Advice don't want to publically display your problems? just send a message

amazondebs posted on Jan 04, 2008 at 11:25PM
if you don't want to display your problems just pick someone from the list and send a message to them
obviously though more people with different experiences can give advice if you post it

anyone who wants to help people or give advice just add your name to this forum and if you have any particular experiance with a certain type of problem put that too

if you've read my second soapbox on here you'll know that my particular experiance is dealing with something medical but i could also be of help with anything from parents to ex boyfriends
last edited on Jan 04, 2008 at 11:42PM

Advice 52 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 52

over a year ago knifewrench said…
I'd like to help :)

I know quite a bit about (and some of them I have first hand experience) of:

-Hospital/medical related issues
-Christianity and moral dilemmas
-Psychological illnesses/disorders
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Temptasia said…
I would be happy to listen to anyone who has something they need to talk about. I am on almost all the time. I am a 23 year old mother of 2. I have been in about every dating, pregnancy, and marriage situation you can imagine (really). I also have experience ith depression and ADHD. Also death of family members. So if you want to talk I am your woman!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
* i am a trained hairdresser...(before you ask: never bleach your hair at home!)
* my little private area of expertise is sibling relationships/ family drama
* my weakness is that i sometimes cant help being a tad sarcastic..please keep in mind that its never meant to be offensive :)
over a year ago dazl said…
I want to help.
-I work with teen problems a lot.
-I have experience with depression
-I have dealt with every sort of family problem in existence.
-Bullying is my own arena.

I'm always willing to listen, and I don't judge.
over a year ago pirateroro said…
I would love to help.

I listen well (so i'm told). When i was at boarding school i was the person my friends came to with problems. And there were a fair few of those let me tell you, with it being a performing arts school the term 'drama queen' applied to most of us :)

Also if anyone is going through exam stress or anything, i can totally relate, its giving me hell :)
over a year ago thecon said…
I'd love to help out. I'm 23, and I've always opened myself to other's problems.

I helped a friend through some difficult times when she left home, lost her self esteem, and started threatening suicide (not all at once!). I helped her through Uni, and last week she bought a house and couldn't be happier now.

I often help people who are stuck in a rut, or feel there's no hope, but I am always there to listen and give advice if needed, whatever the reason.

over a year ago doonis said…
I'm only 14, but I've experienced some stuff, so if someone younger-ish had a problem, I might be able to help. Or someone older, but then I can't guarantee I'd be able to do anything.
over a year ago Cinders said…
I would love to help. I'm nineteen years old and I have dealt with some interesting issues

My specialties include:

Eating disorders (particularly in males, but also in females) (F)
Cutting (F/S)
Alcoholism (F)
Sexual identity issues (S/F)
Self-confidence issues (F)
Feelings of loneliness (S)
Moving and/or getting left behind by a friend who is moving (S-- this is a big one for me)
Various dilemmas with best friends (S/F)

(S means I've experienced it. F means it happened to a good friend of mine who I helped through it.)

I'm fairly open about my life here on fanpop. Here I'm an open bisexual when it's not so open in real life. It's often easier to speak to a stranger about issues like these.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago meeee said…
I'll help
I'm 13
I'm good at:
-being positive
-and problems
over a year ago Kegel said…
I'm 23 and always open if somebody needs to talk, advice etc.

I can especially give advice on school and university-related issues.

over a year ago TweenaCat said…
I would love to help!
I'm only thirteen but I think I could help with problems about:
-friendship (friends turning their backs on you etc)
-Bullying or spiteful comments
-Moral dilemmas
-Low self esteem

Or basically if you want to talk or complain about anything really I don't mind. It always helps to talk about stuff even if it's just petty. Like everyone, I pretty much have had a whole ton of petty problems in my life anyway ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ztara said…
I have had to/ am dealing with pretty bad deperssion but i always seem to help others who are in the same boat so if anyone needs help with:

*Skitosophenia (can't spell btw)
*Death/ grieving

i have/am dealing with all the above so if anyone has problems in this kind of area, i know were there coming from =]

im here and i will talk till the cows come home if anyone needs me.

p.s i also have a large hairy birth mark on my left arm, big enough for me to to get picked on when i was younger, its about as big as two dinner plates (stange annalogy i know but hey icant think of anything better) if anyone has any conserns about anything similar just write me, iv gone through it. (ill put a pic up for anyone intrested at what it looks like)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ktlady said…
I'd like to help!

I have experience with/have helped people with:

*Eating disorders - My sister and friend both suffered from bulemia and would like to help to ease anyone's pain.
*DID/MPD (Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder)- I have a close family friend with this disorder. My mother also knows someone else with this problem and I would like to provide any support I can.
*Depression- I have family members who have had this issue, as well as having small bouts of it that I have fought through.
*Self-esteem - Many friends who have this problem, as well as a small problem myself. But I can help with confidence a lot, as mine has increased quite a deal these past years.
*Religion issues/religious discrimination- I have attended church all my life and have had my fair share of doubts and concerns, as well as hearing others' trials in the gospel. I have also been persecuted for my beliefs... not severely, but enough so that I know how it feels. And it hurts.
*Moving/making friends- I've moved 3 times in the past 9 years, and will probably make another move in the next year or so... so this is one I have lots of experience with. Also, The school I attend currently is also filled with people from all over the world who have moved multiple times in their lives.
*Family issues
*Motivation/Indecision- I have the hardest time making decisions and actually feeling like doing anything. I'm actually working on overcoming this at the present moment. (I think the picks on fanpop are helping, guys! haha ;D)
*Lack of emotions and liveliness- I'm not sure how much of a problem this is... but uhhh... I'm emotionless quite a bit. I rarely cry, get angry or show emotions. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes it feels good to release these repressed emotions and laugh a little more.

I would love to help in any way, even if it's not related to any of the above. It's my goal to make a difference in the world and in other people, so I want to help in any way I can. I've never met a person I didn't like, and always seek for good qualities in others, so you don't have to worry about me judging you. :D

I also know how difficult it is to turn to others for help sometimes. I struggle with it, and can only think of one or two times where I have done it myself. But trust me, it helps and releases a lot of the burden.
Holy Kanoley! Sorry I wrote so much! *smiles guiltily*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cinders said…
ktlady-- by chance do you attend an international school like ASL or ISL?
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I want to help.

I'm 19, I'll listen to any problem without judging and try to help. :)
I'm probably better with issues on:
- friendship
- dating
- family (especially sibling problems)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hekissedmyhand said…
i will listen to whatever! i dont have any "expertise". Or rather i can't think of any! :)
over a year ago ktlady said…
Yes, Cinders I do. :) Why?
over a year ago randomchicky456 said…
i will listen to wat ever u want to say. u can just talk to me and ill listen even if u dont need advice its good to get all that stuff out. so leave me a message or email me and i will help. no problem is too big
over a year ago DrDevience said…
I would love to help, but being the only actual trained Shrink here it would possibly open me up to lawsuits, as well as Fanpop.

To those offering help:

DO NOT ever, never, at no time suggest to anyone a concrete course of action. Listen to them and let them figure it out themselves. More often than not a person seeking advice really does not need advice, just confirmation of a decision they have really already made...
over a year ago DrDevience said…

Where depression is concerned - know when it is time to distance yourself from the situation. That is a VERY very verrrrry tricky wicket... advise them to seek a counselor in their city.
over a year ago lilie2 said…
I would like to help also! Give advise or just listen...

I really think it's great that so many people offer there help! I think that it really helps to talk to someone you don't know and ask for advise
Honestly I could use some help myself, but I feel kind of weird just sending one of you a message...i don't know.., but it's good for the people who do!
over a year ago Pinkish1987 said…
I'd like 2 help -

Im 21

- Studied psychology 4 2yrs so I know about depression etc to the medication related 2 it
- I knw abt drugs and alcohol - how 2 quit and 2 stop being dependant
- Ive given advice often so I can say Im gud at it :)

If ne1 needs 2 talk, Im here :) ALL of it will stay confidential.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
Pink - 2 yrs of Psych does not make you informed enough... it means you just enough to be dangerous. There is no way in hell you know enough to counsel someone about psychotropics.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i have to agree with DrDevience her pinkish
this spot was created for friendly advice and so people would have someone to listen to

not to give medical advice!

seriously please don't if a fan is in need of advice like tell them to go to their doctors or a professional psychiatrist!
over a year ago Pinkish1987 said…
I didnt say I was informed 2 a professional extent.. yet.
Wat I meant by medication related 2 it was alota ppl tke alota stuff. & I'd discourage tht. Im not here 2 give medicinal advice at all.

Drdev - u cud have said all tht alot more politely. Dnt assume. ASK wat I mean if wat I say confuses u. :)
over a year ago Pinkish1987 said…
Oh & I'd like 2 apologise to anyone who felt offended by what I sed - I can remove tht comment if u want.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
Umm...i can give advice and help on...

Online shopping (i know a lot of people are wary around small shops but i've bought from big to little, lol)
Art/Design/Graphics (i can be critical but i'll say how to fix stuff and i have a butt load of good links)
Searching for stuff (me and google are bff, lol)

So yeah, i can help with anything little and random. I am studying Visual Merchandising which is window displays/in-store displays so i can help with a lot of design stuff or give advice on if you are starting a shop or whatever :)
over a year ago DrDevience said…
Wat I meant by medication related 2 it was alota ppl tke alota stuff. & I'd discourage tht.

That is indeed giving advice about meds without the qualifications to do so. Even if you had a PhD, you could not do this online. You cannot diagnose or make that level of decision without face-to-face consultation.

The ONLY thing you can say if you think someone is taking too many meds is to go get a second opinion.

I am sorry if think this is mean, but it is a serious issue. Very serious. This is not a game.

Also, it might make it easier for people to understand you if you did not use Texting shortcuts. This is a forum, not your cell phone. You don't have to type in a hurry on a small pad.
over a year ago Pinkish1987 said…
Thats jus the way I type. On other forums abbreviation isnt 'shunned'
If ppl dont get it, not my problem. Ignore me if its an issue Drdev :) I can see it is, since my 1st post on ths forum neway evn after my apology.

To other fanpop users,
Im here 2 help otherwise.

I repeat - i will NOT give medical advice. So 4 thoz of u who need 2 talk etc, I think I can be of help.
over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
computer stuff
anything about them
over a year ago XpsychotickissX said…
i can try to help, i've been through a lot & I'm a good lsitener. I guess areas I'm good with are:
-suicide-a friend's or ur own thoughts
-friend problems
-relationship troubles
-family problems

& pretty much anything else, I'm online a lot & will listen no matter what :)
over a year ago deathnote said…
I can help, I'm always online! I have experienceses with:
*datting (from ex-boyfriends/girl to just crushes)
*family problems
*yaoi/ or another addicton
*video games
*baby sitting little kids!!

over a year ago deathnote said…
I"ll take anything!! and I would sertainly wont laugh AT YOU because there's nothing to laugh about
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
i would LOVE to help
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
I'd like to help as well. I don't particularly have a specialty, but the items that I have the most experience would probably be stress-related or immediate family problems. So if you ever need a friend, do not hesitate :)
over a year ago kotopoulaki said…
if anyone want help ,he/she can speak to me !
i' 14 ,
i'm good at listening and [when i can ] solve problems ,i'm patient
and i have time!

so , if anyone want anything , i'm here!!!!!!!!
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over a year ago bonesluver126 said…
If anyone needs boyfriend/ girlfriend, ex, or relationship help, feel free to message me anytime! I've delt with almost every type of relationship problem... so... ;)
over a year ago Alx_master said…
I'm 14, bt i've gone thru a lot of problems.
over a year ago thirteen_times said…
I'm online most of the time. I'd like to help, so don't hesitate to ask.
over a year ago stardoughter said…
im a good ear and i have plentifull experence in the falowing...

-guys(vry connfusing i know)

and sooooooo much more! im allwas here so...
over a year ago rosangie said…
I´m here to help anyone, at any age, with any problem. I will give you advice if I have also been through the same situation as you are going through right now, and I will just listen to you if that´s all you need.
I have experienced/know a lot about:
- Depression, anxiety (especially related to university).
- Moving to another country.
- Loneliness and homesickness.
- Eating disorders (all kinds).
- Self-harm.
- Not knowing what to do in the future. Go to uni or not, which course to take, how to choose which one is right for you, etc.
- Family problems.
- Death of a close relative/pet.
- Money problems.
- Long-distance relationships.
I do want to help. You don´t have to go through whatever you are going through alone. I am not here to fix your problems or anything close to that. I am here to relieve your stress and pain by listenning to you. It has helped me a lot, and I hope it will help you too.
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over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I just noticed this forum, and I am willing to listen to anyone. If you need help with anything, feel free to message me.
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
i'll try to help with anything i can. i tend to be very open-minded and nonjudgemental. i have experience with lots of stuff (not going to try to list it all) and my range is growing. i like everyone. i will do anything i can to help no matter the situation.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I'm 18. I've just spent most of the day sorting out some Twilight haters on the spot. I got one of them to apologise on a forum the started :) I was quite proud. I've always been the friend in my group who sorted out people's problems.
i've been doing psychology for the past three years at school and I've always felt I could put myself in most people's shoes. Chances are, I'll know how you're feeling if you want some comforting words or advice :) I'd be glad to help!
over a year ago ultimatefredde said…
I'll help anyone in need.
I know the meaning of loneliness
over a year ago moo000 said…
this is a great idea and I would love to help

Im a 14 year old girl (year nine). I go to an all girls school wihich has taught me to be able to deal with bitchy girls. I am considered the peace keeper of my group becasue I dont judge people or get in fights, just help resolve them.

I think I would be good at helping people who:
-are having trouble wth their parents or siblings (or having trouble with their kids- get a different perspective)
-are stressing or having trouble with school and teachers
-are having some sort of conflict in their friendship group or bullying.

even if you have a different sort of problem, I will be very happy to listen to it and try to help =]
over a year ago AUSHEDGEHOG said…
I can help with:
Love problems
Drawing and/or writting problems
Bullie problems
any disorders including Obesity(Fat),and ADHD
over a year ago twilight0girl said…
i'd be happy to talk to someone with any types of problems,im a girl,but guys,dont be afraid to e-mail (or IM) me about a problem,im not a professinal on problems,but i give good advice.but heres a list of things i could help best with

-Girl advice

-School advice


-self harming (cutting,burning,etc.)


thats just what im best at,but any problems you have you can talk to me :)
over a year ago jedigal1990 said…
i will be happy to help anybody i'm 19 and have been through highschool so i know what goes on also i'm the one friend all my freinds come to because they know that i'm a good listener and love to help without judging i have dealt with bullies all my life so i'm good in that subject, also homework or projects, friend and family trouble. I've dealt with all of these problemes and will be happy to help so just message me for anything i'm here
over a year ago OREGON_boy said…
im going throgh a very deep depresion at the moment if anyone needs help or just wants to talk to somone else who feels that way let me know
last edited over a year ago