Atheism Ask a Christian Forum

thetacoman posted on May 14, 2011 at 03:49PM
Altough you may not want to admit it, I know that many people here have questions about Christianity. Please note that I may not be able to answer every single question you have because I need time to answer.

Atheism 273 replies

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over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Since you seem to be the only christian involved in this, could you clarify what form of christianity you are aligned with? No point in asking you stuff about branches you aren't involved in.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
And answer our questions in a way that doesn't make you seem like a snarky jerk?
over a year ago pandawinx said…
(sighs) please everyone, stop fighting. please? just for a minute?

Ok, i have a few questions (not trying to be vindictive here, just curious) -
- what are your thoughts on homosexxualty/
- Do you ever worry that, well, when you die there might be nothing there? like as in there isn't a heaven? do ever worry about things like death?
- Is god a person, or a energy etc. could you specify about god, and who he/she is to you?
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
I wasn't aware that we were fighting...
over a year ago caramelmilk said…
*throws a watermelon at her*
Now you are.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
I am Babtist/Lutheran, and I basically beleive like any other Protestant Christian, that humans can speak and confess directly to God without an intercessor. And, please, do not go insulting me.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
*smacks caramelmilk*


I was also unaware that I insulted you. I simply asked you not to be a snarky jerk. That's a fair thing to ask.

Now tacoman, you should answer Panda's questions about homosexuality. I'd love to hear your opinions.

over a year ago caramelmilk said…
I'd love to hear your opinions.
Not sure if I'd love to hear them...
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Should I rephrase?

I'd love to hear your opinions so that I know exactly how homophobic you are. And then we can argue about it!

over a year ago Dragonclaws said…
Question: If God is all powerful, then why is Jesus' sacrifice a testament to God's love for humanity (he gave up his only son, etc.)? That makes it sound like God became less than all powerful after installing certain rules.
over a year ago caramelmilk said…
Yeah I can't get enough of christians saying how disgusting and evil homosexuals are and how it's so wrong. /sarcasm

Nuh, just being a drama queen ;) Go ahead.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
over a year ago thetacoman said…
Okay, since a lot of you have the same questions, Ill just answer som FAQ's.
I do not agree with homosexuality, but realize that it is part of our modern society, and do tolerate it.
I beleive that God is all powerful and all knowing, but he sent His son because he is fair and just, and would not just forgive us.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
I do not fear death. I have no reason to fear it, either way, I have nothing to be afraid of.
And God, most likely, is in the form of a man.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Would you care to explain:

1. Why you don't agree with homosexuality. Do you agree with bisexuality?

2. If he is all powerful and all knowing, why is he so petty about not being believed in?

3. "Fair and just and would not just forgive us" Explain.

4. What if you believe in the wrong God and Allah gets super pissed that you don't believe in him?

5. And why is God a man?
over a year ago Quaila said…
Guys, I don't think omnipotence and omniscence is compatible... But yes, I too am interested in the response to why you disagree with homosexuality. And why God is such a masculine.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
^Because if boobs were in charge instead of balls, it'd be harder to concentrate when confessing directly? ;)
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over a year ago caramelmilk said…
Probably because he created the man first. He know what he looked like and he created something that looked liked him, then he was like.."hmm..he needs something different for reproduction."
Then he came up with a woman. He just changed a few things, he didn't have to be a genius to be able to do that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thetacoman said…
I do not agree with homosexuality because I do not think it is what God intended (IKR? Big suprise) the same goes for bisexuality. I am not a homophobe. To the contrary, its a part of our society, so I tolerate it.
over a year ago Quaila said…
On what grounds do you think that God automatically failed to intend homosexuality? Don't bible me, it was written by men. And if he/she really is omnipotent, wouldn't fixing such a thing be extraordinarily easy?
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over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
*raises hand*

I am therefore proud to be NOT what God intended. An Atheist, bisexual, ambitious woman.

If God was so powerful and omnipotent, why IS there homosexuality? And don't throw that "free will" crap at me. You don't choose how you love. It's not a choice, it never has been, it never will be.

I agree with Quaila, don't bible me.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Oh and tacoman, if your comments aren't getting through, there's a reason.


This is fun :)
over a year ago thetacoman said…
Only a man and woman can create offspring, so it was not intended. I have no idea why some people are homosexuals and some are not, but one is wrong. And, personally, Id rather go with the one that ensures the survival of our species.
over a year ago caramelmilk said…
^But you are aware that a lot of geneticists say that men will be extinct in ~125.000 years? You know, because of the weak lil y-chromosome that unlike the X can't repair itself? Is that part of god's plan? Maybe homosexuality is intended after all :p
over a year ago thetacoman said…
Well, maybe thats when the world is suppose to end. (please dont hold me to that)
over a year ago caramelmilk said…
If it is "supposed" to end then I doubt it will, because women will find a way to have offspring via genetic engineering. But you know what's easier than raising a child with the help of your mother, sister, friend? Yep, raising your child with your loved partner. So you can't really say that homosexuality isn't what god wanted, because who would you think you are to assume you know what the Lord's plan is? And since it's not for you to assume or guess his plans, it is not for you to dismiss anything that might be part of his plans.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Dudes, the rapture is this weekend. That's how the world ends. Duh.

And God, most likely, is in the form of a man.
- Why? How did you come to that conclusion?

I do not agree with homosexuality because I do not think it is what God intended.
- How can you claim to even think about what God intends? Isn't that a sin?

Only a man and woman can create offspring, so it was not intended. I have no idea why some people are homosexuals and some are not, but one is wrong. And, personally, Id rather go with the one that ensures the survival of our species.
- So you believe that the purpose of humanity is to generate offspring? Do you agree with evolutionary theory?
And where does love come into that? Maybe men and women are meant to be paired in order to breed, but why does that exclude a loving relationship between two men or two women?
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Oh hoh? So you can use natural selection and science to prove that homosexuality is a sin, but you can't use it to realise that creationism is false?

over a year ago Dragonclaws said…
Why do you see God as male? What does a male god mean? Does God have a penis? What is the purpose of maleness if not sexual reproduction?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
'God's Penis' - that is a good name for a band.
over a year ago Cinders said…
The Angel on my shoulder is saying, "Now, folks, be nice to the brave Christian who ventured into the Atheist spot and seemed to quite innocently want to offer up his services to answer any questions or curiosities about Christianity! He didn't come in here for the sarcasm."

The Devil on my shoulder is saying: "On the other hand, he did jump into the shark tank without a life vest of his own free will... And if the atheists smelled blood in the water, have at it."

My two divine cents. ;o)
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Actually, link is why he came here. I'd have more sympathy for him if I knew that he was gonna actually answer the questions we asked him, instead of telling us abortion is murder and he loves his mother.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
I would be more respectful if he had created this forum on the Christianity spot...

Seeing as he's the only Christian here, we're not going to get a whole lot of useful information,.
over a year ago pandawinx said…
may, i ask just one last question?;

what if your god's a lesbian woman? not saying he/she is, but IF. would you still worship a female god? a homosexual female god?
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Ohhhh snap. What a question :P
over a year ago thetacoman said…
Of course I would still worship God, pandawinx. My beleif system would crumble, and everything I know would be a lie, but as long as God has sent Jesus to save us because God loves us, I would worship Him.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
Christians worship God because of His omnibenevolence, omniciense(sp?) and omnipotence, and His laws and rules are a mere sideproduct of His nature.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
And yes, I did use naturalism to disprove homosexuality. 'Tis called a taste of your own medicine. =D Get used to it.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
I don't really know why God takes the form of a man, but it was probably because of the role men played in ancient Israel. He could be anything, but Christians and Jews know Him as He (if that makes ANY sense whatsoever.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
^^ What? Are you sure you understand your own argument?
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over a year ago thetacoman said…
You know, Cinders is right. I may have foolishly sent myself into a shark tank with no one else to help me, but I did so out of my faith that I could succeed in learning more about you.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
And cut your crap guys. I'm not gonna take it anymore (to people who have readily given it to me =P)
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Respond to the questions put to you and no one has a probelm with you.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
@ninjakitten- Since most people here seem to go on the idea that all Christians are so blinded by their faith that they cannot function normally in society and do not bother to confirm otherwise- I'm pretty much all that you guys have by the way of Christian knowledge.
over a year ago thetacoman said…
And that's what I'm trying to do. Answer questions, @misanthrope.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Just seems like you're skipping the bulk of them...

Most people here say that about christians? Really? I gotta get my eyes checked.

I have spoken with a number of christians and people of numerous other faiths over my lifetime. I have read widely on a number of religions and belief systems. I have spoken to a number christian Fanpoppers. You are not the only source of information on the subject of christianity. And your views aren't the same other people who share your belief system.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I have another question:

What is it about Atheism that has driven you to "study" Atheists?
Will you be "studying" other belief systems and religions that also deny the existance of your god?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
^ Oops thats 2 questions. Or 1 two-part question, I guess.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Well tacoman, it's not really a taste of our own medicine, since it's the TRUTH and everyone's allowed to use the truth.

Did you just say "disprove homosexuality"?

Oh homosexuality very much exists. So does bisexuality. *cough*

You claim to have come back with the intent NOT to be a snarky jerk, but I'm not seeing that at all.

Since most people here seem to go on the idea that all Christians are so blinded by their faith that they cannot function normally in society and do not bother to confirm otherwise- I'm pretty much all that you guys have by the way of Christian knowledge.

Don't flatter yourself. The world is so filled with Christians that most of us are immersed in your culture anyways. And also don't act like you guys are any better than us. There are quite a few Christians who are under the impression that Atheists worship Satan and eat raw meat.

If a Christian absolutely HAD to come here to answer some questions, why couldn't Dearheart could have come?

*trundles off the Christianity spot to ask some questions*

I find the Christianity spot a MUCH better source of information that this silly forum, seeing as you're only ONE person who can't speak for your entire faith, and seeing as you don't even tell us WHY you feel the way you do.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thetacoman said…
@misanthrope-Atheism is one of the beleif systems that I know little about. I know the scientific theories and such, but wished to learn more.
And, yes, I will explore other faith systems besides Atheism