Boomerlover's Cats Of The Forest Which character are you?

boomerlover posted on Jun 29, 2010 at 09:16PM
Which character is most like you? Take this quiz to find out! When done, post your results for each one.

1. Oh no! Your kits have gone missing! What do you do?

A. Look for them right away, sending patrols and bringing your mate with you to find them
B. Rush out, putting your life to find them
C. Don't worry; they're smart enough to find their way home
D. Watch over them guide them, make sure the get home safely

2. Your camp is on fire! What happens next?

A. Get everyone out first; be the last one to make sure everyone's safe
B. Keep close to your mate and kits until they're safe and out of trouble
C. get to the front! Save myself!
D. Make sure everyone stays okay, and be the first to help someone who falls behind

3. Rogues attack your camp. What do you do?

A. Fight with my life, loose it for a Clan mate if have to
B. Put my life in front of the Clan, save everyone if possible
C. Fight until every enemy is dead
D. Watch over everyone, help any cat in need of savior

4. Your love just dumped you for someone else. How do you deal with it?

A. I don't know...I loved he/she, I should just get on with my life
B. Cry for a couple of days, but eventually I'll get over it and find someone better
C. Kill him/her in revenge
D. Love is just a thing, it happens and it doesn't

5. You lied to the leader and he/she found out. How do you avoid getting into more trouble?

A. Be honest; the truth is best
B. Act sorry, tell him/her the truth, and never lie again
C. Keep telling lies until he/she believes you
D. I would never! That is against our code

6. You have broken the warrior code by stealing prey from other territory! :O

A. I'm sorry...It was a need for my family, and we are short or prey. It will never happen again
B. Our territory is short; we need prey or we'll starve. We have kits and elders that need to be fed
C. So? I'm hungry and I need my food!
D. Stealing prey? Nonsense! It's against the Warrior Code, hurtful for Clans, if indeed I might, there would be serious punishment

7. Your jealous of Deputy and his/her popularity. How do you deal with it?

A. Popularity is nothing in a Clan. All you need is faith
B. Okay, I'm a little jealous. So what?
C. Kill the Deputy for his place in the Clan
D. I don't think being popular is a big deal. As long as you have friends, you're fine

8. You were exiled for killing a Clan mate.

A. What? Killing a Clan mate? Never happening! I'm too loyal to my Clan
B. Wha...? Never! That's wrong, and stupid! No one should do that!
C. Living as a rogue is fine. My own life, my own territory, love it
D. If I did that, it was right to exile me. But I've never done it, and I never will. Killing is horrid!

9. Save yourself or your family?

A. Everyone!
B. Family; as long as we're together, nothing can hurt us
C. Myself!
D. Everyone in need of savior should be saved

10. Bye!

A. Good-bye, nice doing this
B. Uh...bye?
C. Good riddens!
D. Good-bye, faithful one. May StarClan light your path

Make your answers just the letters, not the whole answer. Once your done, I'll see which character(s) you are! :3

Boomerlover's Cats Of The Forest 22 replies

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over a year ago boomerlover said…
Here's an example of how to wright your answers (I'm just posting random ones :P)

1. c
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. a
9. d
10. c

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
big smile










This was really FUN! Which caharacter am I?
over a year ago boomerlover said…
Let me calculate your results
over a year ago boomerlover said…
You are Blake ;3 ^^ go you!
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
YAY! BLAKE RULES! Im bored. I want someone 2 make a drawing 2 cheer me up. OR if u want me 2 draw u something. link
over a year ago schnoodle11 said…
1: a

3: b
4: b
7: b

over a year ago boomerlover said…
Amy, you're a tie between Blake and Brisky. let's see who you are truly...Answer one last question.

If I left fanpop, what would you do?

A. Cry and cry and cry until no more crying will come
B. Gather all our stick-twigs and sit vigil for a salad child leaving the group

over a year ago boomerlover said…
lolz stupid question. XD
over a year ago daisylove said…
1. a

2. c

3. c

4. b

5. d

6. a

7. b

8. c

9. b

10. a
over a year ago daisylove said…
who am i?
over a year ago boomerlover said…
There was a big tie with yours. Lemme give you one more question:

If StarClan lied to you, would you ever look to the stars again?

A. of course I would. StarClan is all of our lost ones.
B. Not really...Yes. Yes I would. I have all my loved and lost ones up there, and they're always with me no matter what.
C. No! They have lied to me! What traitors! I thought I trusted them...
over a year ago daisylove said…
over a year ago boomerlover said…
You are Brisky. ;3 Yay!
over a year ago schnoodle11 said…
11: a
XD I'm soft.
over a year ago EleanorSeville said…
over a year ago boomerlover said…
big smile
Schnoo, you're Blake. Ellie, you're Brisky.

over a year ago kyle1wizard said…

over a year ago Dariafan said…
1: a
2: b
3: d
4: b
5: a
6: a
7: b
8: d
9: b
10: d

Who am I?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PhineasFangirl said…
kyle, you're a StarClan warrior. Daria, you're Brisky.
over a year ago Dariafan said…
Cool, Thank-you, can I draw you anything
over a year ago PhineasFangirl said…
If you want to draw, sure ^^ You can draw me. . .MARIE EATING A WAFFLE :D Marie is a slightly dark red she-cat with midnight blue eyes :3
over a year ago Blaze-cool said…
1. B.
2. A.
3. C.
4. D.
5. A.
6. A.
7. D.
8. A.
9. A.
10. D.

Who am I?