Biggerstaff Family 30-Day Biggerstaff Challenge!

alexthedog posted on Oct 15, 2011 at 01:02AM
Note: This challenge is not for props. It is solely for the purpose for us to get to know each-other.

The only rule is that you have to answer each question with a different Biggerstaff every time, Sean does not count. GD deserves about half the credit, since she developed half to most of the questions.

Day 1. If you were a superhero, which Biggerstaff would you choose as a side-kick?

Day 2. If you were in a band, which Biggerstaff would you choose to be lead singer?

Day 3. Which Biggerstaff is most likely hiding a deep dark secret in the gutters of their mind?

Day 4. Which Biggerstaff would you high-five, right now, while you're reading this?

Day 5. Which Biggerstaff would you record a live Broadway duet in NYC in front of millions with?

Day 6. Which Biggerstaff would you be physically attached to for 48 hours? (Siamese twins, Gorilla Glue, handcuffs)

Day 7. If you were leaving Fanpop, which Biggerstaff would you tell first about your departure?

Day 8. Which Biggerstaff would you pair up with in The Amazing Race?

Day 9. You are in a ballroom with all the Biggerstaffs. Whose hand do you reach out for first?

Day 10. If we were all caught in a zombie invasion, who would you appoint leader of our tribe?

Day 11. In the aforementioned invasion, who would your zombie-slaying buddy be?

Day 12. Which Biggerstaff would you have an epic sleepover with?

Day 13. If you dressed up as Fred Weasley for Halloween, who would go with you as George?

Day 14. Which Biggerstaff would you choose to endure all of the Twilight movies with during a Twilight Saga marathon?

Day 15. Which Biggerstaff would you most likely challenge to a dance-off?

Day 16. Which Biggerstaff would be the ultimate teacher?

Day 17. If you could switch bodies with one Biggerstaff for one hour using Polyjuice Potion, who would you switch into?

Day 18. Which Biggerstaff would you be wrestled into the back of a cop car with?

Day 19. Who would be the most fun member to commit a double-dare with?

Day 20. At the Biggerstaff pool party, who would you push in the pool?

Day 21. Which Biggerstaff would you trash Wal-Mart with?

Day 22. Which Biggerstaff would you read the autobiography of?

Day 23. You just got Wii Sports, who do you call up to box with?

Day 24. Which Biggerstaff would you choose to be college roommates with?

Day 25. If we were all stuck on a deserted island together, and our last resort was cannibalism, who would you eat first?

Day 26. Which Biggerstaff would you like to talk to more?

Day 27. Say we were forced to write articles about our Biggerstaff heroes, who do you write about? (actual articles are recommended!)

Day 28. Which Biggerstaff do you think you have the most in common with?

Day 29. If you were forced to marry a Biggerstaff, who would you walk the aisle with?

Day 30. Which Biggerstaff do you consider your evil twin?
Note: This challenge is not for props. It is solely for the purpose for us to get to know each-other.
last edited on Oct 15, 2011 at 01:21AM

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