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Advice Question

Love advice, urgent please.

I was engaged to a guy named Ross. and I have bipolar disorder, he knows this. And when i get mad or defensive in a fight, i say "i'm over" even when i don't want to be over with him. And i've done it twice before and he told me that if i did it once again, that we'd honestly be over. and we got into a fight two days ago and i said "I'm over." he flipped and said "Fuck you, you want it to be over, it's over. you can't fix this you ended us. you killed us."
I tried calling him, texting him, everything he hasn't responded once. And then there's pictures of him on facebook hanging out with this girl and guy. The guy is a fucken ASSHOLE, who i feel manipulated Ross. Ross is the sweeetest most romantic guy i've ever met, he would NEVER not respond to me, he HATES it when we don't talk. And now we haven't talked in two days.

Should I move on, or keep hope?
 Chlarkfan posted over a year ago
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Advice Answers

Goldilottes said:
Oh thats really sad :( I know how it feels because i have lost the guy i loved too, and I also have very mild bipolar.
If it was me, I wouldn't let him go yet- you were engaged to him,and it's only been 2 days. so don't give up hope yet. I would leave it about another 2 days, don't go running back to him because thats what he wants. Temporarily make some distance between the two of you, don't contact him for an whole day or two, and use those days to plan what you're going to do next, and how you're going to get him back, because you aren't exactly in a good position here. Also, if you do ever get back with him, keep in mind that you should really try hard to fight urges to say its over, because i can see why that would upset him. maybe after a week if nothing you have thought of has worked, you havent been able to tell him how you feel and explain your side of the story, then a last resort would be you could write him a letter, because he can't put the phone down on a letter, or interrupt a letter. even if he doesn't admit to it, i can almost guarentee that if you send it he'll read it- out of curiosity if nothing else. say in the letter where you think you went wrong, and don't blame him in the letter. lightly suggest/ask whether the asshole dude manipulated your guy, and remind him of all the good times, memories and all the things you talked about, list why you love him , make it very personal and make references to things only the two of you know about, and say everything you need to say. Most importantly, explain your side of the story and promise NEVER to say its over again, because guys can't stand that. however angry and hurt you are as you write the letter, DON'T blame your man because it will push him away from you. you could invite him round for a coffee and to talk as adults,but, you should end on the note that you love him, but suggestively make it clear that you won't chase him forever.
If you need any more advice as your situation progresses, or if any of my ideas don't work or you need more advice, don't hesitate to message me because I can always help :)
good luck getting your guy back.
Lottey :) <3 xx
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posted over a year ago 
neofly said:
ok well i say do waht u can. And i know cheezey but they say set ur love if they come back it was ment to be if they dont they were not ur to keep. But good luck
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posted over a year ago 
writer67 said:
im over can also mean , u dont want to argue anymore. he could be testing ou for a reaction, so dont bite, move out there and redo some things you want to do,its gona hurt for a while , but let him go for now, focus on you and finding some new words. you need to find yourself.change something about you, hair color, cut hair, new clothes,new outlook on life. if he wants back, you need to redate, and relearn of one another. but you could use the info of were you both stand. over for good, friends, or never look at one another again, and no words of hi when you pass one another. but refind you first. volunteer some time somewhere, keep busy. i got bipolar too, yet manage it with dificulty, and smiles good luck, keep your chin up.;-]
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posted over a year ago 
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