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What Does Aromantic Mean?



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BingoPB said:
Thanks for sharing this article. I happen to be aroace. I am sex repulsed, but not romance repulsed. I like certain aspects of romance, but I do not feel romantic attraction and do not feel that I need a romantic partner to complete me.
posted 5 months ago.
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ktichenor said:
You're welcome. Same, aroace, too, so I'm familiar XD
I know, I remember you telling me
posted 5 months ago.
last edited 5 months ago
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BingoPB said:
There are people who would say that I'm aroace because I'm autistic, but there's a good chance I still would be aroace if I didn't have autism.
posted 5 months ago.
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I'm aroace as well. I'm also sex repulsed, and I have the same feelings about romance. I am in a queerplatonic relationship with RocknRollSoul60 (Paul). He figured out he's ace two years ago, and we began our queerplatonic relationship after being best friends for over a decade. Paul is sex indifferent. He doesn't really enjoy it, but he isn't repulsed by it. He's not one hundred percent sure if he's aro, but he thinks he might be. He has gone on dates with a few people, but he didn't enjoy it. He kept thinking how much he wanted to be hanging out with me, listening to our vinyl records. We are often mistaken for a romantic couple, but we're not. Yes, we live together and share a bed. We enjoy going out together. We hug a lot. We love each other more than anything, but it's not in the romantic sense. It's platonic, yet we're more than friends.
posted 5 months ago.
last edited 5 months ago
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ktichenor said:
^I know but thank you for the added info (I think?)
Um, good luck to you both. I'm going to go now...😳
posted 4 months ago.