Bleach Manga & TV Create a Shinigami!

konci-sama posted on Aug 09, 2010 at 06:01AM
im only doing this because this club is getting boring and ive never posted a forum before so i wanted to try it out(i know this topic is used alot but deal with it)

Rules: vizards,espada,humans with special powers,or quincy only shinigami

2.if you decide to post a zanpakuto,try to make it atleast a little realistic please?

3.if you're gonna rank your shingami the heres how its gonna go
Maz for a Captain:550
Maz for a Lieutenant:475
Maz for seated officer:400
These are for the percent of your power(its kinda hard to explain and if you dont get it just look at the bottom of my character thing and hopefully you'll get it)

Heres my shinigami:


Birthday:October 31


Affiliation:Soul Society

Rank:Squad 2 Lieutenant


Hair color:Dark purple
Hair style:Long hair thats in two ponytails that are tied by a scarlet ribbon
Eye color:Bright purple
Weight:around 110

Desciption:Leiko is short a skinny with dark purple hair that looks almost black.Her kimono is tighter than others with only one sleeve and a scarlet ribbon tied around her waist. She also has a crush on Hisagi but doesn't want to tell him because she doen't want to ruin their friendship so she avoids him most of the time.

History:Not much is known about her.Rukia Kuchiki found her in the world of the living but Leiko didnt know a thing about how she got to be a Shinigami or how she got to the world of the living.So Rukia brought her back to the Soul Society and brought her to Captain Soi Fon to train.She trained for two years before she became Squad 2 Lieutenant.

Personality:Leiko is very immature and perverted but is very serious at certain times.Also she has some anger issues and is very distacted at times.She gets very angry when someone calls her short.On the battle field,she is very cool headed and focused.She doesn't like to fight beside other people and likes to handle things herself.Altough shes fun to be around,some of the other Shinigami think thats she's a little crazy.Leiko hardly ever opens up to anyone but Rukia.She also has a crush on Hisagi but doesn't want to tell him because she doen't want to ruin their friendship so she avoids him most of the time.

Zanpakuto name and abilities:I'll post them after i think of a few things

Physical Strength:70
(This is what I meant by power)

Please no rude comments what so ever

You can post pictures of what your shinigami might look like!
You can look up trates of your shinigami at Advanced Anime although don't get too hopeful about it you may not find anyone that looks like yor character
I found 3 pictures that look kinda like Leiko heres one of them
I know it doesn't look much like i imagined her but oh well
The other 2 pictures are at link
im only doing this because this club is getting boring and ive never posted a forum before so i wante
last edited on Aug 09, 2010 at 07:05AM

Bleach Manga & TV 11 replies

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over a year ago LunaShay said…

Name:Naomi Shizuke

Age:Soul reaper:140

Birthday:July 8

Affiliation:Gotei 13

Rank:Captain of squad 3

Hair Color:Black

Eye Color:Blue

Hair Style:Long and flat


Weight:....never really thought it was that important lol..about 85 or something.

Personality:When no one is bugging her or theyre thinking on a plan of some sort,she is calm.She is determend once she has her mind set to things.She also hates being called short(not copying you,i thought of it a longgg time ago XD)and kicks someones butt for whoever says it.She lets out her feelings easily.

History:She used to have the best life ever when she was alive with her mom,Tina Shizuke,but as for her dad,Shin Shizuke,he didnt like her at all since she got more attention from her mom.So,one day,he killed her by burning their house down.When she became a soul,she didnt know where to go,or what to do.Then,a hollow tried to attack her,until someone killed it and mainly saved her..It was Head Captain Yamamoto.He sensed something strong about her,and sent her to the soul society.When she went to the Rukon district,she met Toshiro,and those two have been really close ever since.But,when they entered the acadamy,she snuck out,since she thought using innocient souls as mainly weapons was wrong.When she snuck to the world of the living,she met Urahara,who tutored her to learn her zanpaktos name ,fighting skills,and kido.But,Ichigo figured out she was wanted by the soul society,but she defeated him in battle,but she was badly injured too,and lost.When Rukia got there,she tried to heal ichigo and sent Naomi back to the soul society.When she got there,Byakuya said for her to be punished,and killed for sneaking out.Yamamoto didnt accept,and tested her strength,so she became captain of squad 3.No one knows her zanpakto,except for Urahara.

Description:She is a skinny,short girl,who usually wears a yellow skirt,black shirt,and black shoes in the world of the living(or school uniform).She also has a sun necklace in the moring,and it turns into a moon at night,when she changes(another picture ^^).She has a huge crush on Toshiro,but no one knows,usually rangiku says how cute of a couple they are




Kido:About 55 or so


Phisycal strength:95


Closest Picture >:D
last edited over a year ago

Name:Naomi Shizuke

Age:Soul reaper:140

Birthday:July 8

Affiliation:Gotei 13

over a year ago LunaShay said…
And the night form thingy ^^
And the night form thingy ^^
over a year ago konci-sama said…
its wierd my friend kenndal made a character almost exactly like that except for the height,some of the history and personality she even looks sorta like what your character would look like she drew a picture of her and everything she was even squad 3 captain with ichigo as her lieutenant
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Lol weird XD
over a year ago konci-sama said…
that reminds me i still gotta draw my character oh well ill do it later
over a year ago borg3 said…
Name: unknown, but called freddy Jackson

age: 15

gender: male

birthday: february 17

affiliation: soul society

rank: squad 10 lieutenant

hair color: black
hair style: Renji style
eye color: blue
height: almost 2 meters

personality: he like figthing and if some one interupt him in his work he gets very mad.

History: hes alive days is unknown so no one reely knew him.
he was born in the western rukandistrict and when he got older he began at the soulraper academy.
He was never reealy good at kito so he dropped the kito lessons.
he got placed in the 10th squad and it did'nt take him a long time to challange rangiku matsumoto to a fight to be a lieutenant.
he defeated matsumoto and become the lieutenant and then he called him self Freddy Jackson.

description: he is a very tall man with a tatoo on his left leg.

offense: 99
defense: 65
agility: 90
kito: 45
intelligence: 85 i think
phycical strength: 91


I do'nt have a pitchure right now so mabye I'll post it later
over a year ago Darkangel26 said…
Name: Crystal (no last name)
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Birthday: April 16th
Rank: Squad 10 6th seated officer
Affiliation:Gotei 13
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5ft 7
Weight: 110lbs

Personality: Loves spring and Fall. Loves hanging out with Rangiku and Renji. Gets wasted very fast. Passed the soul reaper exams with high marks but sadly learned Kido from Renji so she is terribe at it. She takes her work very seriously but isnt addicted to fighting like Kenpachi. She respects her head officer very much but would stand up to him if she believed he was doing something wrong. All she wants is to find love and has a major crush on Renji but he doesnt know it but she doesnt know how to make it anymore clear to him other than screaming it in his face.
Past: She became a soul reaper to help souls move on and even though soul reapers can not remember when they were alive she understands deeply what the lost souls feel like.

Description: Has tatoos on right shoulder
Physical Strength:41

Total = 400
Name: Crystal (no last name)
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Birthday: April 16th
Rank: Squad 10 6th seated o
over a year ago konci-sama said…

Name:Amaya (night rain) Fujikage
Born:October 30
Age Apperence:18-20
Rank:Squad 2 Captain
Affiliation:Soul Society

Hair style:i dont really know how to descibe it
Hair color:Black with green,pink,and light blue at the scalp
Eye color:one is bright green and the other one is bright yellow
with a touch of bright red around the edges

Descipton:Amaya is about 5'3 and skinny.Her outfit is exactly
like the one in the picture.Except there's red ribbons tied to each wrist.

History:Amaya was raised in district 56 with her group of teens.When she started the group,there was 34 teens.In 4 months,all her friends had either been killed in a major hollow attack or where badly injured.After that,she enrolled in the shinigani acadamy and joined squad 13 as the lieutenent.Then she was transferred to posistion of squad zero lieutenent.

Personality:Amaya has a kinda dark/cheerful personality at the same time. Most of her squad members respect her not just for posistion.She doesn't mind when someone say bad things about her
and just tells people to say wat they have to say to here and get
it out already.She can get easily carried away while in a fight
and doesnt like people knowimg much about her.

Zanpakuto:Kaga no joou(srry for spelling but its supposed to mean
Queen of shadows)
Zanpakuto apperence:two short swords that are tied in the ribbons
that are on her wrist.Normal katanas when its sealed.During first release of shikai they takes the appereance of a fang that is
black.The hilt just floats around the sword and has beads that hang
from it.
Abilities:Only one of the abilities is known.Its where her zanpakuto can shade out the sun(thats wat her opponent thinks its really just a illusion)

Phisycal strength:90

This picture gave me the idea for my character i didnt draw it
but im planning on drawing something like it.Oh yea where the pink is in the hair thats where all the other colors.
link is what she looks like in bankai
last edited over a year ago

Name:Amaya (night rain) Fujikage
Born:October 30
over a year ago LunaShay said…
big smile
Cool :D^
over a year ago konci-sama said…
big smile
over a year ago konci-sama said…
awww im sad it seems like im the only one who keeps posting oh well anyways had an idea for another character!

name: Chi Usagi Mori
birthday: November 6 at 12:12 am
Affiliation:Soul Society
rank: squad 10 Lieutenant

hair color: silver with some red in it
hair style:Just like the girls at the bottom but its only doen a little past her shoulders

eye color: bright green that have yelllow at the edges

pesonality: She keeps away from most people except Hisagi, Rukia, Hitsugaya, and Ichigo. Shes very energetic and loves a good fight, although she doesnt go lookin for them. She has tons of mood swings and is very unpredictable. Shes always bugging her friends excapt for Rukia(shes a little afraid of her) but she doesnt push her luck. She is also a very big liar but is very trustworthy too.Shes pretty good friends with Kenpachi because their love to fight but she doesnt hang around him much.

history: She used to be apart of the Shiba nobles but changed her last name when they where banned.Since then, she has lost touch with ganju and his sister. She was at first asked to be squad 11 lieutenant but turned it down because she thought she wouldnt get much respect.

description: Its pretty much like the kimono of the girl in the picture of my other character.She wears gothic clothes everytime she goes to the world of the living.This is one of her favorite outfits but she usually has a backpack with bat wings on with her.

zanpakuto:Shi no keshin(death incarnate)

shikai command:Keshin kurai ryōshin-shi no wasure rarete inai kioku o oboete iru (remember the unforgotten memories of the darkened consciences Shi no keshin)

abillity 1:Wasurete shimatta kioku o fukkatsu sa seru
(revive the forgotten memories)this ability allows the person to bring up or make up memories that make the opponent lose the will to fight,think they will never win,etc.

ability 2:Jigoku no omoide ni narimasu(look upon hells memories)This ability allows chi to draw out some off the worst memories her zanpakuto has found and make her and her opponent go to that place where it happened and her opponent expirences the feelings off the peson who had the memory.Most the time the feeling is the pian and fear of death.

zanpakuto appearence:In its sealed form its just a small fancy dagger with a black gem in the shape of a wilting rose. In skikai the dagger gets a long chain at the handle and at the end theres a japanese war fan. The fan is black with names of the names of people and souls who had the most terrible or grusome deathes. At the tip of the fan theres spikes that are soaked in poisened blood.

Phisycal strength:50

last edited over a year ago
awww im sad it seems like im the only one who keeps posting oh well anyways had an idea for another c