Advice "urgent help!!!"

storylover posted on Feb 14, 2011 at 11:41AM
Sometimes , I feel sad ,depressed ,bored and tired
I feel my life is empty , I see life like a hell
I'm crying over nights ,but no one cares , I have a lot of fears at night , I have my parents ,but I feel kinda lonely ,I love to write a story , but people always will critique me,I'm trying to forget the past but I can't but it comes like a ghost in my mind ,I just go crazy and talk to myself and yell rarely ,I don't know what to do? ,I need help!!!

Advice 11 replies

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over a year ago goodekl said…
First, I think that you need to get in contact with a counselor, therapist, or a psychologist right away because this could very well be a severe case of depression and/or impending suicide.

If you feel like your life is empty than why don’t you try to give it meaning. Why don’t you try to go out and volunteer and do a lot of community service. It’s a great way to keep busy and to stop thinking about your inner turmoil and you can feel better about yourself knowing that you are helping the less fortunate. Or you could try to find a hobby, such as reading inspirational poetry or listening to uplifting and inspirational music or watching funny movies. Just try to find something that you know will distract you.

Also, maybe instead of continuously trying to forget the past, you need to confront it and make peace with your past so that you can get closure. Sometimes by trying so hard to forget all the things that have previously hurt us causes us more harm than good. You need to make some kind of acceptance with your past so that can finally move on, not necessarily forget the past, but you will be able to move forward without it constantly haunting you.

Also, I think that by writing a story will definitely help you because it will be a great way for you to escape your problems and it’ll take your mind off them as well.
You really shouldn’t care about what other people will think of your story. Take it from a fellow writer, constructive criticism is great and all, but at the end of the day if I’m happy with my writing then nothing anyone else may say about it doesn’t matter to me and it shouldn’t matter to you as well.
Tell you what, If you need someone that will honestly yet respectfully and gently tell you if your writing is good or not or it has potential than you could just tell me what you want to write about, your characters, the plot, etc just anything you what and I guarantee I will never judge you or your work. I may tell you what you might want to improve on, but I will never be disrespectful to you or your writing. Also, this might help you strengthen yourself and learn to write what you love despite what people might say about it. As a writer and as an artist, we have to love our work and realize that not everyone will like it, but as long as we love and are happy with it then it really doesn’t matter. Besides, not everyone likes the same things, but the amount of people who do like it or will like it might surprise you so just hang in there and do what you love.

Also, take it from me, everyone feels lonely every once in awhile despite having other people around them. It’s normal, it’s human nature. The only thing is that we can’t let the loneliness control us and get in the way of the things we like to do. If you have a severe case of loneliness then why don’t you try meeting new people or join a support group because, trust me, there are plenty of people who feel the way you feel and are going through, or had gone through, what you are gong through now.
Also, why don’t you listen to music that focus on people who feel lonely. For instance, Michael Jackson’s You are not alone or even Christina Aguilera’s Lift Me Up or Pink’s Lonely Girl. Just to name a few.

I hope that helps. Also, if you need someone to talk to or to be your sounding board than you can contact me it’s not problem honestly.
over a year ago storylover said…
Thanks So much!!
years ago ,I tried to kill myself!!!!!!
over a year ago goodekl said…
@storylover Your welcome and I'm sorry to hear that you tried to kill yourself but I am very glad that you didn't succeed. I get that suicide is a way to escape, but their are loads of healthy alternatives to escaping and maybe you could try to find one or just talk to someone. I know that it's hard to talk someone, but talking really does help, especially to strangers because strangers are least likely to judge you personally.
over a year ago storylover said…
sometimes you don't know if they are your friends or foes
even the closet persons to your heart ,judge you then you become so lost , believe them or not ,forgive them or not all I need is feel love from people .
over a year ago goodekl said…
Yeah that is very true and that pretty much what almost everyone wants in this world- people to love them unconditionally and to appreciate them and to just show that they care and understand.
Maybe you should try to write down things that you wish you could talk to other people about. It would be a way for you to get some things off your chest without worrying if you confided in the right person or not. Just start by writing the emotions you feel. For instance, just put the date at the top of the paper and just write the word angry or lonely or any other emotion you feel/felt at the time. Then maybe you could work your way up to actual sentences and then paragraphs. Also, maybe you could turn the things you written down into a story/biography of some sort.
Hope that helps a little
over a year ago storylover said…
yes ,I did that before
and still do !!!
over a year ago goodekl said…
That’s great. At least you found a way to temporarily escape. Also, maybe you could try meditation/yoga or try to help as many other people you can through community service. Yeah, you could definitely try community service if you haven’t already. Sometimes helping others is a great way to help yourself. You will eventually feel fulfilled and some of the people that you help will be very grateful and will probably love you for it as long as you remain consistent and earnest in trying to better the lives of others. It is also a great way to take your mind off of things.
I don’t know if you like kids or the elderly or not, but you could perhaps volunteer at a nursing home/shelter or an orphanage. Just seeing the s and laughter beaming on their little kids faces as well as the warm gratitude the elderly will display to you might be just what you are looking for- love. Also, if you show love and give love to people there is still a chance that people will give and show you love in return. Of course all people are different, but there are still some that might surprise you.
over a year ago storylover said…
I went to the doctor ,I'm getting better
over a year ago goodekl said…
That great to hear!I am very happy for you and I hope you will continue to get better.
over a year ago sweetangel222 said…
sorry they suspend my storylover account
that's my new account
over a year ago dreamon727 said…
Well, that is awesome! But it's good you did the right thing!