Anime RP!!!!!

sieluvzsoul posted on Dec 03, 2013 at 05:59AM
all u gotta do is choose ur 2 fav charecters from any animes u wach, they dnt hav 2 b from 1 show

-idc if u curse
-idc if u put romance between ur 2 fav charecters

ok so basically wut it is, is these anime charecters get transferred into sum sort of forest world place. If uve ever heard of Hunger Games, itz kinda lik tht but way more dangerous and no one on the outside 2 help u!

last edited on Dec 04, 2013 at 01:29AM

Anime 139 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 139

over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…

-wen shes angry she uses a special move called maka chop
-she very very very smart
last edited over a year ago

-wen shes angry she uses a special move called maka chop
-she very very very smart
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…

-has a habit of stripping down 2 his underwer
-uses ice magic
last edited over a year ago

-has a habit of stripping down 2 his underwer 
-uses ice magic
over a year ago KenichiTMD said…
Name:Lee Shengshun aka Hei
Code Name: BK201
Ability: Able to control Electricity and Completely reconstruct matter on the Atomic level (ex. could turn iron to gold if he wanted)
Very skilled in combat
Weapon: uses a double edged Dagger that has a cord attached to the bottom for conducting electricity

Name:Lee Shengshun aka Hei
Code Name: BK201
Ability: Able to control Electricity and Completely rec
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
over a year ago kourage18 said…
name:stiches wenchester
personality:sweet,vert short tempered,and protective
can chage into what ever animal she wants and has a pet wolf
name:stiches wenchester
personality:sweet,vert short tempered,and protective
can chage into
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
(aight lets start)
maka: *is waking around who knows where* so where the hell am i
gray: *falls on top of her making her scream* oh im sorry
maka: yuh fine just get off of me please
over a year ago KenichiTMD said…
Lee runs being shot in the left shoulder repelling down the building and disappears into the black of Tokyo night as he escapes through the Tokyo alley ways he runs into a young Pink Haired girl when he runs on to the open sidewalk she falls not sure of what to do a group of about 10 men start firing at Lee he covers the girl with his bullet proof cloak and throws his knife at 1 electrocuting him then being shot once again in the leg he repels up a building and jumps from roof to roof escaping the men forget about the girl and follow him
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
gray: *gets off of her and pulls her up*
maka: finally
gray: ur name?
maka: its maka Maka Albarn
gray: kool im Gray, Gray Fullbuster
maka: nice 2 meet cha gray so do u kno wer we r
gray: no i was jus at a with my friends then all of a sudden POOF
maka: yaa ik how u feel i was just hanging with all my friends w8ing for school then, I was here
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: o hello im Maka
gray: and im gray
maka: *notices gray has no shirt* GRAY WER THE HELL IS UR SHIRT!!!!!
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over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
gray: srry habit *puts on his shirt*
maka: how is taking off ur clothes a habit!!!! *maka chops him while blushing*
gray: *falls* ow wut the hell was tht maka
maka: ill call it maka chop, hurts rite
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: uh ya shes rite
gray; god my head hurts
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: damn
gray: i kno rite
both: *wlk past her* geesh
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka and gray: *ignores her and keeps walking*
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka in mind: wut a litlle bich
gray: shes gonna b in pain in the ass
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*falls out of a tree*..wat the hell..were am i?
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: *freezes wen she sees stitches* who knows
gray: yo!
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*grabs at her head*..ugh that hurt like hell..*she finally sees gray and maka*..ahh*she jumps*
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: UR SHIRT GRAY *blushes then maka chops him again*
gray: awww c'mon AGAIN rlly Maka
maka: *ignores gray* hi r u ok? *looks at stitches*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*blushes at gray*..yes thank you
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: k good *sees her blushing at gray then gets angry all of a sudden* GOING NOW *grabs grays arm dragging him off*
mka: *ignores gray again* YOU COMING OR WUT *she yells back at stitches not turning*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:..8follows them catching up*.."are yall to dateing or siblings?
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: neither hes just an aqquaintance
gray: well i fell on top of her and thtz how we met
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:..*bust out laughing* gray your funny*she turns to a wolf and begins running*
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
gray: i wasnt trying 2 b but thnx and HOLY SHIT SHE CHANGED INTO A WOLF, THTS KINDA cute and kool
maka: *growls as red anime thing appears by her head and she chops him again*
gray: ow
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she laughed*..poor gray..hey maka that boy is never going to get smarter if you dont stop hitting him in the head

(my wolf form)
stitches:*she laughed*..poor gray..hey maka that boy is never going to get smarter if you dont stop h
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
( WOW thts so pretty)
gray: thnk u....w8... HEY
mak: ok luv bird
gray: SAY WHA!!!!!
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(its my favorite picture)

stitches:...huh...luv bird?
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
(its mine now 2)
maka: u heard wut i said ur a luv bird!
gray: and ur annoying !!!! *blushes*
maka: DITTO 2 U
gray: look i dunno wut ur problem is ma...
maka: *interrupts him by screaming in pain*
gray: *stands up quikly* wut maka! wut is it!
maka: u- u froze my hand its so so c-cold *strts 2 fall*
gray: *cahes her* im srry maka it happens wen i get angry *grabs her hand and squeezes it making the ice turn 2 a puddle of water*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:..*stares in shock*..uh..ok..*runs*
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: um its uh ok
gray: cum on lets go *lifts her up but pulls her close 2 him 2 keep her warm and they wlk off* dnt wrry the effects only last 4 a couple hours
maka: k *pulls her cape a bit 2 keep her warm*
maka in mind: i dnt get it y do i get so mad at him and cant help but blush when he does sumthing lik taking off his shirt
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(hey i gtg goodnight)

stitches:{love birds}
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: hey thts my thing
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over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(forget i even joined!)
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over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches;*she heard a noise in the woods*..Huh?
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
(no srry itz cuz i thot u werent doing it anymor)
gray: hey did u hear tht
maka: *shakes head*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she sees a guy walk out and hearts form in here eyes*

Ryan:what the hell..(this is ryan)
stitches:*she sees a guy walk out and hearts form in here eyes*

Ryan:what the hell..(this is ryan)
over a year ago kourage18 said…
personality:sweet and careing
bio:is a very talented skateboarder
other:can talk to animals
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: hm
gray: another huh
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:8runs up to ryan*..hello

Ryan:..ahh a talking wolf!
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: uh no shes human *walks towards ryan with gray following behind* its just she can transform into animals apparently
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she turns back into her human form*..yep..shes got it right

Ryan:..well i can talk to animals..but thats just sweet!
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: u say sweet I say creepy
gray: cum on M *puts an arm around maka pulling her towards him*
maka: cum on yall *both walk off as her pigtails swayed from side 2 side*
over a year ago Kira_Mizuki said…
Name: Kira
Age: 14
Personality: Dark, quiet, mysterious, agile, fast and stealthy. Moves like a ninja, always underestimated by others.
Others: Her hoodie cardigan can turn into a hooded cloak, and she can perform water and fire bending and cast spells.
Name: Kira
Age: 14
Personality: Dark, quiet, mysterious, agile, fast and stealthy. Moves like a nin
sieluvzsoul commented…
shes so cute and pretty over a year ago
Kira_Mizuki commented…
Oh, thanks! I drew her. :) over a year ago
kwilde1 commented…
That is awesome. I can't even draw that good. My friend can though. over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(even if that was the case, why should you call my character a 'bi***c' and a 'pain in the a**'?)
over a year ago Kira_Mizuki said…
Uh, calm down, pipiqueen. Ignore what they're saying, okay?

Kira stared into the wilderness. ''I shall survive this. Shan't I?'' She gave herself a silent pep talk as she began her journey to survival.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
okay.......i'll let it slide...................

hina was just walking and bumps into this girl,with violet hair
over a year ago Kira_Mizuki said…

Kira almost fell over when she was bumped by somebody else and turns to look.''Excuse me, but please watch where you're going?''
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"i am terribly sorry!"hinagiku says bending apologetically!"the name's hinagiku ,by the way!"
over a year ago Kira_Mizuki said…
''Uh, but you don't need the bowing, Hinagiku.'' She whispered. ''I'm Kira.''

I need to go to sleep! D: Bye :(
pipiqueen commented…
see ya tmrw! over a year ago
kwilde1 commented…
When was this?!?! over a year ago
over a year ago sieluvzsoul said…
maka: im srry i shuldnt hav been so mean 2 u hinagiku *keeps walking with her head down)
(im srry 4 being so rude itz jus makas a huge bich in the anime sumtimez and beside it was prt of the RP she may seem harsh but shes very sensitive)
last edited over a year ago
kwilde1 commented…
Who the HELL is MAKA?!?!?!?! over a year ago