Ari Updates

a photo was added: wow over a year ago by bye1
an icon was added: ARI MORPHING over a year ago by bye1
a comment was made to the answer: I know at one poit that they talked about Hugh Jackman. He might be able to look the part but he also might be too old. Ari would be a hard character... over a year ago by D0ll
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Where was Ari when he kicked the bucket/died? over a year ago by Luckyydog
a comment was made to the poll: Were you sad when Ari died? over a year ago by Luckyydog
a comment was made to the poll: who is awesomer?! over a year ago by Luckyydog
an answer was added to this question: do you think aris a real person without the whole wolf thing? over a year ago by fangfan7
an answer was added to this question: Who Do You Think Should Play Ari In The Upcoming Movie??? over a year ago by fangfan7
a question was added: Who Do You Think Should Play Ari In The Upcoming Movie??? over a year ago by D0ll
a question was added: do you think aris a real person without the whole wolf thing? over a year ago by ari1234567