Akatsuki Battle Network

Deejaytenkay posted on Nov 11, 2009 at 12:20PM
i've put this together so our created akatsuki characters can battle. test techniques etc, etc.
if you wanna join the network create a character in one of the other forums first please.
otherwise have fun!

Akatsuki 121 replies

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over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
my name is Deejay. i'm a green recruit to Akatsuki. i'd like to form a sub cell and need at least 6 akatsuki members. however i'd like to test your abilities first. i'll battle you directly or organise you to battle someone else if you so desire.
i await the first challenger and i'm real excited!!
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
I am Alester Fuiser. I am An akatsuki recruit that has shown skill and promise for quite some time. I shall be the first one to challenge you.

*gets into fighting stance*

I await your next move.
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
excellent *zips up hoody*
Deejay begins making hand signals with his left as he pulls out a handful of Senbon Spikes.
"let's try something a little basic for warm up"

a shadow clone grabs Alester from behind as Deejay hurls the spikes from the front.

next move is yours!
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
basics huh, you call these basics?

*Alester jumps out of the hold by tossing the clone over his shoulder, thus bloking the sendon spikes*

your goin to have to try alot harder than that, Deejay sama.

*pulls out the giant black sword on his back and vanishes, then reapears above Deejay with the gigaton black blade in his left hand. deejay dodges the downward swing, but a earthquake is born from the impact between the sword and the earth making deejay loose his balance and footing*

what else you got in your sleeve, Deejay?
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over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
as the room rocks and rolls Deejay makes a few jagged hand gestures and activates his Oni-Gan.

putting his hand in the ground Deejay activates a stolen jutsu.
"Forbidden jutsu, summoning soul"

Deejay's blood snakes around the arena forming a zodiac of symbols and shapes. meanwhile behind Alester a dark figure began to rise from the drying blood.

"i'm only just getting started. and since you don't need to warm up"

the figure pulls a wrapped sword from off his back

"we can get straight down to the good stuff."

"you got a lot of nerve summoning me when i'm in the middle of a battle" Kisame says

"bite me" says deejay.

"inverted Shadow Clone"
the summoned kisame moves with jerky movements as the clone on his inside attacks Alester.
while Alester is dodging the attacks Deejay began to make more hand signals....

over a year ago songoku1112 said…
*Alester dodges the clone but smiles happily*

"you should always learn to take your time in battle, but i guess ill show you some of my stuff as well. *makes hand signs*"

"dark feather birth jutsu"

*black feather begin to rise from the shadows of Deejay, Kisame, and anything else that produces a shadow. Then Alester vanishes with high speed and appears in a nearby tree*

"shoot *points his sword"

*about 179 feathers lounge at Deejay and kisame, the clone is swallowed by the now metallic feathers that are as sharp as the blade Alester wields. The feathers impact with no promise that it has hit deejay or kisame*

"i hope i didn't go to hard on them"
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
through a cone of feathers a blue glow emits itself. instantly they are vaporised to reveal Deejay standing arms pushed out past his shoulders. the blue light emitted from the sonic band around his wrist.
"phew. i was hoping to save that for later. but now you've seen it"

Deejay drops the sonic shield

Deejay's mind was racing. so many great techniques so early in a battle.

"okay i've got my next move ready"
Deejay bites his thumb and a drizzle of blood falls onto the ground mixing with the dried blood.

"return" all the blood is instantly sucked back into Deejay's thumb along with the blood on the ground.

"some interesting techniques you got here. oh yeah that reminds me"

to Alesters left a clone appears breathing a fireball jutsu and to his right a clone appears charging a lightning blade.
Deejay makes an all to familiar hand signal and the Sharingan opens in his eyes.

"your turn"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"this is fun to watch"
*makes a green force feild using my amulet so i dont get hit while watching*
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
"you rely on clones quite a bit dont you. Though your attempts are futile *smiles*"

*Alester jumps, pushing the clone with lightning blade into the fireball, then appears behind the other clone and cuts at it, but it dodges and jumps back toward deejay*

"hmmmm, guess ill have to use my same teqnique, im not done with it"

*he makes the same hand signs and this time, 500 black metallic feathers are created, twice as much as before*

"enjoy these new ones"

*the feathers flood the earth, swallowing anyone on the ground, yet half of them are repelled by the same attack by deejay*

"hmmm i guess ill have to surprise you"

*deejay releases his sheild and imedietly after*

"black feather strand blade jutsu"

*each individual strand on each of the feathers extends and stab themselves into everything around them, including the clones and possibly deejay. Alester has appeared on a nearby tree again, avoiding his own attack*

"if you survive this i will be incredibly surprised"

*alester looks at the other one with the shield that blocked the individual feather strand blades*

" im glad your enjoing yourself, may i know your name?"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"it changes alot but currently its Shisutaa"(means sister)
*gets tired of standing and sits down on a tree branch*
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over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
*deejay releases his hold on Kisame who falls to the ground covered in blades.*
"sorry. i'll let you return to that battle now"
*Deejay disperses Kisame*

"My name is Deejay. i'm already impressed. these are such detailed jutsus yet they work so simply."

"but it's too late"
two hands grab up from the ground as the arena is filled in dark red clouds.

"you are already trapped in my genjutsu"

out of deejays side and back wings and another set of arms sprouts. horns erupt from his head and his teeth grow razor sharp

"now what do you fear?, let's see if we can find out"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
*smirks* "i think this is one of the best battles i have ever seen"
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over a year ago songoku1112 said…
"Me!? Affraid? im not afraid of anything, i have the knowledge of many ninjas that i have slaugtered. If you think that this will hold me, then youe sorely mistaken."

*Alester tightens his grip on his blade*

" i'll have to show you my pride and joy."

*Alesters eyes turn green and are know like the eyes of an owl*


*the illusion vanishes and they appear back on normal land*

*Deejay is shocked that he has escaped the genjutsu and appears behind Alester, who is already facing him to confront the attacker*

"you see with these eyes i can see you movements and flow of chakera. Let me explain."

*Alester pushes deejay back with his giant blade*

"you see, your brain sends electrical currents through nerves to control movement adn flow of chakera to certain part of the body, with these eyes i can see were these currents will go in your body, thus giving me the ability to know what your actions will be and what dicisions you will make before you can complete them. As i said, you are very powerfull, but your going to have to try a whole lot harder then genjutsu."

*turns to Shisutaa with his green owl eyes*

"your actually watching the battle between the two strongest members so far, the winner shall become the leader, though i havent been able to test your powers. ill have to note that your still very mysterious"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"ha. i was just thinking if i should join in on the battle b4 u said that" (rly i was)
*transfroms into my wolf form of speed and goes into attack stance*
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"ha. i was just thinking if i should join in on the battle b4 u said that" (rly i was)
*transfroms i
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
"well whats your move, dog? right know your at a very disadvantage. you are open to genjutsu and my own jutsu. I dont think you last very long in that puny form."

*Alester rests his sword on his shoulder and the owl eyes vanish*

"there, that should give you more of a challenge, i dont want to defeat you to fast"

over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
*smirks back*
"Dont underestamate me you'll regret it"
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over a year ago songoku1112 said…
"underestimate? you think i am underestimating you? So far you have taijutsu that probbably surpasses mine and deejay by a small amount, but that al yu have. Why dont you show me what you can do girl though you are kinda cute as a puppy"

*points sword at her*

"bring it on"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
(omfg bout time u replied i waited for an hour and a half)
*smiles evily*
"alester thought that was taijustsu? well your wrong thats not any type of jutsu. just about every move i use wont have anything to do with chakara or jutsu"

*then charges at alester with lighting fast speed*
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
"holy shi..!"

*Alester barely blocks the attack with his blade, but when she hits the blade green essance is drained from her into the sword. She quikely puls away*

"hmm, your right. that isn't any kind of jutsu. Impressive. Let me explain, me sword can drain the facts about your fighting style and your history. You have had a sad past, i would presume that your brother is dead though."

*she is shoked from his true facts.*

"i also know you like wolves, nice. I guess you can say i have a part of you with me."


" i should finish both of you right now. *makes hand signs* feather birth jutsu"

*200 hundred more feather arise from the shadows in their matallic form, making the total of 750 black metallic feathers*

"with these feathers i can beat both of you easily'

*the feathers are split in half, 375 for each one at blinding speed.*

"lets see you counter this you cute little puppy'
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"see this amulet if mine is the last thing i have of a freind of mind and unlike her i mastered its full power"

*uses it to create sheild which blocks the attack then charges at u again with my lightning fast speed but instead this time i jump over you turn the jump around useing the ground and steals the sword right from your hand useing my fangs then jumps up to a tree uses it to turn the jump around and slices you with your own sword in like 8 seconds but is still using my amulet so your sword cant steal any of my secrets, then stabs through u with it*
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
*Alester laughs mildly*

"you think that you killed me already, to bad you didn't"

*from alesters skin, a black feather peels off. It is a clone. The feathers shoot out so fast that it Peirces her sheild and cuts her several times. then the real alester appears behind her in the distance.*

"now let me show you Karasus ability, it pure evolution, when it comes in contact with someone and drains the facts about them, it evolves in order to be amune to their moves, same goes for the feathers. so in short you little shield wont work. this is why i have only been beaten once because a girl flashed me and i was knoked out do to the sight haha, but you wont beat me anyhow"

*Black spikes come out of the blade, cutting the dogs mouth from the inside, peircing the sheild. then the sheild is levitated by the black feathers toward aester who grabs it*

"as i said you can't win girl"


"does you mouth hurt?"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"yes my mouth hurts but it dont matter alester im more then meets the eye see the demonside of me heals me whenever i get hurt.

*demonside of Shisutaa heals her
then Shisutaa transforms into her wolf goddess of light form and summons her power of light to force back your sheild and feathers and spikes.

"also by the way alester i know your weakness"

*Shisutaa goes back into humanform*
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"yes my mouth hurts but it dont matter alester im more then meets the eye see the demonside of me hea
over a year ago songoku1112 said…

*bleeds from nose.*

"crap dont do it! you wont do it, wil you? please spare me. i may be one of the strongest ninjas in existance but this isn't fair at all!"

*attempts to crawl away but a tree stops him*

"help...help me. You can't do this! we were in a lagit battle!"

*Alester begins to shake*

"Feather birth jutsu!"

*a giant mass of feathers make a dome around Alester, sheilding him from the world"
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over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
then says with her puppy eyes and using the sweetest version of her voice: "wats the matter Alester?" and walks over to him and pushes away the feathers
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then says with her puppy eyes and using the sweetest version of her voice: "wats the matter
over a year ago songoku1112 said…

inner monolouge:"Crap, im screwed. what the hell should i do. i cant control my feathers with all this stress"

*he tries to use the feathers again, but it doesn't work.all of a sudden the feathers fall back and sink into the shadows*

"gahhh! this isn't fair."

*attempts to perform hand signs, but his trembling body screws it up and nothing happens*

"you wouldn't. you wouldn't do this to a respected powerful ninja would you?"
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over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"lets face the facts were evenly matched so this for me is the only way for me to win"

takes more steps closer to Alester till im just in frount of his trembling body, sits on him, pushes him down and kisses him
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over a year ago songoku1112 said…
".You did it...........DA....damn."

*Alester begins to loose his sight and in the end he faints right into her breasts, uncouncious of course*

*Alester in his mind*

"Wow, i have been beaten a second time, thats new. Seduction is such an unfair tactic. Sux that i can't be leader, i have the power i just dont got the emotion of a killer. i have a weak point for women. so lame, i still wonder who will be my partner in this organization?"
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
*a wingined bird with the eyes of an owl and the body of a raven appears on his shoulder*

Karasu: im sure youll do better next time. Your the strongest ninja i have meet, you dedication is like none other. i beleive you have the power to be leader. You have beaten all of akatsuki except some, your strong.

"but i can't beat her."

Karasu: honestly, thats true but you have somthing she doesn't. the ability to be the most stubborn ninja out there, some day you will find a way to over come...your weakness.

"thank you Karasu, i needed a prep talk"
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over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
*gets off of u* now i just need to take care of deejay unless he thinks i should be leader(sheese that took 4ever to post cause it kept on logging me out of fanpop)
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over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
a flurry of hand signs escape deejay.

"this was the part i was waiting for"

Blood Mould Jutsu First Stage - Deejay crosses his fingers and wills the blood escaping from Alesters nose.

the blood snakes it's way to Deejay's wrist and winds around forming a link of kanji.

"Second Stage"

the blood slowly soaks into Deejay's skin. deejay forms another sequence of hand signs this time mimicking the signs Alester used earlier.

"Dark feather birth jutsu"

Deejay is surrounded by the metallic feathers he'd seen Alester use before.

"and finally stage three RELEASE"

the blook from deejay's former cut coats the blades individually and deejay sends them out in a wave of spiky shards. waving his hands he branches them both off towards Shisutaa.

"you shouldn't have forgotten about me. because i didn't forget about you"

deejay watched as the blades close in.

"Crap" he thinks to himself "i know next to nothing about these techniques"
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over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
hey all. if if don't post within the hour i've gone to work and or bed. i'll check it as often as i can but i wanna keep this going as long as i can. these battles are getting great. just sending a note. now on with the show!
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
*Shisutaa transforms into her wolf goddess of darkness form and by useing the power of darkness disapears into the ground as a shawdow and goes into other shawdows so u cant find her and right b4 the move hits her*(YAYZ MY BABY COUSIN WAS JUST BORN)
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*Shisutaa transforms into her wolf goddess of darkness form and by useing the power of darkness disap
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
*wakes up slowely*

"Get your disgusting chakera of my host"

*a blast of power disrupts the controling jutsu as it is working, the feathers created begin to float around Alester, or what they think is Alester*

"using seduction on my host nwas a bad move, now i have to take control. My name is Karasu, i am the demon the resides in Alester. Though in order to get complete the control of his body i have to use final form. i hope you two don't die quikely"

*Karasu (in alesters body) holds the giant black blade with both hand and seems to tug on the handle with his right hand. Then, as he pulls on the handle, another sword starts to come out of the first. It is exactly the same. Then he rips a second giant black blade for his right hand as well as his left*

"Summoning jutsu, Owl King!"

*Karasu makes hand signs and bites his thumb and then summons a giant black owl with eight wings that create a gale so strong that it blows Deejay and shisutaa miles away and destroys every tree in a 10 mile radius. the karasu puts his hand on the owl*

"fusion jutsu, black feather demon god"

*The giant owl begins to sink into Karasu and his body morphes into an armored black body with two black wings of the black feathers, he still has the blades*

"now that i am final form, i must kill you with the right and left wing of Karasu. these blades have cut both of you, thus evolution has taken its toll and i am immune to BOTH of your abilities. And know that i am in control, sedution will not work"

*the hundred of feathers that were born circle around Karasu. Then he releases the owl eyes. The green eyes that allow him to see his opponents moves before that can do them*

"i had to go into maximun streangth to avoid Alesters weakness, now you to will suffer"

*hundreds of black feathers swarm in on the two ninja and swallow them, cutting them all over their body*

"feather sword strand jutsu"

*each individual feather strands shoot out in there sword form after they cut the other two. Now stabing them all over their body*

"i will become leader, i am sure of it. in your forms right now you are no match for my final form, i have adapted to both your moves, thus i am immune. your finished. just make me leader."
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…

*the demonside of Shisutaa comes out turning her into her moon form then making her enormus, spikes come out all over her body making her immune to any attck and making it dangerous to touch her, her teeth become razor sharp, same with her claws"

karasu then says "hmm i remember that demon its the most interesting cause it leterly is the person it belongs to but it wasnt part of u.hahaha the last person must have got themselfs killed"

"MY FREIND GAVE IT TO ME b4 SHE DIED!!!!!" says Shisutaa gettin even more pissed off

*Shisutaa's eyes start turning red* (which is rly rly rly bad)

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over a year ago songoku1112 said…
"geez, angry already? but how sad, your attempts are futile. your going to need a stronger form to hurt me in me in my evolved form. i knew about this form and all your others when I cut you and took every once of knowledge about your powers. Let me show you."

*The black wings on his back create many feathers and add to the number of the others making 1000 black feathers*

"ill make sure you look at death in the face"

*the feather, all 1000 of them, shoot at the beast and slice right through it many times*

"my feathers and armor have adapted to you and deejay, i may be able to adapt to two people at a time, but it is perfect for this situation. two on one, this is my game and you cant win"

*the fethers reverse and stab through her from the back, but som remain in her body*

"feather sword strnd jutsu"

*the feathers strands within Shisutaa shoot out from within her, causing much pain*

"whats next, wolf girl?"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
*goes back into human form*
"this battle is pointless and stupid"
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*goes back into human form*
"this battle is pointless and stupid"
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
deejay gulps.
"this isn't good. i think it's time for a change of strategy"

Deejay performs a set of brand new hand signs.

"the following jutsu is something neither of you have seen before. it surpasses evolution and even the strands of reality.
trust me. your going to gasp."

Deejay finishes his hand signs and begins to change instantly.

"Forbidden Ninjutsu. Toon Style"

at once Deejay's head begins to swell and the colors appear to Pop from his body. he takes on a simler appearance and his eyes grow large and anime like.

Deejay calls back all the feathers he threw out.

"Toon Style Jutsu Toon Ton Hammer"

the mettalic feathers all form together into a massive hammer. using his bizzare strength he lifts the hammer onto his shoulder and runs at the melee.

"in this form i cannot be cut, i cannot be struck, i cannot be..."

Deejay trips on a rock stumbles and falls bringing the hammer with him. it makes a huge shockwave on the ground before he gets back up again.


he picks up the hammer again and keeps running towards them preparing for a full swing
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
*laughs at Deejay tripping and then does the least expected thing ever, she goes and stands in frount of Alester's body to protect him from the attack*
over a year ago Deejaytenkay said…
bringing the hammer down deejay realises what Shisutaa is doing and stops throwing the hammer to one side.

"hey what did you do that for i was serious"

*pops back to his original form*

"so tired.... chakra reserves low....*

Deejay collapses on the spot totally devoid of chakra. in his unconcious state his hands automatically snap to the meditate position.

(sorry guys i gotta work. i'll be back around 3:30-4:00. then i'll continue. good luck!)
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"i did that cause this battle is pointless and stupid and im not gonna let u kill someone who's unconcious, Karasu wouldnt have been able to save him intime"

then Karasu stares speechless cause i just saved Alester even though he's my emeny (and wtf i waited sense 9:30 in the mourning for a reply from u Deejay)
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
*Karasu then goes to Alester and fuses into his body, but only after he releses the giant owl raven from his previous fusion*

Alester: "i dont see your point in you stopping this battle, it was merely aout who would be able to be strong enough to lead Akatsuki from its current reduction in members. We were not going to kill each other, i made sure all my attacks avoided primary organs to make sure death is not possible. eplain to me why you did this?"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"all my life(talkin from my characaters point of view not real life point of view) i had to watch people die and there was nothin i could do ti it at the time atleast thats wat i thought at the time , see this video we help u understand this video is the first war i fought in, it was in that war that i relized the truth.
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over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
another vid about my past(i own nothin)
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over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
im tired of seeing people die when i can do something about it even if they are my emeny
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over a year ago songoku1112 said…
"you dont understand our purpose. In akatsuki we must kill to save the lives of many. When i become leader i will make every one obey me as a absolute monarchy. then i will make peace among anyone, then any poor and violent souls will be killed to help the people who are pure. i must kill all the ones who have started war though in order to mintain peace for eterninty, even when i die my ideas will stay with the ones who ruled under me."

*points both blades at shisutaa, then vanishes till she realizes she has been cut deeply through the chest in an X formation. the blood shoots out viciously*

"you satnd against me progress, thus you must die"
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
"i wont let u win alester!"
*transform into moonform*

Then she jumps up over Alester to a tree then starts using the other trees as a running platform and she is running in a super fast circle(using the trees) around Alester then jumps at alester and uses the Battouga
which cuts off his arm and then she goes out of the battouga and turns around using the ground and starts cutting Alester every where super fast using the ground to kept on going and cutting Alester
 "i wont let u win alester!"
*transform into moonform*

Then she jumps up over Alester to a tree t
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
*the alester laughs*

"you think this is the real me, black feather cone jutsu!"

*the body of the cloned alester turns into a body of feathers, the flood the trees, cutting every one of them down and causing the moon wolf to loose baance of her speed. she trips and slides on the ground. ten the real alester appears above the injured dog*

"you will not survive, i will kill you. you have been tring to end the ways of akatsuki. thus you are a danger with all the facts you know about us. ill have to fight deejay later, your my primary kill right know"

*Alester raises his bades and stabs both the dogs arms so that the dog can't move and is hopless*

"ill have to drain the life right out of you so that you will not harm the future of myy dreams. knowledge absorbing jutsu!"

*Alester stabs his arm into the dogs chest and green energy is drained from the dog. she screams in pain*

"I will drain every once of you knowledge and memories, and you life. this is my strongest ability. to be able to take all the abilities and knowledge and life of my opponent as my own"

*his wounds heal as he drains her life and knowledge*

"i will say that you were very nice to kiss me, but you can't change my dream for peace. even if it means killing you"

*the green essance continues to drain her ife and she continues screaming*
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
Then my eagle freind IceFire knocks u away from me

my screaming ceases but im left gasping for air

my demonside heals me

i stand up feeling renewed and go into my human form

"i never said i was trying to end the akatsuki ways. its my dream to make peace also but not like that. i understand that at times fighting and punishing is nessary to maintain peace. but please try to understand me.

*is on the verge of crying*

"Alester i have a question for u....."
over a year ago songoku1112 said…
"A question! you plan to change the ideals that peace is without violence! but if you let the ones who started war and were part of it live, then it will never end! I have promised myself to kill all of those who killed my freinds because the ones who killed them had hearts that were poisoned by the results of war! Deidara died because someone with ill intentions of the death of his kind drove him to kill him! His intentions were similar to war, if he lived he would continue killing! i must kill all like him!"

*Stabs both swords in the ground causing a earth quake that shatters the very earth, making her loose balance. then she is stabed by feathers in her arms and legs to a rock that came from the quake for her to stay still again. alester points one of his blades at her as he holds the eagle down to the ground with his foot, the eagle squirms but cnnot escape Alesters crushing foot*

"what is your question. what is so important to tell me that you refuse to fight me head on? If this question is irrevelant then i will drain your knowledge and life right out of you."
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over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
thinks to self: damn wat does irrelavent mean, ok just stay calm and pray that this question isnt irrelavent.awww damn i think it is.

"o gr8 now i have alot a questions for u but b4 those...wat does irrelavent mean?"