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Advice Question

Weight Loss Advice? Please Help!

So, as the question states, I'm in some desperate need of good/reasonable weight loss advice. I'm looking to lose 20 lbs., but for some weird reason, my body goes into "crash diet" mode whenever I try to diet sensibly. I am active; I do ballet and aerobics. I haven't had anything sugary or incredibly fattening in a while. Yet, I cannot shed 20 lbs! I am so frustrated. Can any of you all help me out or give me some tips? Thanks!
 Summer_Leanne posted over a year ago
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Advice Answers

Chibi-Baka3 said:
Some things that may help:

1.) Try to have water for most of the day instead of sodas or juices.
2.) Walk for 45 minutes.
3.) Eat vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchinis, and/or cucumbers; they're filled with water.
4.) Eat slowly, and only when you hear your stomach growling.
5.) Along with the walking, do it before dinner; it's said to decrease appetite.
6.) One that my dad said to me a long time ago: don't believe in the whole "three meals a day". Make them into smaller portions throughout the day, so that you can eat more and not have to worry about gaining weight. He hasn't really explained it to me, so I suppose that you get the same amount that you do in any other day.

These are just a few examples out of the fifty that I found here: link Try them out and see how it works for you. Good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
Your answer is very helpful : ) Thanks a bunch!
Summer_Leanne posted over a year ago
No problem! ^^
Chibi-Baka3 posted over a year ago
BabyBlud said:
Non-Carbohydrate diet, my aunt lost 201b in three months following this diet. She hasn't eaten pasta, bread, potatoes or rice, no crisps, cakes etc.
It's a high protein/iron diet.
For breakfast she has - 2 fried eggs, two rashers of bacon, one glass of pure orange juice.
For lunch she has - steamed fish and vegetables with home made white sauce (you can easily find a recipe to make your own white sauce on the net followed by another glass of pure juice (any), two glasses of water or a cup of tea unsweetened.
For dinner she has - chicken or beef or pork, steamed or grilled with low fat oil, steamed vegetables and one table spoon of low fat gravy and either a glass of red or white wine, or a cup of sparkling water.
For when she has the munchies - fruit and vegetables (such as carrot, celery, cucumber sticks slightly flavored with low fat salsa or dip.
She has replaced her full fat milk with semi-skimmed, and replaced her normal sweets and chocolates with wieght-watchers and diabetic friendly as both have lower amounts of sugar in them.

Exercise well (although from what i've read you already are doing) and like Chibi-baka said eat little but more frequently.
The reasoning of this is because if you eat a large meal three times per day you are stretching your stomach to hold all this food, which makes your body strain to make more acid and crave more when you try to diet. If you eat simple and little meals, but have say four or five healthy ones instead of 3, your body will get used to having food. That may sound bad but it's not. Because of the way the human body works, if we starve ourselves by skipping meals our body's survival instinct kicks in and when we eat next stores all the vital minerals and fat that our body should have used. The reason our body stores it instead of using it, is our body doesn't know when our next meal is coming from. Eat healthy, eat slowly, and eat frequently :)
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posted over a year ago 
You're really helpful! Thank you so much! : )
Summer_Leanne posted over a year ago
germany123 said:
weight loss is all aboot calorie intake vs calories burned (see link) and while of course no one suggest you should try it you might want to consider this when it comes to portion size.
short term dieting e.g. no carbs is fine for a while but esp if youre exercising your body needs fuel and you need to keep sane (people get so BITCHY when they dont eat enough carbs :P)

if youre doing what youre doing (getting enough exercise and eating sensibly) and youre still not losing weight you might want to see if cutting out specific things from your diet might help e.g. dairy, gluten. you could get an allergy test done to check if you show any reaction to get a clue on where to start.
do you have any symptoms apart from the 20lbs excessive weight? bloating? stomach aches? fatigue?
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posted over a year ago 
I drink lots of water (over 100 ounces a day), and it's just a habit that has stuck with me for a while. Some people snack when they're bored, but I drink water when I'm bored. Sounds crazy, right? Well, because of that habit, I do experience quite a bit of bloating. Still, when I weigh myself on mornings before drinking or eating anything, the scale reads 20lbs higher than what I'd like my weight to be.
Summer_Leanne posted over a year ago
graystone said:
Dont think of the weight loss a chore.Instead try to think of it as something fun.
Like if you like to swim go for a swim.Or maybe you could take a walk.
You could take one one of your friends with you,in that way you can support and encourage each other.And always,remember,never ever opt for a crash diet.I have a friend who skipped breakfast daily for a couple of weeks or so and she fainted during gym class.
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posted over a year ago 
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