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Avatar: The Last Airbender Question

wat did U gy's think of the last airbender movie?

I personally had my hat over my eyes cuz it sucked so much!! I wanna C wat u's all think. at least there was zutara :)
 pheonix13 posted over a year ago
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Answers

Roxas_X_Roy said:
Absolutely horrible. Every single time they mispronounced a name, it was like being stabbed in the heart. The most ridiculous part was that the Firebenders NEEDED A SOURCE. I mean, wtf?! Firebending is FIREBENDING. Not "Extending-a-fire-thats-already-there-bending."


At the end, they show Azula, but she didn't seem nearly as wicked and demented in the movie.

Also, the firebenders were INDIAN!!! Shamalamalalan, Firebenders are WHITE. And you could hardly see Zuko's scar! His eye didnt close at all!

Okay, lets move on to Earthbenders.

THEY SUCKED. It looked like they needed ten people to do a ten-second sequence of movement to move one little rock. They could have thrown the damn thing faster than it took for them to bend it.

And they didn't have the Kioshi warriors?! Now who is Sokka (pronounced Soak-a >_>) going to fall in love with?!

Now onto waterbenders:

THEY SUCKED TOO. I didn't see anyone standing in a swirling tornado of water. Not once. Also, during Aang's Avatar State, it didnt seem intimidating. And they cut out the huge water fish monster thing that Aang did! It was just a big wave that didnt go anywhere >_>

Now onto airbenders:

AANG SUCKED AT FIGHTING. It looked like he needed to do twelve things in order to do one move. and he looked FIVE. Also, monk Giatso didn't have a mustache! and he wasn't old! He was black! Also, momo was hardly in it, and they didnt really develop on the fact that Appa and Aang had an everlasting bond. He was more like his flying pet that took him places.

General stuff:

SOKKA WASNT FUNNY AT ALL!! And they left out the cabbage man! The bending was slow, and there was ZERO humor. The only reason I laughed is because of the dancing Earthbenders. Oh, and Aang just throws out the fact that he's the Avatar (pronounced Ahvatar) like it's no big deal.

-infiniti stars. Seriously, if ur going to see it, dont have any high hopes. I had low expectations, but it went above and beyond at sucking.
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posted over a year ago 
All what you said is true!
nejiten2 posted over a year ago
omg your post made me laugh because its all SOO TRUE!! I was SOOO pissed off when I saw all the indidan firebenders. Zuko might as well had not have had a scar cuz you could BARELY see it. Azula wasnt scary, and niether was the "avatar state". You were right, all the bending moves took SOOO much longer then necessary, they would have had better luck just throwing it ^^. There is no point to firebending if you need fire near you to bend it. Plus Zuko didnt have fire with him when he broke through the ice to get into the Northern water tribe, and it only took him like 2 SECONDS to swim all the way there!!! All the humor was missing from the movie, and Sokka is never going to find Suki now because they missed the scene where they met :P. Im a little afraid to know how there gonna fix that.
blind_beauty78 posted over a year ago
NO CABBAGE MAN?!? Now i know it's not worth it :(
WickedxEpic posted over a year ago
haha "MY CABBAGES!!!"
blind_beauty78 posted over a year ago
Lucy64 said:
i agree, it kinda sucked. the entire time, i was leaning over to my sis saying, "but that didnt happen!" or ,"they skipped that! that was realy important!" some of the people they left are rely gonna come and bite them in the butt when theyre needed again later on. and the fact that firebenders couldnt just make fire pisses me off. i mean, how the heck is the darkest day in fire nation history gonna work out now!?
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posted over a year ago 
Does it really suck THAT much? I haven't seen it yet but I saw pictures and trailers of it. Momo looks creepy and The fire nation doesn't look the same!
Invader-Tak posted over a year ago
yeah it kinda does. and if you think momo looked creepy, wait till you see appa...i havnt had the chance to look it up yet, but i dont think appa and momo are voiced by dee bradley baker in the movie like they are in the far as the fire nation goes, some of it is good casting (like zuko and zho(SP!)) and then the rest suck(especialy iroh and azula).
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
I know!! on all the movie posters, it looked like his scar was gone!! and hary looked like agirl!!
zutariannija posted over a year ago
zutariannija said:
ya, it really was horrible!!! there wasn't much zutara,but there was more zutara than kataang! the part with the blue spirit was the worst!! no,actually,it was ALL the worst!
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posted over a year ago 
ilovezuko23 posted over a year ago
zutariannija posted over a year ago
you'r picture makes me MAD!! >:|
zutariannija posted over a year ago
PoisonRose said:
I had planned to go see it in theaters since I first heard about it but never got around to it.The cast choices just vexed me.So I started watching it online.I couldnt get past 15 minutes,it was just too bad.Right from the start,them mimicking the opening sequence was so awfully cheesey.And the dialogue,oh my God,the dialogue.
"Katara,dont hit that sphere!" *thwack*
"Who are you?How did you get here?How did you get in the ice?Whats your name?Why did you come here?"
"I ran away." "Oh,I see."
So then I skipped ahead to one of my favorite parts of the season,the show down between Zuko and Katara..I really wished I had never seen it.The fight lasted about 2 minutes.Then it looks like he was preparing to molest her or something.I dont think I will ever waste my time trying to watch it.Im just going to stick to the show and try and pretend the movie doesnt exist
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I had planned to go see it in theaters since I first heard about it but never got around to it.The cast choices just vexed me.So I started watching it online.I couldnt get past 15 minutes,it was just too bad.Right from the start,them mimicking the opening sequence was so awfully cheesey.And the dialogue,oh my God,the dialogue.
"Katara,dont hit that sphere!" *thwack*
"Who are you?How did you get here?How did you get in the ice?Whats your name?Why did you come here?"
"I ran away."  "Oh,I see."
So then I skipped ahead to one of my favorite parts of the season,the show down between Zuko and Katara..I really wished I had never seen it.The fight lasted about 2 minutes.Then it looks like he was preparing to molest her or something.I dont think I will ever waste my time trying to watch it.Im just going to stick to the show and try and pretend the movie doesnt exist
posted over a year ago 
ugh. i agree, the talking SUCKED! it seemed lifeless and had no meaning.
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
and it was all wrong!!
zutariannija posted over a year ago
Firelord_Toni said:
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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posted over a year ago 
At least some people did. :)
18wanda posted over a year ago
zutariannija posted over a year ago
zukosbiggestfan said:
It sucked they said aangs name wrong and the fire benders couldn't make fire and the effects were REALLY bad. I mean it sucked so bad the effects were bad they said aangs name aung and zuko didn't look any thing like the cartoon and then azula a really bad movie it sucked and at the end there was no giant kio monster they forgot lots of people I think they could have done better in MY opinion the movie the sorcers appertince the effect would have been good on avatar TLA so there is my opinion hope it was good
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posted over a year ago 
ya, and the point(and the dat) of the comit was wrong!! plus they left out suki and jet!!
zutariannija posted over a year ago
I walked out of the movie because there was no epic water monster at the end. My friend and I were cringing the whole movie and that's what decided if we left.
Mindforce posted over a year ago
i'm confused as all fuck right now.i swear the above answer really took like 6 of my braincells.
kairi13050 posted over a year ago
blind_beauty78 said:
HORRIBLE!!! absolutely HORRIBLE!!!
I wanted to freaking jump out of my seat everytime I heard someone mispronouce a name -_-
They made stupid mistakes, like the fire benders imprisoning the EARTH benders in a prison MADE OF EARTH!!! if that had really happened in the t.v. show, there wouldnt have been any need for Aangs help because the earth benders could have broken out on their own!!! Then they COMPLETLY cut out the whole Water spirit attack at the end. just so many things that pissed me off in this movie. Im afraid to see what they are going to do to my poor Toph :(
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posted over a year ago 
ok, the names got me too, but just to get this straight, they were saying them the way the names are supposed to be pronounced. The show got the prununciations wrong, but they fit the charactors wrong. Watch the Avatar movie sneak preview thing. it explains it all.
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
i meant the charactors right...haha
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
yeah, me too, the way my dad put it was that the movie isnt the show. its "based" on the show. so, yeah, the movie sucked, but it sucks on its own bc its not at al what the show is charactor wise, story wise, or meaning wise. so just try and keep a positive idea about the movie, like sokka and the ember island player(wich i was constantly thinking were BETTER than the movie, but), at least the effects were decent...isg...
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
ClonedPickle said:
I didn't pay to watch it...I pirated a copy, and I'm sure glad I did not waste my money on it.

-Nice visuals, production backgrounds, etc.

-Bad acting
-Bad name pronouncing
-Bending looked pointless because it was slow and was just someone standing in place waving their arms or legs
-Momo might as well not have been in it
-Lots of loopholes if a sequel is made
-Lack of character depth and development, so you don't feel any sympathy for those who died
-Avatar state not really made to look intimidating
-Emotionless acting

To name a few...
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posted over a year ago 
i completely agree with everything you just said.
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
I do too!
nejiten2 posted over a year ago
ahha I had a feeling that Airbender was gonna suck, but that was because people kept saying that. I thought it might have just been because they didnt undersatand the t.v show, but i was wrong. It REALLY sucked. But Despicable Me was TOTALLY AMAZING!!! so i payed for the right movie ^^
blind_beauty78 posted over a year ago
zutaraforev said:
it was HORRIBALE THE WORST 2HOURS OF MY LIFE!!! the names the choppy scenes the stupid grapgics i hated it!m. night bla blah should not direct it again IT WAZ HORRIBLE DOO NOT WASTE UR TIME !
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posted over a year ago 
nejiten2 said:
They messed up the whole show! I love the Anime better than the movie!
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posted over a year ago 
RavenNrobin4eva said:
Ugh don't go unless your like a really hardcore fan of avatar. Cause like if you say you're hardcore but you don't go then your like, not hard core. But if you ARE hardcore beware! It sucks! like so bad. like UGH. DON'T GO TO IT IN THEATERS! just rent it!
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posted over a year ago 
does this answer have a point?you keep flip-flopping all over the place.i can't tell if i'm supposed to go see it or not.i don't like you. : )
kairi13050 posted over a year ago
girlsruleearth said:
I'm just gonna say this simply. It sucked, had horrible name pronouncing,bad acting, and was boring as hell!

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I'm just gonna say this simply. It sucked, had horrible name pronouncing,bad acting, and was boring as hell! 

posted over a year ago 
Waterwhip said:
I see what the director was trying to do but he didnt put as much effort as he into it. People on the internet make better zuko scars! If ur gonna go c it then dont have any high expections.
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posted over a year ago 
emmausgirl94 said:
Just plain cool. But i think they're gonna make other movie cuz that cant be all
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posted over a year ago 
well OF COURCE they are gonna make another movie, doesnt mean he SHOULD but he IS!!! Xp ugh this movie REALLY sucked
blind_beauty78 posted over a year ago
Zikki-Dee said:
it belongs on fail blog...-_-
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posted over a year ago 
kairi13050 said:
i thought it wasn't bad,but that's probably because i don't really remember the show from 5 years ago when it was like my favoritestest thing ever,but i definitely didn't like the fact that it wasn't silly like the show.
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posted over a year ago 
11jen1026 said:
it was bad mixed up and BAD it made me have a bad week it was bad bad stuff it made meso sad
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posted over a year ago 
trixie123 said:
I thin we all agree that that movie sucked so much it made me want to go throw up in a bag!!! And later I really did. I'm never ever ever going to watch the sequel. Also they mispronounce EVERYTHING. Everytime they mispronounced something I felt like punching a whole in the TV or killing the producer of that fucking move.
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posted over a year ago 
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