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Bookworms Question

In your opinion, did Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series have a positive or negative impact on teenagers worldwide?

Personally, I feel they did positively, as many of my peers (and older) began actually reading thanks to SM's vampire story.
In your opinion, did Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series have a positive or negative impact on teenagers worldwide?
 BellaSwan636 posted over a year ago
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Bookworms Answers

Mermaid-Tail said:
I think it's been negative, the heroine is very weak and I think the main relationship is quite obsessive and controlling of Bella which doesn't send the rigt message to young women. I know a lot of girls who now think in a good relationship you have to be around your man all the time, that he should want to keep tabs on you 24/7 and that women should let their men protect them rather than protecting themselves.

I also think there is rather a 'pack' mentality in some Twilight fans that rather than encouraging them to read other books actually makes them more critical of other books and against them. there's even a pick on the twilight spot saying something like 'is it just me or since Twilight have you stopped wanting to read any book that isn't Twilight'.

By the way, this should be a pick. The 'Answers' section of Fanpop is if you have a question based in fact, not a question about opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
I am interested in the method you phrase your answer. Interestingly, consider that although many young women do follow by example, many still would not have read anything AT ALL. Thanks to that response, more of my peers have begun reading other books, realising they enjoyed reading. I rest my case.
BellaSwan636 posted over a year ago
I have never heard anyone say 'you can't be smart if you don't listen to Mozart' so using that as an example makes no sense at all. The fact is I know many people who have been poorly influenced by those books. I'm sure there are some people who haven't, but the fact is there are definetly some who have, becasue I've met them as I explained in my original answer. Perhaps there are some whose view of how they and relationships should be were not affected by the books, and perhaps it had the positive effect of making more people read. But as I've said I feel, and will always feel the books have done far more harm than good. If you wanted a debate this isn't really the place, as I previously mentioned the 'answers' feature is not meant for matters of opinion it's for questions based on fact. When asking a question that is a matter of opinion it should be a pick. Also, if you like debate I recommend the debate spot rather than trying to start a debate with someone who was just answering a simple opinion question which you asked.
Mermaid-Tail posted over a year ago
idk positive or negative since 1.) it got kids to read but a bad side is that kids started acting like they were vampires cutting themselves for blood and fileing theyr teeth :s
Ladyrainicorn posted over a year ago
Reign said:

The Twilight series has a negative impact on teenagers. However, it also depends on what the reader thought about the book itself to say that it had a "positive" impact.

I volunteer as a Sunday school teacher for an 8th grade (ages 12-13 ish) and I communicate with many other kids up to junior year of High School (16-17). While there are some that are very pulled in by the story, I find that they are just in love with the general plot of Twilight: An ordinary girl find a spectacular and forbidden world through a person who falls hopelessly in love with.

Every person wants to get away from the monotony of everyday life. And it is human nature to have aspirations and find something amazing to expand our knowledge, history and understanding- to make us feel accomplished in our lives. And lets face it, in every girl (or guy) there is a hopeless romantic, wishing that a love with such depth was easy to find and hold onto.

As such, who can hold it against the young readers for being attracted to the book? But as you read the book and delve into the characters (or lack thereof) is where the readers will choose how it affects them.

In my opinion, Twilight has a negative impact because the protagonist, Bella Swan, does not "grow" through the series. She stays a person who is so distracted by love that she relies on others, mainly her lover, to protect her. And part of the reason why the protaganist does not change is because the partner, Edward, does not allow her to change. Edward, being a very possessive and overly protective person, drives away the people that could possibly give her a new perspective on the situation.

Also, the relationship is just not...for lack of better word, right. Women shouldn't have to feel the need to be protected by a man. Women should be able to have their own set of morals and act upon them, instead of a man telling her how she should behave or act or look.

So, where does the positive fit in with all of this? The positive is that some girls might realize how easy it is to be caught in an abusive relationship. Some women, who are able to step back and look at the situation will see the warning signs that Edward is not the perfect man. Why would you be enamored by a man who sneaks into your room at night when you don't know him? There is also a chance that the women who are obsessed with with the books are just experiencing a passing phase (fueled by hormones, no doubt) and when they look back, they would see how wrong the relationship they were fawning over really is.

The Twilight series has an unchanging protagonist in a non healthy relationship, and does not bring any creativity to the vampire genre that hasn't been done before, and only preys on the fantasies and underdeveloped ideas of what love is. I doubt I need to point out how negative these points are to the young minds of the world.
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posted over a year ago 
I was twelve when I read the books (four years ago). And now I see that the books were actually really bad. I still can't believe that i thought they were good because I read all of the Harry Potter books before that and those are some examples of good literature.
sparkie34 posted over a year ago
Most twilighters can see no wrong in Edward and bellas relatinship
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
Wow. Best answer, I'd say :)
XDRoseLuvsHP posted over a year ago
definitely best answer!
life_rehab posted over a year ago
tvluva49 said:
The books weren't bad, and it gave teenage girls good books to read, but it made the girls a bit obsessed. . .
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posted over a year ago 
cressida said:
As a bookseller, I have to argue that Stephanie Meyer, for all of her 'faults', has done the reading world a service. As many have argued that J.K. Rowling brought young boys back into the world of reading, Stephanie Meyer has brought high school girls who thought that reading was uncool back into the fold. Again, argue what you will about her writing style and content, but she has done more good than bad. Her targeted audience will read her books and then demand to read more. It is our "duty" to then steer them to higher "quality" literature. (Although that prompts a whole new discussion of 'high' vs. 'low' art.)
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posted over a year ago 
so true there better things to read then twilight its a poorly written book
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
like maximum ride and the warriors heir
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
and at my school i am popular so ha burn
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
BellaCullen96 said:
Definitely negative. Twilight gives teenage girls a bad view of how relationships should be. They think that it is great for you to have a controlling boyfriend, and that it's fine for them to sneak into your room in the middle of the night to watch you sleep, as long as they are good looking and say they love you, making you feel special and better than a normal teenager.
I also disagree with you about the books getting people to read. I think the only reason people read Twilight is because they love either Edward or Jacob, which is a bad reason to read a book.
There are tons of better books out there that would get teenagers interested in reading, without all these bad influences. They also give people less respect for classic vampire stories like ones by Bram Stoker or Anne Rice. I've also heard that some people get so obsessed with the books that they refuse to read other books if it's not vampire, werewolf, or love related.
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posted over a year ago 
Very true
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
very very true!
hermionicole posted over a year ago
very very true!
hermionicole posted over a year ago
jarik said:
Well the one good thing the Twilight series has done is to get girls reading. Hopefully they'll graduate to other books later on. Perhaps even the works of Jane Austen.
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posted over a year ago 
I love how you always look on the bright side of things, jarik!
crazyduds2 posted over a year ago
if the read they shouldnt be reading twilight its a bad influence on girls
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
Free_Spirit said:
I think it gave both. I know people who would not touch a book if their life depended on it and i talked to someone who actually said they started twilight and so that got her onto other books. But then again now women are so obbsessed with finding an edward cullen waiting for someone like him to come around. But i think that it does not show grls have to be with their boyfriend 24/7 because bella was with him because of her passionate desire for him.
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posted over a year ago 
bookworm12345 said:
definatly negative anything with vamps is negative but twilight espically it makes people think they need a boyfriend its happened to people ik its a bad influence on kids of any age and there better things out there parents who wont let there kids read harry potter y in in the world do they let them read twilight just saying its bad and im sorry if i offended some twilighters its a bad book for teens bellas a bad role model
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posted over a year ago 
oh just one other thing vamps r the most unchristen like figures besides the devil if parents wont let there kids read harrry potter y twilight
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
Does it matter whether she's a good role model or not? I read books about witches and devils and stuff- I don't use them as role models! Also, yes they may be unchristian, but reading about them is exciting!
chickencheese posted over a year ago
well i get reading about them is exciting have read more then one book about demons without knowing it but ik people actually do take bella as a role model maybe not u but others do
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
hermionicole posted over a year ago
chickencheese said:
Neither. People like the books, and if they don't then they don't read them. It has had a positive impact on a few teenagers, by helping them to start reading, but it's not made much of a difference really. I can see why some people might think it has had a negative influence on how people view their relationships, but they are the minority who actually think that how people behave in books is how they should behave in real life. Most Twilight fans aren't affected by this. I certainly wouldn't use vampires as an example of how a good relationship should be!

Also, I'm 12 and most 12 year olds aren't worried about relationships of this kind. Most of my friends have read the Twilight books, and haven't changed a bit. Does it matter if the characters aren't a good example to people? Surely people don't usually copy what book characters do?
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posted over a year ago 
XDRoseLuvsHP said:
I believe her stories gave a negative impact, for several reasons.

For one thing, it has implanted the idea into teenage minds that the ideal boyfriend should have abusive traits. These teens don't even realize the abusive nature of the main male characters, and are blinded by Stephenie Meyer's insistence that they are only doing these things because they love their girlfriend, and that they are beautiful, so therefore they cannot be evil.

There are many types of subliminal messaging in here. The number of people who are obsessed with the relationship between Jacob and Renesmee is shocking and, quite frankly, horrifying. The anti-feminist messaging is so obvious. The idea of a perfect girl (supposed to be Bella) is that she is completely anti-feminist and dependent and is best fitting in the kitchen. That is supposed to be selfless, but in reality, it's just anti-feminist. The down side of that is that more and more girls are striving to be like that. After all the progress we females have made over the years, I'd say it's a bad thing.

One more big thing: it brought on a whole teenage war. Not only are there screaming fans who find it to be the end of the world if someone is not on their team (Team Edward, Team Jacob, etc.), but the tensions between the anti-Twilighters and the Twihards... it's astounding and terrible. It's become an unhealthy obsession, both to those who love it AND to those who despise it.
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posted over a year ago 
tymple said:
it has a completely NEGATIVE efect on EVERYONE 4th grade up and thats just the book since twilight came out teen pregnancies have gone up. twilight is corrupting little kids and most fans are fans beacause someones hot. its a DISGRACE to vampires, werewolves and even apples. the names and covers have nothing to do with the books.
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posted over a year ago 
Azurite18 said:
Twilight makes appalling actions seem acceptable, or even exemplary. Bella leaves her friends and family for a boy and the book makes it appear to be a leap of faith, or an act of limitless love. Edward all but controls Bella, but the wording implies that he is Bella’s guardian, and totally devoted to Bella. It’s a twisted narrative that leads innocent girls to believe things that are not only untrue, but dangerous. It falsely insinuates that a woman needs a boyfriend in order have any purpose in living. Bella’s actions say that a single male person is more important than her family, her friends, social status, and even herself as a person. Edward is overly controlling and a stalker.
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posted over a year ago 
aspenmobley said:
There is nothing that indicates edward is controlling. He is trying to protect Bella throughout the entire series. Nothing is more important to him than Bella. Every women should want a man that in a life and death situation they would do anything in there power to protect them.

Bella does go crazy in New Moon but that is her own doing and not Edwards he left to protect her, and any girl/women that reads/watches twilight should learn that what she did was wrong just like she learned what she did was wrong.

As for the books being terrible I 100% believe that is a matter of opinion, just as someone may say they believe Harry Potter is a terrible book (many do) it just depends on there likes and dislikes and the outcome of how many people read the books says the complete oposite of them being terrible. The way the book is written is very well the same as Harry Potter.
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posted over a year ago 
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