Books to Read **What Are You Currently Reading?**

ky02121 posted on May 06, 2009 at 10:00PM
My favorite book is The Shadow of the Wind
My favorite book is The Shadow of the Wind
last edited on Dec 31, 2010 at 06:06AM

Books to Read 838 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 838

over a year ago ky02121 said…
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace
over a year ago r-pattz said…
Deception Point by Dan Brown
over a year ago pixie09 said…
blinded by the light by Sherry Ashworth :p
over a year ago Lilrue87 said…
Urm... the second Lord of The Rings. The third Chronicles of Narnia, Kira Kira, 3 willows, re-reading Harry Potter Series, Hunger Games.
over a year ago r-pattz said…
Xenocide by Orson Scott Card
The Beekeeper's Apprentice (dont remember author)
HP and the Half Blood Prince. its my third time through in a row. im just gonna keep re reading it til the movie comes out... so 9 days
over a year ago Amy-Laura said…
3 books:
Twilight - to see what all the fuss is about, of course.
Azure Like It (Wendy Holden)- good old chick lit
Hamlet - for A Level English
over a year ago forbiddenLURVE said…
last ones:
1) I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
2) Untamed by PC and Kristin Cast
3) Hunted by PC and Kristin Cast
4) Stargazer by Claudia Gray (now)
over a year ago ky02121 said…
Chance Acquaintances by Collete
over a year ago velvet_fox said…
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.
over a year ago clary_simon13 said…
"l.a. candy" by lauren conrad. (yes, its that l.c., and so far its good. im on chapter 10)
over a year ago ky02121 said…
Secret Society Girl by Diana Peterfreund
over a year ago amandaj said…
I'm reading two books at the moment. No, after further thought, three books:
* Brida by Paulo Coelho
* Slumdog Millionaire by Vikas Swarup and
* Sophie's World (Sofies verden) by Jostein Gaarder

I just couldn't wait until I finished one book to start on another :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago laureng114 said…
Dracula. I am very excited to finally be reading it. I have only just started but I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
over a year ago HerMelody said…
At the moment I'm reading Lonely Werewolf Girl by Martin Millar
over a year ago liissaaxx said…
Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
Mister Monday by Garth Nix. It's not that interesting, unfortunately.
over a year ago ky02121 said…
Abundance by Sena Jeter Naslund
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
the fallen series
over a year ago xx_becky_xx said…
Wow... it was nice to look through this list and relive novels read ages ago. Tamar, good book. In response to "To Kill A Mockingbird" i had to read that last year and I think it's good as a GCSE book. I found it hard at first but after we started discussing characters and motives I re-read it and found it much better.

At the moment I am seriously multi-tasking:
Emma by Jane Austen
Revolutionary Road
A place called here - Ciclia Ahern
and I have also taken like a thousand of books out of the school library for the holidays! :-)
over a year ago Nicoleandjames said…
The Forest of hands and teeth by Carrie Ryan
over a year ago Fashion_life said…
My sister's keeper by Jodi Picoult
over a year ago forbiddenLURVE said…
gosh havent had much time lately but last 3:
1) City of Bones (again :D)
2) I'd tell I love you but then I'd have to kill you
3) Speak
over a year ago jedi145 said…
Hunger By Michael Grant (sequal to Gone)

forbiddenlurve: City of Bone is awsome ! :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago katt_baybee said…
pretty little liars.. its an addicting series
over a year ago forbiddenLURVE said…
@Jedi145 I know!!! I was just rereading them (:

just finished Specials by Scott Westerfeld and now on The Luxe by Anna something...
over a year ago cullencrazy2 said…
reading nine at once
1.Fade the second book to wake by Lisa McMann
2.Need by Carrie Jones
3.Once dead,Twice Shy by Kim Harrison
4.wicked Lovely by melissa marr
5,6,7.the night world series by l.j smith
9.Blue moon(2nd book to evermore)
and also wating for shadowland a third book to evermore and waiting to buy the 2nd and 3rd to wicked lovely. I alternate between books and can read three of those books a day and i usually do
over a year ago renrae said…
Annie on my Mind by nancy garden. It's a very good book I'm not reading it as fast as I normally would.
over a year ago Faith-Rulz said…
I just finished reading "Helen of Troy" by Margaret George.
Now im reading The Mystique Trilogy "Gene of Isis: Book One" by Traci Harding...its way different to what i normally read which is good, its a nice change =)
over a year ago forbiddenLURVE said…
OMG how do u read that many at once.. i struggle to even read three...
over a year ago oxblondiexo said…
The Lovely Bones ~ Alice Sebold
My Booky Wook ~ Russell Brand
The Mighty Book of Boosh ~ Noel Fielding, Julian Barratt, etc.
Eclipse ~ Stephenie Meyer (again)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
"A Picture of Freedom" by Patricia McKissack
over a year ago Ashley-Green said…
AT the crossing pkaces; by kevin crossley-holland
over a year ago ky02121 said…
The Bodies Left Behind by Jeffrey Deaver
over a year ago HerMelody said…
This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
over a year ago Nicoleandjames said…
Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz
over a year ago toti8 said…
I'm finishing Breaking Dawn and I´m also reading ´´Thanks for the memories´´ by Cecilia Ahern and ´´The Return´´ by Victoria Hislop´´.
over a year ago liissaaxx said…
Blood Promise by Richelle Mead, its so good so far.
Inkheart by Cornellia Funke
Biting the bullet by Jennifer Rardin1
over a year ago forbiddenLURVE said…
Just finished Blood Promise this morning so reading Extras by Scott Westerfeld..
over a year ago ky02121 said…
The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
over a year ago szmootyi said…
Mary Poopins :D Actually I didn't really like it when I was a kid, but now I'm re-reading it, and I realise how genious it is!!! I love Mary!
over a year ago sexielegz said…
been reading THE KITE RUNNER by Khaled Hosseini. really good if you've seen the movie and liked it, i recommend the book.
been reading THE KITE RUNNER by Khaled Hosseini. really good if you've seen the movie and liked it, i
over a year ago BalletDancer627 said…
Dark Secrets by Elizabeth Chandler
over a year ago vampaholic said…
hunger by michael grant its the sequel to gone and its amazing of course. also reading catching fire and its not as good as the hunger games but i like it
over a year ago BellaLady said…
Beautiful people by Wendy Holden and Angels Fall by Nora Roberts
over a year ago ky02121 said…
The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson
over a year ago velvet_fox said…
Muddy Boots and Silk Stockings by Julia Stoneham.

I do not recommend it. It has no real plot, and the character story it tries to be is dull and lifeless. There's is no soul or any real skill in the authors writing.
over a year ago Andolion said…
I'm currently shifting in between a couple of books

Fablehaven 3 - by Brandon Mull
Left Behind 1 - by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim Lahaye
Touching Darkness - Scott Westerfield
over a year ago Mcc1 said…
im reading The Secret Shopper's Revenge By Kate Harrison and i might give up reading for a while and start on some other book cos its not as good as i thought it would be
over a year ago velvet_fox said…
Just started "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies."
over a year ago DeadlyRose said…
"A Respectable Trade" by Phillippa Greggory ~ Very Captivating.
over a year ago Mina_Astera said…
breaking dawn