Akatsuki U as an akatsuki member (u gotta check it out).......

akatsuki_otaku posted on Jun 15, 2009 at 12:30PM
Alright,akatsuki luvers.Pretend u r an akatsuki member.Tell the name of your clan,village,akatsuki partner,special move,keke-genkai (wrong spellings maybe)& ofcourse your attitude as a member of the most popular & deadliest organization.Oh,almost forgot,give a name 4 your character in the naruto world (optional) >^..^<
Alright,akatsuki luvers.Pretend u r an akatsuki member.Tell the name of your clan,village,akatsuki pa

Akatsuki 59 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 59

over a year ago akatsuki_otaku said…
Name:Amaterasu Uchiha (nickname;Teresa)(active)
Clan:Uchiha clan
Specialty:Discovered a more advanced level of sharingan & so becomes a shape shifter
Partner:itachi Uchiha
Amaterasu,a kunoichi who left Konoha with Itachi & was rumored to have helped Itachi in killing the entire clan....
over a year ago Hidanfan said…
Village:Village Hidden in th Mist
Specialty:Can summon,beasts and use them as loyal minions to achive her own goals
KeKe-Genkai:Furiean Mark
Beast [4 short] was know 2 b a world-wide known Beast tamer..Taming saber tooths 2 birds....and Developed The Furiean Mark:a mark wich appears on the hands and eyes in the formn of a wolf paw,giving the user of this rare mark the specialty to take on the aspects of any beast...After developing it she ran away with Hidan to the akatsuki
last edited over a year ago
Village:Village Hidden in th Mist
Specialty:Can summon,beasts and us
over a year ago akatsuki_otaku said…
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!<3 the story.Pretty good,u r really creative & <3 the Hidan part.LOL
over a year ago Hidanfan said…
Lol thnx ^^ u 2 i thought of hidan as the partner [screw u Kakuzu my partner!]so i put it down as:rn away w/ hidan 2 akatsuki ^^ XD
over a year ago akatsuki_otaku said…
LOL!!!!!!!!Like i said be4 (u probably didn't read)i <3 readin' your comments,u're really hilarious..........just like Hidan.Hmmm....i guess u guys r,i dont no meant 2 b 2gether.XD
over a year ago Hidanfan said…
^^ yeah!thats awsome!we r pretty funny just 1 dif....he's immortal...im almost there XD im close but it aint working! *pokes Hidan*Hidan:what do u want from me this time!?and no im not gonna teach u,u have 2 figure it out like i did me:damn!
over a year ago akatsuki_otaku said…
LOL!!!!!!!!!U r really funny....XD....XD..XD
Well,if u want 2 b immortal u hav 2 b a jashinist & then per4m special rituals & kill people & as long as u kill,u'll stay immortal *asks Hidan if i'm rite*.Yep,he said:"Damn u,bitch,u figured it out like that annoying pest Shikamaru!!!!!" Me:Whatever!!!!!!!LOL
over a year ago Hidanfan said…
Hidan stop being bitchy...[he is always mean like this yet i love em..whats wrong w/ me* hugs hidan*]Hidan:CRAP MAN!SHE"S HUGGING ME HELP DUDE!!!!Me:shut up......jez Hidan:well standing up 43 urself..thats new..what happened..Me:Additude ajustment!*mumbles*:i think he needs 1 >> lol Hidan:What did u say??!!?!no really..i didnt hear...Me:*mumbles*:hot but oblivious...wow a match made in heaven we r...XD[picture nothing 2 do w/ it...just looks awsome!]
Hidan stop being bitchy...[he is always mean like this yet i love em..whats wrong w/ me* hugs hidan*]
over a year ago akatsuki_otaku said…
LOL!!!!!!!!!Man,u guys r the cutest & craziest couple ever.I luved the part where u hug him,he gets annoyed &.......
It's just so cool,u & that foul-mouthed guy.Okay,don't mind the foul-mouthed part,i mean i'm just havin' fun & it's soooooo cool,that u like him.XD
over a year ago Hidanfan said…
awws thnx and i dont care i know he is foul mouhted but im really patient..lol yah....we r crazy ^^ but 1 thing 1 very important thing i must add 2 my Me as a member thing..:Immortailty
over a year ago akatsuki_otaku said…
Yeah,thnx 4 not gettin' mad.I'm glad 2 c SOMEBODY has a good sense of humor *eyeroll*
Hey,since u're a Jashinist,i hope u won't kill me *smiles nervously*
I mean,v're pals,rite?! ^_^;
over a year ago Hidanfan said…
yah,i wont hurt u =D ^^ *gives a warm friendly smile ^^*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
Name: Deejay. (no surname. gave that up)
Village: Sound village missing nin
Clan: no clan.
Specialty: specialises in sonic jutsu, shadow jutsu and possesion jutsu
Keke-Genkai: Oni-Gan
Partner: Deejay is freelance and will work with any partner.
Rank: technically he left the village before his training was complete. he is still a Genin
After escaping from Orochimaru's fortress in the sound Deejay made his way into the wilderness severly injured. upon being found by Kabuto Deejay panicked and activated the Oni-Gan which left Kabuto unconcious and Deejay's techniques fluctuating. eventually he stumbled across an Akatsuki owned town and was befriended by Konan and one of Pein's path bodies during reconaissance.
Deejay was then picked up by Akatsuki and trained by a combination or Deidara, Itachi and Pein's Shura path.
in his training Deejay learned to perfect his Oni-Gan, Senbon Spike techniques and made modifications to his sound band (which he wears on his left wrist)
if you'd like some more info on Deejay's techniques just ask!!
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
big smile
Oni-Gan is the demon's eye. it can absorb both Chakra and techniques faster then the rinnegan. but at the expense of making the user's techniques and chakra fluctuate until it's given time to settle.
Deejay can affectively learn both developed techniques by absorbing them and bloodline limit techniques (due to Orochimaru's experiments his blood and genetic code can be "moulded" like clay)
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
Name: Shisutaa(means Sister)
Village: none
Wolf Pack: MoonScar
Abilities: unknown(Pein knows though)
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
i worked with Hidan once. he covered himself in paper bombs and did a suicide drop into a dam. the man is freakin insane but such a cool customer.
i showed him how the sonic band works and he's all like "That's not a proper jutsu you cheater"
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
K5-HOWL - moar info? history?
i'll admit i'm a little curious
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
lol okay s0rry i had to get off and im still working on it cause my character changes alot.lol.XD
over a year ago sami_smith09 said…
joined the 6 man cell Akatsuki Heaven and we're goin on our first mission.
Yuroko wants us to investigate the nine tails while akatski cloud battles Killer Bee.
our cell has 6 members. 3 of which are currently on sleeper status.
we have Torrin Sabuko formerly of the sand, A tech village ninja, sound village ninja, shadow village ninja and 2 wave ninjas.
i'll keep akatsuki notified of my progress.
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
lulz sorry yalz. a friend of mine was logged in thru FB. the above post is actually mine!!
over a year ago opayer said…
My name is Hoshi Oita.I am from the Oita clan.When I was a little girl I used to climb up the mountain and watch the Oita clan from below.My 2 younger brothers,Tadanori and Toku(twins),would come also come with me.One day when me and my brothers were in the moutains,a giant snake attacked are clan.When we came back every one was dead.My brothers and I decided to move to the hidin mist village.When we got there an old lady adopted us.We used to call her Mrs.N.One time assasins came to our house.Thats when we disscovered our bloodline.It was called wolf blood wich let us have the power of wolfs.We got rid of them,but it was too late.We were homeless again.This time lived by ourselves.I was 15 when I became a jonin ninga,but that was as far as I got.One day I was on my way home when in black cloks wanted me to join them.I had to use my wolf blood on them,but a black haired one used sharingan.They put me in chains and put me in front of their leader.
Leader:is she any use to us?
Kisame:she is very powerful and posses wolf spirt
Leader:ok...now my dear what's your name?
Me:I won't tell u anything
Leader:your choice.Hidan throw her in the sea
Itachi:she has 2 brothers...we can use that agansit her
Me:(wouldn't he rather just have me dead?)
Leader:as u were saying miss?
Me:u wouldn't dare,there only 11
Leader:we do what we want
Me:fine my name is hoshi(told rest of story)
Leader:u are useful!I'm gonna pare u with Deidara
Tobi:but I thought I was senpi's partner
Leader:u can pared with zetsu(mabye he'll eat him)
Tobi:*sigh* okie dokie
They threw me at someone's feet.The person walked to my front.Ilooked pafetic on my side chained.The person nelt down to see me.I saw his face.It was a boy with long blonde hair in the back,some in a ponie tail,and some in front of his left eye.The boy touched my face and some thing licked me.
to be continued...
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
wow intense. Moar Moar!!!!
over a year ago opayer said…
Thank u.This is my first fan story.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
big smile
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
History: (she's a wolf) I have been a loner for about as long as I can remember cause my homeland was destroyed by humans when I was only a few monthes old, I was the only survivor, my older brother Wolfiefess was the one who saved me by bringing me to a mountain about 7 miles away from a Akatsuki ruled town, whether he's alive or not no one knows. being on my on at such a young age I learned how to defend myself quickly and started making my own battle tecniqs soon I mastered the abilty to transfrom into a human and befreinded a eagle named IceFire. but a few years later IceFire left to find a mate and start a family. 4 years later my heart ached for the happiness only a pack could bring so I left my priceless mountain and started travling. soon I found myself in a pack called the MoonScar(me and SaphireWolf made the pack ask if u want to join) and soon after Saphire went missing(me and her were the leaders) and the whole pack fell apart. then I returned to my priceless mountain felling heartbroken, then she decided to go to the Akatsuki controled village and found work there. 4 monthes later Pein noticed the stray wolf hanging around his town, thinking I was a spy, he sent these really vicious dogs to attack me. they had the advantage so i knew i had to find a weakness and i did so i started running away and turned into an abandened building little did i know that Konan, Pein, Hidan, and Zetsu were in that abandened building i noticed them but didnt stop running i ran right at them jumped up used the wall to turn around making myself jump right at the dogs who were coming through the doors , which confused them and gave me an advantage then a gr8 battle happened then me and there leader(Willaim)were the only ones left standing, then we founght for A LONG TIME but we were evenleid matched, so then i went into my humanself used my transfroming abilties to make these rly long claws on my right hand and i was still moving like a wolf sorta(u ever heard of the wolf pose?) an defeated Wlliam but i didnt kill any of them and Pein relized i were i was was from cause of my amulet, and he new that place was destryed and a few weeks later he asked me to join them
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
Here's a picture of her, the feathers are from IceFire
Here's a picture of her, the feathers are from IceFire
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
her past on her travels
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over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
her wolf form of speed
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her wolf form of speed
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
her other wolf form
her other wolf form
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
and another of her wolf forms
and another of her wolf forms
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
wow so much detail. deejay's gonna need some serious work!
also i love the fan stories. they are gnarly to ready moar!!
over a year ago Lv100LUGIAOwner said…
The Aisu Clan, Land of Snow, Partner of Choice is Hidan, Speacial move is Frozen Assault, Ice Creak, Attitude Child Like Hates Losing
Name of Member - Zubaru Rsenkasx
Looks Exactly like this Guy... Hair, Wings, Gloves, Face... Except he wears the Akatsuki Cloak and has White eyes... Creepy i know. And he has a dark secret. However, he has amnesia due to the severe injury on his head covered by the bandage, and he is a host to an unknown Demon that the Akatsuki know about but not Zubaru considering his amnesia and passouts he has when the demon is released from his eye. Will he ever know the truth and his assassin destiny? Or will he die in the Tallons of his Demon?
The Aisu Clan, Land of Snow, Partner of Choice is Hidan, Speacial move is Frozen Assault, Ice Creak,
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
perfect candidate for battle network
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
I have a demon also but I only passout if i lose control of it
over a year ago opayer said…
Hey!Your preety good!I also have qestion.Shold I continue my story?
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
Name:Alester Fuisher


Appearance: A 19 year old ninja of the coud village. He has short white hair and he weres clogs. He has earings with stars on them that are collered red. He has a very attractive face, so all you girl nijas out there, beware!

Bio: he is a new member of the organization and has been attempting to find naruto for awhile. He doesn't have a partner yet, but he wil have one soon. He is a giant flirt when it comes to women. he fought and defeated Pain, yet he cowers to Tobi because he doesn't now how to kill him. He remains loyal to the cause of Akatsuki though. he has a blade that is called Karasu Fukurou (Raven Owl). It looks like a giant arrow head with a handle. its larger than zabuzas blade.

hair color:white

eye color:green.


--->Dark eclipse jutsu
the world simly turns dark

--->dark feather creation jutsu
Can create black metalic feathers out of shadows. (works well with dark eclipse jutsu) they can also be manipulated in movement by the creator of them.

---> feather strand blade jutsu

Each of the metalic strands on the blade extend, stabbing anything nearby

--->summoning jutsu, Raven owl king
summons a giant black owl with demonic eyes.

--->Fusion jutsu
Can combine with something that is willing to be combined, (reven owl king)

--->raven owl king reincarnation jutsu
the fusion turns out to be him with metalic feather on his body and his arms have black armord gaunlets wit claws.

---> Owl eye jutsu
His eyes change to the eyes of an owl, and he can read the messages that the brain send to the body part. Thus he can tell what his opponent is doing before they do.

--->knowledge absorbing jutsu
he ca stab his arm into somone and absorb all their knowledge. they die, and he knows everything they knew.

and also, people who want to test your akatsuki, join the battle network. you donthave to fight others that already in a fight if you want, you can challenge another who has a character and fight them while others fight
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago opayer said…
Deidara: What's wrong? You look sad,un.
Me: (Sarcastic) Oh,nothing is wrong. I just have 2 younger brothers that have to fened for themselves now. That's it.
Deidara: Feisty attitude.I love that in a woman,un(grabs my waist).
Me: Please get off of me.
Itachi: Stop flirting with her. It's making me sick.
Deidara: Good.
Itachi: At least I'm not a gender confused,shemale.
Deidara: Well,at least I'm not an...um...weasel,un.
Me: I'm leavin'(walks away).
Tobi: Hello Hoshi-senpi!
Me: Hey,wanna get some ice cream?
Tobi:(*Gasp*)TOBI'S A GOOD BOY!
Me: I'll take that as a yes.
Deidara: Look,now she's leaving with Tobi.
Itachi: That's your fault,shemale.

to be continued...
Deidara:  What's wrong?  You look sad,un.
Me: (Sarcastic) Oh,nothing is wrong.  I just have 2 younge
over a year ago PreBanned said…
Shemale?..thats really funny!i take it you like deidara?..or no?... i'm not making a character because i'm no good at this stuff like you guys..I'm only able to make fanfiction and that's my limit(not a very good limit)...

Akatsuki rule!:)
Shemale?..thats really funny!i take it you like deidara?..or no?... i'm not making a character becaus
over a year ago Lv100LUGIAOwner said…
That is an awesome picture!
So cute, Zetsu!!!!!!1
over a year ago PreBanned said…
big smile
I know!He's so cute as a dog who's confused!
over a year ago Dreamer4eva said…
Name: Dowkamaru Sukaki(Suki for short)


Country/Village:Small house near the Valley of the End

Partner(s):Sasori and Deidara (ART KICKS BUTT!)

Specialty:Controling the Night (cuz of the 11 tails in her NO ONE knows about, not even Leader-sama) Her brother is 10 tails.

Special Move:~Mind Attack Jutsu. This jutsu only works when the Sky's Eyes are in being used. It allows you to attack a person from the inside. They will feel an extrem amount of pain, but nothing is really happening to them. This pain is not like any type excerinced before, it feels like millions of kunai all hitting you at once. Like having salt poured into your open wounds. Like being put in the middle of the arctic without any clothes, balankets, or heat. Like being burned alive. All of that together, but about 5 times wosrse. This pain has been said to drive people to the brink of insanity and have them purpously jump over the edge. People have killed themselves in fear of feeling it again. (I feel emo now)

Keke-genkai:(make up) Sky's Eyes Like the Sharingan, but can surpass it.

Attitude: LOVIN IT! Her and Deidara are like bestfriends and she is cushin on Sasori. Plus She get to kill people! How sweet is that!?!
over a year ago PreBanned said…
Lol,i like it!
And your not emo,don't worry :)
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
omaigawd your brother is the 10tailed! weird cause like last month or so in my imagination pein sent me on a mission to kill a boy who held the 10tails and nearly succeded but shisutaa spared him in the end...and deidara is my boyfreind! grrrrrrrrrrr
over a year ago SonOfPein said…
Name: Kitsuki Shikyo

Village: Hidden Mist

Clan: Shikyo

Specialty: He is able to freeze anything which has water or chakra in it from something as large as an entire field of grass and trees, to something as small as the blood flowing in a person's veins. Because of this, he can freeze his enemy's entire body in ice from the inside out. Afterwards, he is capable of shattering it killing the person. He can also freeze chakra allowing him to freeze chakra based attacks directed at him.
When at his strongest, he forms and ice sword by freezing the water vapors in the air in his hands. The sword freezes anything it touches and shatters it instantly. His chakra becomes so cold, the air which surrounds him three feet from his body freezes and shatters (from the water vapors freezing due to his cold chakra) creating a natural defensive shield.

Kekei-Genkai: Koori (This is what allows him to freeze things. It is a kekei genkai which causes the users chakra to be exceptionally cold allowing the user to freeze anything water based and chakra based by infusing a small portion of the users cold chakra into the object...)

Partner: Itachi Uchiha


Kitsuki is very loyal to his partner and willing to do anything for Itachi. Kitsuki first met Itachi in the Mist Village when he was younger when Itachi was on a mission in the area and saved Kitsuki's life from an attacker when Kitsuki was a small child. Kitsuki admires Itachi's strength and joined Akatsuki when he was a teen in order to gain the opportunity to know Itachi better and repay his debt to Itachi. Kitsuki was forced to leave his village when he was younger (some time after he met Itachi but before joining Akatsuki) when he lost control of his powers and destroyed a section of the village by freezing and shattering it killing lots of people.

He is a short male with a small, athletic build. He is fifteen years old and has a fair complexion.
Hair: Blue and long, ending at his lower back, there is usually small bits of ice frozen in his hair from his chakra that glisten like crystals in the light
Eyes: violet
Kitsuki is usually dressed in black pants and a black robe for a shirt beneath the usual Akatsuki cloak.

(Kitsuki is actually a character I'm using in a Naruto fanfic right now... lol. I hope he sounds interesting, cause I tried to make an interesting character for the fanfic.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago uchihaline141 said…
Ya here i made this awhile ago on a different one how do you like it?
Name: Eachigo Uchiha
Age: 22
Kenki Genki: Ultimate Sharingan
Team Mate: No one Except (Suki She is another aktuski charecter form a from different site.)
Appearence: About 6'7 has Black hair and always wears a black cloke.
Village: Village Of The Long(Dragon)(Village Of The Dragon)
Bio: Eachigo has been in the akatski for 5 months and already has deafeted everyone there ecxept Sukaki(suki)(He is terribly afraid that she will preform "Mind Attack Jutsu" on him.) They are realy good friends though. He has a Justu Called Sharingan that is far more advanced. When used his eyes turn white red and black in the shape of Madara's sharingan.
History: Eachigo is the son of Madara Uchiha causing him to have an amazing sharingan. When he was born a demond was attacking the village it was the 10 TAILED WOLF! Of course the only option was to seal it in the newest born child. Eachigo was the only choice. Sealed inside him Eachigo became a very strong fighter and never lost against anyone. During the war his parents were attacked Madara got away and thought his son was dead. Eachigo's mother didnt make it though she was killed by the hidden mist. Eachigo hid until the leader of the battle entered his house then he jumped out... The leader was Kisame Eachigo used his "ADVANCED" Sharingan to paralyse him. It worked but only for a moment. Kisame grabed him by the neck. He blacked out when he woke up Kisame was gone and everyone else was on the ground dead. Suddenly he felt a sharp loss of power Kisame had struck him with his sword. When he came to he was in a strange dark place. It was the Akatski hideout(at this time he was 18.) He wasnt in the Akatski yet he had to train the first test was for him to capture an old man named Teson. When he caught the old man he was rewarded for it. He had to beat his cousin... SASUKE! He Did(Takeing the name Itachi as a temarary labele just for this battle) He fought Sasuke in TANZAKU TOWN(P.S. he used a transformation jutsu.) Then he was allowed he was now 22 and is the strongest one there.(Again he hasnt challenged Suki since they are good friends plus he doesnt want to feel the power of her Mind Attack Jutsu.) He was also ambushed by Oruchimaru and now has a curse mark.
Jutsu: Fear Ripper( a genjutsu that puts the opponent through months and months of torture that actually happens in 5 min.)

Dark Sharingan(AKA Advanced Sharingan)( Lets user see the future and moves that the opponent will even do before they think of them.

Summoning Jutsu: Fang(Summons a wolf with an Skull mask on(shape of a wolfs skull duh)

Forbiden Jutsu: Wolf Call( Created by Eachigo he calls upon the power of the 10 tailed wolf.

Curse Mark: Activate( Activates curse mark,the curse mark looks like stage one curse mark for sasuke but its final stage)

Combonation Transformation(Curse mark and 10 tailed wolf both activate at once increasing strength by 1000.)

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs!(Duh)

Black Flaming Lightning Blade(Amaterasu combined with Chidori in users hand)

Dark Coffin(User summons a coffin that opens and a huge black hand grabs the opponent and sucks them into a dark void better if using Fear Ripper.)

Chain Void(A ball of chain wraps around opponent and rips them to shreds.)

Forbidden jutsu: Bone crush(Chins stab into opponent and wrap around his/her bones with a move of the fing all the bones in the body will be broke)

Rebirth Jutsu(user make opponent die and be born again and forget everything that just happend)

Bloodangan( A rasangan Made of BLOOD!)

Final Blow: Death(User sends chains to rap around opponent then uses water style: Water Dragon Jutsu finaly uses Black flaming Chidori to electricute opponent then the chains tighten and crush the vital body parts and he is burnt by Black flames)

Time paralisys jutsu( user taps opponent and time stops in a huge circle all around him the chains rip into the gorund and hit the opponent square in the back finaly he drains all there memories, chakra, and strength.)
last edited over a year ago
Ya here i made this awhile ago on a different one how do you like it?
Name: Eachigo Uchiha 
Age: 22
over a year ago Dreamer4eva said…
big smile
Like I said before...Love it! by the way. You might be scared of my Mind Attack Jutsu, But I wouldn't want some of those ,the Rebirth Jutsu especially, used on me!
over a year ago uchihaline141 said…
Lol Ya It Cab Also Be Used To heal People He can just make them be reborn then age back to there regular age and they won foret anything.
over a year ago uchihaline141 said…
wierd i have the 10 tailed wolf inside me buit ur bro has the 10 tails inside him to huh?
over a year ago uchihaline141 said…
BTW guys it KeKei GenkIe not KeKe Genkie