Boomerlover's Cats Of The Forest Cats Of The Forest chat

boomerlover posted on Apr 08, 2010 at 08:10PM
It's Just like the one over at the PowerPuff spot, you know, the PowerPuff Party thingy. Lilly and Daisy know what I'm talking about.

Ex: Blake: All cats older than 6 moons join beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting.

(All cats gather underneath Highrock)

Brenden: What's this one about?

Sassy: Shhh!!

Blake: The flood has caused some problems, and we have lost a kit to it. We need to try all we can to get all the food this Clan needs, before it runs out...

(That's kinda what I mean)

Boomerlover's Cats Of The Forest 58 replies

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over a year ago boomerlover said…
(Blake was walking in the woods where it was close to the kittypet houses. He saw his old home and looked through the fence.)

He saw a gray cat looking out the window at him. She went through the door flap, and headed towards him. He could tell this cat lived with a punk(not a powerpunk, just a punk), because she had her right ear pierced, and a skull necklace on her neck and tail.

Gray cat: Who might you be?

Blake: I'm Blake. Me and my mate used to live here...till we ran away.

Gray cat: I'm Storm. And I wish I could run away.

Blake: I jumped the fence.

Storm: I'm just a kit! I'm too small to jump the fence!

Blake: Let me help.

He jumped the fence, grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, and jumped the fence again.

Storm: But I didn't even get to say goodbye!!

Blake: Well, meow a goodbye then.

Storm: Meow!!! Goodbye!!!

Blake: You can join my Clan, Storm. Instead of eating little pellets of dry cat food, try a nice warm, juicy mouse!

Storm: I don't know how to catch a mouse.

Blake: Let me show you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lillymango1 said…
benny:ow ow ow ow *benny was stuck in thorns *
strange cat : here let me help u *pulls him out *
benny:thanks whats ur name
strange cat : bloo
benny:well ur orenge and yellow
bloo:goodbye little cat
brooke:what happend ur coverd in thorns

benny:well yes i am
brooke:huh whats that *looks at bloo eating a mouse *
benny:shes a froest cat too
last edited over a year ago
benny:ow ow ow ow *benny was stuck in thorns *
strange cat : here let me help u *pulls him
over a year ago daisylove said…
buttercup: no one really cares that he died cuz hes worthless
breeze: true, but hes my BROTHER for crying out loud
buttercup: *rolls eyes*
some cat: hi!! :)
buttercup: who the hell are you?
some cat: my names deedee
buttercup: okay? what the heck are you doing here?
deedee: im from midnight clan, im dexter's sister!
breeze: really?
deedee: yup
buttercup: well i dont give a %&$@
buttercup: *walks away*
deedee: so, do you want to play a game?!
ashley: GAH, yur even more annoying than breeze
deedee: ?
breeze: sorry, my friend here can be a little mean sometimes
deedee: ??
breeze: and yur not as annoying as me, heck, i bet im the most annoying person ever!
deedee: ???

can deedee be in the story? :3
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Yes, she can. Oh, and Brock isn't dead. SORRY THAT WAS A SPOILER FOR CHAPTER 10!!!!!

(Meanwhile, Brisky runs up to greet the new cat)

Brisky: Hi, I don't think Blake knows you're here...

DeeDee: Blake...?

Brisky: Our leader. I'm Brisky, I'm just a kit.

DeeDee: Nice to meet you, Brisky. I'm DeeDee.

Brisky: Hi, D.D.

DeeDee: Hiya. I'm a kit too.

(Blizzy walks up behind Brisky and pushes him down.)

Brisky: OW!

Blizzy: Loser!

(Shade comes along and laughs at her brother on the floor, covered in dirt.)

Shade&Blizzy: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!

(Brisky frowns, gets up, and walks away with his head hanging low.)

Brisky*thinking*: They embarrassed me again...

I used just MS paint for this picture.
Yes, she can. Oh, and Brock isn't dead. SORRY THAT WAS A SPOILER FOR CHAPTER 10!!!!!

(Meanwhile, Bri
over a year ago Puffed_Bubbles said…
Cleah: Brisky,don't worry! They are just jealous at you...

Brisky*puts a little smile on*: Yeah,I guess you are right.

Clicky: CLEAH! Did mommy tell you you are gonna have a baby brother or sister?

Cleah*with eyes full of joy*:Really???????????

Clicky:Yes,sweety.You can go now.

Cleah: Thanks mommy! I hope it's a boy!Drake! Brisky! I'm gonna have a baby brother or sister!

Drake and Brisky:That's awesome!

Drake:I hope it's a boy!

Brisky: Oh that would be awesome!

Cleah: Wait here,guys! I'll be back in few moments!

Clicky: Say honey what do you need?

Cleah:I just wanna know if it's a girl what will you name her and if it's a boy what will you name him?

Clicky:Girl would be Coco and boy will be Cytrus!

Cleah:Awesome! Daddy do you like those names?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Oh yeah, they are still in the canyons.

Shade: GREAT, just what we need. More boys!

Blizzy: Shade, don't be so down, it might be a girl!

Shade: Hope so.

Cleah: I want a baby brother.

Blizzy: Only StarClan knows.

(Bethany,Drake,and Xavier all come over to the group of kits.Brenden comes too.)

Brenden: I have an idea!

(He climbs on the Highrock)

Brenden: All cats from FireClan and MidnightClan, please join underneath the Highrock for a kit meeting!

Blake: Brenden, what are you doing?

Brenden: I wanna meet some kits I've never,ever met before! Especially from MidnightClan!!

Blake sighs with a smile.

All the kits from both Clans come underneath the Highrock.

Benny: What is it?

Brenden: I want all the kits to meet kits from the other Clan!

Brooke: What a success that'll be...
over a year ago schnoodle11 said…
Meanwhile, of ThornClan territory (you should read the article I wrote to know who these cats are)

BlueFlower: HEY! It's not her fault! And she's not a kittypet!

RedRiver: Yeah, LavenderFlow! And if you hadn't talked to Deadlystar like that, you'd still be back with the rest of ThornClan.

LavenderFlow: Well, I couldn't help it. He was about to slit your throat!

BlueFlower: Well, if your so pissed, may be you should just GO BACK!

LavenderFlow: Are you kidding? They'll KILL ME!

(LavenderFlow, BlueFlower, and RedRiver start yelling and fighting. Amy quietly continues to run. She gets frustrated)

amy: *screams* SHUT UP!

(other 3 cats stare at her, shocked. Amy runs off as fast as fast as she can)

BlueFlower: AMY!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Amy continued to run. She ran, and ran, and ran. She stopped suddenly as smells not from her Clan filled the area. She lifter her head in the air and opened her a mouth a little to drink in the scent.

Amy: FireClan!!

But she continued to run. Soon her run turned into a trot, then a walk. She explored all over FireClan territory. She knew it was wrong, but she kept going.

She herd a low growl, and she stopped walking. She was scared, and stood in her place.

A huge tom cat pounced on her, pinning her down.

Amy: Who are you?! Get off me!

Cat: I will when you to tell me why you're in FireClan territory!!

over a year ago schnoodle11 said…
RedRiver ran after Amy. She had darted off after yelling at he, BlueFlower, and LavenderFlow.
He started smelling the scent of another clan. He then ran into the clearing to see a large tom cat had pounced on Amy.
RedRiver: Hey! Get off her!
Cat: Another one! Don't you know you're in FireClan territory,
BlueFlower and LavenderFlow ran into clearing after RedRiver.
The cat snarled and hissed.
Cat: ThornClan cats! You've really lost your touch, sending kits to attack us! Now, get out of here before I rip your fur off, and feed you to the rats!
Amy: WAIT! We can explain!
over a year ago boomerlover said…
The cat get's off her.

Cat: Okay, explain right now, this very second.

He licked his paw and washed his ear.

Amy:I...I got mad?

She hoped that Lavenderflow or Redriver would nod, but they sat blankly staring.

Cat: state your name, I'm taking you guys back as prisoners.

Amy: I'm Amy...

Blueflower: I'm Blueflower...

Redriver: I'm Redriver...

Lavenderflow: And I'm Butt!

The three others gave her a scornful look, and the cat just laughed.

Cat: Wow, your mother must be really stupid, naming you Butt!!! Anyways, I'm Billy.

Billy picked up Amy and Redriver by the scruff of their necks, and carried them off. Lavenderflow and Blueflower fallowed. Billy's walk turned into a run. He ran and dashed into FireClan camp.

Billy: Blake! Blake, look what I found!

over a year ago schnoodle11 said…
Ha ha!
I can't think of anything else to write now, cuz I don't know how Blake would respond, but you're welcome to continue, boomerlover. I got nothing.
over a year ago boomerlover said…
I couldn't think of a funny name, so I came up with Butt!! lol I'm going to respond now.

Blake: What is it- WHAT THE HECK?!

Billy: I got prisoners!

Blake: So you did...

Billy: Yes.

Blake: State your names. Now.

Amy: Amy.

Redriver: Redriver.

Blueflower: Blueflower.

Lavenderflow: Bu...Lavenderflow...

Billy:? I thought your name was-

Lavenderflow scratched Billy across the nose. Billy shot up in attack form, ready to strike. Lavenderflow was younger than this tom, so she stepped back slowly and hid behind Redriver. Amy and Redriver tried to hold in their laughter.

Blake: Where did you come from? Be honest, because we're not going to hurt you, or keep you prisoner.


Amy: We come from ThornClan! The strong and wise!

Billy: Pfft!!!

Amy growled and unsheathed her claws.
over a year ago schnoodle11 said…
Blake: I wouldn't do that, little one.

Amy blushes and brings her claws back in.

Amy*mumbles*: i'm not that little...

Blake: I want the truth and i want it now. What brings you ThornClan kits out here?

Amy*sighs*: it's a long story.

Blake*smiles*: I've got time.

(stupid, yes? I put some stuff about y they were running in the 1st place in the comments of "About our characters". But ur the writer so u can change whatever u want to.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago boomerlover said…
That wasn't stupid, I liked it!

Amy sighed and got ready to tell the whole thing.

Amy: Okay, well, you see, Lavenderflow, Redriver, and Blueflower got in a fight. I got annoyed so I told them to shut up. I ran into the woods, until I realized I was in FireClan territory. I...I was curious so I kept going. My friends caught up to me, and...and then Billy came and attacked me. After that he took us to his Clan, and...well, here we are now.

Blake:So you went into out territory and kept going? That's bad...StarClan will be mad at you now!

Sorry, that's it. :/
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago schnoodle11 said…
I like it!
over a year ago daisylove said…
amy: ... so can we join your clan?
blueflower: yeah, can we?
redriver: please?
amy, blueflower, redriver, and lavenderflow: yay!
blake: but dont get in any trouble, i can kick you out of the clan too
blueflower: dont worry


amy: sigh, this clan is beautiful
amy: *crashes into someone*
amy: oh, sorry, i can be a little clumsy sometimes :S
breeze: its okay, who are you?
amy: my names amy, me and my friends just joined FireClan
breeze: im breeze, buttercup's sister
amy: whos buttercup?
breeze: you'll meet her sometime soon, but be careful, she can be kinda mean sometimes
amy: okay, i want to meet her now, where's her den?
breeze: *points in the direction of buttercups den*
amy: okay, thanks
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Thanks. :3

Amy: I...

She runs forward but Billy steps on her tail and stops her.

Billy: I don't think you're going anywhere kit-

He spots Storm and Sapphire walking together. He gets wide-eyed, runs over to them, letting Amy go.

Blake: Billy!

Billy looks back, but keeps running. He reaches Storm.

Billy: I...I think you're one of my kits!

Storm looks up at him, and recognizes the way her mother explained him to her.

Storm: I've finally met my daddy!!!

Storm jumps on him, and so does Sapphire. They knock him down.

That's it...
over a year ago daisylove said…
amy(thinking): that was weird...
amy: *runs to buttercups den*
amy: umm... hello?
buttercup: what?
amy: umm... i just joined the clan, and i just wanted to meet you
buttercup: *comes out of den*
buttercup: who told you about me?
amy: umm.. your sister, breeze
buttercup: oh... well then, hello
amy: hi, i have to go
buttercup(thinking): good riddens
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Um, I don't think Amy joined the Clan yet. She's still with ThornClan. But that was good. I can't really think of anything...3:
over a year ago schnoodle11 said…
well, shes gotta join eventually, doesnt she?
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Yerp! And soon!
over a year ago lillymango1 said…
*benny walks over to shade *
benny:hi shade
benny:wach what i can do *does something weird *
shade:yeah ok im gonna go *walks away *
burn:hello little kitten
benny ah !
burn:dont be a wimp little kitten
benny:im not a wimp if i were leader i would kick u out of the clan
burn:to bad your not thanks to your dad for killing dusty
benny:whos dusty
burn:he was ur ant bellas girlfriend untill
benny:i dont have an ant bella
burn:stop interuppting me
burn:thank u anyway your ant bella was onlay a kit then she found dusty and he liked her and she liked him but one day dusty found a new girl to like and her name was rose bella was mad at rose so at that night she killed rose poor dusty he loved rose so he killd bella and ur dad killd dusty and i loved ur ant bella she was cute
benny:so my ant died why dident dad tell me i had an ant
benny:did i get disd by shade *eyes start to water *
blizzy:hi benny why are u crying

benny:im not crying *holds tears*
blizzy:well if theres anything wrong tell me okay bye *walks away *
*benny walks over to shade *
benny:hi shade 
benny:wach what i can do *does something wei
over a year ago daisylove said…
big smile
i really wanna read chapter 11 of your story bl
over a year ago boomerlover said…
It's coming out soon!

Benny: Al...Alright...

Blizzy: Hey, I saw how Shade dissed you! *laughs*

Benny pouted and lay his ears flat to his head, while walking away. He sees Storm and Sapphire tussling on the patch of grass by the kits' den. He put a smirk on, and sprinted over to them.

They stopped playing and looked at him.

Storm: Oh. Hi Benny.

Benny: What's wrong?

Storm and Sapphire look at each other, then back to him. They roll over to somewhere else. Benny puts his head down respectfully, saying goodbye.

Benny: I need some friends. Real friends...

Hey Lilly, Becky's kits are born in ch.12! :D
over a year ago daisylove said…
over a year ago boomerlover said…
big smile
^^ yepers!
over a year ago Puffed_Bubbles said…
And when are Clicky's born?
over a year ago lillymango1 said…
benny *mumbeling * i dont need someone to make me happy i just have to whats the point i have no friends exsept my sis

* bloo walks up to benny*

bloo:were are your friends benny

benny:i dont have any

bloo:u have me but im from the midnight clan

benny:but ur a full grown cat

bloo:doesent mean i cant have a kit as a friend


bloo:i have a daghter would you like to meet her


*cleah runs up to benny*

cleah:who is she

benny:she is bloo

cleah:were are you going

benny:going to meet her daghter

cleah:can i come

*a gray and yellow cat comes out *

kitten:hi im gaz

over a year ago daisylove said…
i am dexter, megan (my worst enemy) is mandark
last edited over a year ago
i am dexter, megan (my worst enemy) is mandark
over a year ago daisylove said…
over a year ago boomerlover said…

(Meanwhile, Clicky is inside her den with Brad, and she is lying there, waiting for something.

Brad: What are you waiting for?

Clicky: I...I don't know. But I'll know soon...

Brad leaves her to her peace, and walks out.

Sorry, that's all I got! :p
over a year ago daisylove said…
idk im bored and im really hating on megan right now, trust me, she deserves to die, though what i posted was tottaly random XD
over a year ago daisylove said…
my brother almost died, and im not lying, he was working and kinda got hit by a truck, he had to go to the hospital but he seems fine now, idk
over a year ago boomerlover said…
I hope he's okay. Iain got hit by a car in third grade. Maybe that's why he's so stupid! XD
over a year ago daisylove said…
lol, yeah i heard he has severe bruises, but otherwise hes okay
over a year ago daisylove said…
also my class went on a feild trip to the natural history museum (yeah i spelled it wrong), and my friend lynn is moving to maryland on friday T.T

lynn: this is my last week here
hannah: we'll miss you lynn
over a year ago daisylove said…
im amanda :)
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Awesome. Well, I have school tomorrow and have to get off and go to bed. GOOD NIGHT. :)
over a year ago daisylove said…
also lynn is only a nickname, im not telling her real name or the real name of any of my friends, exept brooke and megan :P
over a year ago daisylove said…
im random
over a year ago daisylove said…
over a year ago boomerlover said…
I'm trying to work on it, but I have no ideas. Here's what I have so far, and maybe I could have some ideas...?

Blake wandered out into the woods for a stroll. He decided to walk near the twoleg houses to take a look at his old kittypet home. Sassy saw him and came bolting over.

"Daddy," She bounced up. "Where," She bounced again. "Are," Bounced. "You," Bounce. "Going?" She bounced again, finishing her question.

"A walk." He answered.

"Can I come?" She asked with huge, round eyes.

Blake stopped and looked at her. "I guess," He said. "But we'd better let your mom know."

Back at the canyons, the sun was setting. Night was about to fall. Blazey's kits were growing stronger, and began to play fight a lot more. But the girls would leave out their brother, Brisky.

Yeah.....I need some ideas, as you can see.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago daisylove said…
hmmm is storm in yur story yet? if she isint you should add her, or maybe breeze could have her kits (nah breeze can have her kits in chapter 12 or 13, idk yur the writer), but you know what i mean
over a year ago boomerlover said…
This is he chapter that Storm comes in. And in this chapter Breeze and Dexter could fall in love, and then in chapter 2 she has her kits? Would that work?
over a year ago daisylove said…
idk, yur the writer but i think it would work
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Okay, cool.
over a year ago daisylove said…
blaze is going to murder clicky_fan
last edited over a year ago
blaze is going to murder clicky_fan
over a year ago daisylove said…
and if clicky_fan survives that i'll have dexter and mandark attack her
and if clicky_fan survives that i'll have dexter and mandark attack her
over a year ago daisylove said…
and if clicky_fan survives that i'll make bell destroy her
and if clicky_fan survives that i'll make bell destroy her
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Awesome! May I send Storm to murder her with them? >:)
last edited over a year ago
Awesome! May I send Storm to murder her with them? >:)