Betty and Daniel 4.15 Fire & Nice: Thoughts

RpattzIsLove posted on Mar 11, 2010 at 04:30AM
I thought, as UB wraps up we should hold conversations about the episodes as they come along. It's more detailed than merely "picks"! Not that I didn't think at once of making a "pick" out of Betty opening her door to find Daniel picking up the newspaper in front of Amanda's door deeply interesting...

Now unto those far & in between DETTY moments...
That moment where Betty opened her door to find Daniel in his boxer getting Amanda's newspaper = AMAZING!!! The awkwardness which Betty felt at holding a conversation with him "without his pants on" was one of those DETTY moments I'll never forget! No matter if I was ogling Daniel, I somehow couldn't transfer my level of interest to Betty on my tv screen who kept her eyes averted and wanted to crawl inside her door, literally! lool Awkwardly beautiful moment!

Then the whole Amanda-Daniel reversion, please silly writers, you couldn't come up with ANYTHING better?!! That plotline is full of cobwebs... That's WHY I looove Tyler: he "decorates" Amanda's world as she puts it (thinkso) & their romance is in the making, thus leaving Daniel for DETTY...

Following the catastrophic discovery of Daniel's new brother, after having pictured his mother going all "cougar" style on Tyler (Oh Marc, you didn't help! lool), Daniel was playing with his phone while considering whom he should turn to while the world as he knew it crumbled, once again... And although, yours truly, was yelling "BETTY" at the tv screen, we somehow thought differently, and he called Amanda. She hanged up on him, having better things to do, exploring this new "friendship" with Tyler! lool Tyler is soo oblivious!!

In the end, after the Suarez dinner with Bobby's (no longer Moby!) family, we never learned what happened with Daniel... leaving us kind of hanging. Jimmy the Annoying Fireman just lacks a wee bit of: tact, manners, humor, brains...... Thus, not holding a candle to Daniel!!!

I would've LOOOOVED if Daniel had called Betty, like HE ALWAYS DOES (WTF writers?? Why not do the same, even after having called Amanda?!) and to have them talk about his recent life changing discovery & for Betty to relate to him her date from Hell with the Devil herself and an incapable wannabe Fireman...

Hopefully next week's episode will bring some Jealous Daniel although I might be reading too much into the Betty "losing her journalism license" plot, but it did look like Daniel was spying or something...

What did you think of tonight's episode??
last edited on Mar 11, 2010 at 04:36AM

Betty and Daniel 4 replies

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over a year ago detty4ever said…
So, you liked that moment ah?

Yeah it was kinda fun to see them being so awkward with each other, but the truth is I got disappointed by Daniel!
He should know better than going back to his old ways, when he was using sex to be distracted from his real problems! I never got the point of why Daniel and Amanda to be involved again in the first place!I thought that what they had(meaningless sex, that is) was completely over and then suddenly the writers decided to turn them into sex buddies again!

I don't mean to be a downer and to destroy your enthousiasm about that scene, but I guess my real problem is that I see Amanda as a Detty threat! I would prefer it to be a complete stranger that Daniel would have zero communication with. But that would be too much of the old Daniel!

Of course I'm relieved by the fact that Tyler got in the picture! Cause he seems to be a guy that Amanda could fall for, so that she'll leave Daniel alone once and for all! However, they better not present Daniel to be jealous of Amanda, cause I'll go crazy mad!

"And although, yours truly, was yelling "BETTY" at the tv screen, we somehow thought differently, and he called Amanda."

I was yelling "BETTY" TOO! I was like "CALL BETTY YOU FOOL!!"

Why on earth did he had to call Amanda? Thankfully, lke you said, she had better things to do, but DID HE EVEN THOUGHT OF CALLING BETTY?? That made no sense to me! Daniel always turned to Betty when he was facing difficult situations and now he prefers his sex buddy?? The witers could have used this opportunity to create another amazing emotional moment between them!
Instead, they chose to alienate them..Cause when they're not close to each other in such moments, I feel that a distance is created between them!!

In general, it was a boring eppy..Except from some funny moments (e.g when Hilda and Betty saw Ignacio taking a bath!)
There was nothing interesting in waching that silly fireman, that's for sure!

And yeah, Bobby proposed to Hilda, but I totally see that coming..

Is there a promo for the new episode? Perhaps in YouTube??
last edited over a year ago
So, you liked that moment ah?

 Yeah it was kinda fun to see them being so awkward with each other, b
over a year ago RpattzIsLove said…
Once again, I might have been carried away, but I assure you that to see Daniel & Amanda together AGAIN was a bummer, that plot line is just full of cobwebs... He knows better!! We must remember though, that last episode's was a real blow to his ego, remember his face when he was talking to that model and she told him she could meet him at 2 AM or something...

So he's no longer his season 1 self, his marriage should've been indication enough, yet he had to face it once again recently with the Tyler debacle. So of course, what does Daniel do when his ego is hurt, well, he'll revert back to what he knows best, his "comfort blanket" of meaningless sex.

And that is WHY I looove Tyler, he's a wonderful diversion & true love interest, in the end, for Amanda!!! I want Mandy to be happy and at the same time to have her away from Daniel, and Tyler fills both of these roles!! Oh, the irony, he remains Daniel's brother, so there's some similarities there...

I felt utterly disappointed in Daniel's not calling Betty & we never saw him again but in the preview for next week which aired few seconds after the episode ended btw.

The FIRE / Love:
- Finally, the marriage proposal!
- Final debate between the Suarez & Bobby's family / It was BETTY !! Didn't see that one coming...
- Poor Betty & Hilda discovering "uncle Papi" as Mandy dubbed him, in the shower lool
- Claire's scenes, I LOVE that woman!!
- Marc's whole "Cougar" innuendo
- Justin's remake of Lady Gaga in the bathtub!!

The ICE / Hated:
- The Fireman. Enough said.
- Wilhelmina's love interest, I could see many possibilities with him coming to MODE and discovering the truth or whatever, but they had to quickly end it with a steamy kiss.. (Loved the meeting in the park with Marc though!)
- So Justin's NOT gay ?!! Now I'm confused... Did he tell the truth, Marc did look like he wasn't entirely sure either...

Next week better bring some GOOD Detty, like a good talk about the Tyler situation with Betty since he obviously didn't do so last night, bring on the Green Eyed Monster, and lets get rid of February Fireman...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago detty4ever said…
I loved the dinstinction between fire/love and ice/hated!

Ok, so Tyler will hopefully be Amanda's happy ending..I'm ok with that..She doesn't seem to be in love with Daniel, but I'm a little worried about his feelings!I hope is just sex for him too! And this sex buddies crap needs to stop! I can't take it for another episode!

Another thing is that I've missed the Claire/Betty interactions! I feel that most of the conversations that Claire has with Amanda she could have them with Betty isntead! As for Justin, I think he's totally gay. He's just in denial..I remeber I read somewhere that he kisses a boy or something..

I just saw the next weeks promo and I loved it! Hopefully Daniel feels jealous of Betty kissing that random guy(how many frogs will see have to kiss??)and it's not just because she can lose her lisence!! Btw, she seems very suprised, as if she expected him to be jealous! I dunno..I can never be sure with the promos ABC releases..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RpattzIsLove said…
big smile
Thanks for the lovely comment, I sometimes have random burst of creativity!! lool

I definitively agree with you on the Amanda & Claire front!! Damanda or whatever needs to STOP, I wouldn't stand it either! As for Claire & Betty I MISS THEM TOO... that motherly look Claire has when she's looking & talking with Betty is too endearing and far too scarce!


Let's take our guesses & scratching of our heads to the newest 4.16 forum topic, no matter if we're only discussing the spoilers!
last edited over a year ago