try to refrain from telling her what she should do or what you would do if you were in the same situation :) See how that goes.
BabyBlud posted over a year ago
Thanks so much for answering this question, and giving me some advice. I try to be a good friend. I guess be bullied a lot in school, plus my life experience I guess that has made me into a good person. However there a few people who I dislike immensely, generally because they have hurt me or the ones that I love. I really hope that my friend gets better soon though, however I don't think that this will happen. Due to her progress, and how she is handling it. Makes me sad to see this wonderful BIG hearted woman in such a state. Thanks again for answering BabyBlud. I have voted you as best answer.
United86 posted over a year ago
MissO1116 said:
Maybe that is why she called the cops. She saw what she was becoming and it was because of him. Call her again and tell her it is not your own business but you care.
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
Well don't take this the wrong way but I fear it may be her age I am in my mid 30s and so is my friend and she and I are both doing things out of character. I have feelings for someone who I can not have for any number of reasons but can not get him out of my head and my friend is making out of character decisions that 5 years ago she would not have made. OK so as she has called the police what ever the problem is will obviously be serious. As her friend I am sure you have told her in the past that your here for her. First things first if a phone call will not work write her a letter put it in a nice card (I make all mine so its very personal) then in the letter tell her how you feel remind her if she needs you she knows where you are repeat all your contact details including email and anything else. Then wait probably about 4 weeks would work well and if in that time you have not heard anything ring her up and see how she reacts I did something similar with my friend and although we are not communicating regularly she has been intouch and so my mind has been put at rest. Hope this helps. Good Luck
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posted over a year ago 
neofly said:
first of all she could be on drugs. Second of all u need to sit her down and tell her right to her face right to her face coolit. ha jk. But u need to sit her down and say no talking not one running just listen. u need serious help. u r going crazy u are not helping ur self at all and u need to listen. I want to help u for the better and i cant if u dont take it. now u need to snap the f**** out of whatever this fase is. because if i dont start seeing a great change in ur behave your im gonna call the cops on u for being crazy. now take mt advice clean ur life up and start thinking about whats going on how u act about it and what u need to change asap.
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posted over a year ago 
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