Boomerlover's Cats Of The Forest Fuck This

bcthestrongest posted on Aug 24, 2010 at 12:58AM
u guys are dead on bl side i only became friends with blf no big deal if u gonna be with her then go ahead but leave me shanell brick doranis and us alone if u guys don't leave this pregnant lady alone i swear to god i wish for something for me to go to hell

Boomerlover's Cats Of The Forest 51 replies

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over a year ago Silvershine said…
Pregnant woman. X3 HAHAHAHAA
That's so funny! Seriously, that was a good joke. Look, you were banned with the rest of them, STAY OFF BITCH!!!! And I know boomerloverfan has been on here, it traces her comments. THAT'S RIGHT FUCKER I KNOW YOU COME HERE!!!
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
really thats so cool who cares she is pregnant bitch go get someone to mess with but stay out of mine i already have problems bitch and dont block my spot and haha all u want i get the last laugh and call me a fucker u whore
over a year ago Silvershine said…
What? Oh, sorry, I can't understand you, I don't speak hooker.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
really i thought u would u are one cross this line bitch*draws an imaginary line with her foot*
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
Look SilverShine,I HAD ENOUGH! Leave her alone! and yes her sister IS pregnet! I saw her sister b4!
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
thank u
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
I know BL IS gonna yell at me and when you post a club,It belongs to the COMMUITY not just the person who made it. so if BL says for us to leave her club, the commuity will still let us be here.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
sure thing
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
look at her belly lol
look at her belly lol
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
SEE? She IS pregent!
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
thank u
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
Oh. thats not a belly.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
that is her belly
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
Bellies don't look like that. thats a B#%B. Thats really gross. I can tell thats not a belly cuz if she has an outtie its not that big. if she has an iniee or whatever then its in.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
thats her belly because she is pregnant she is fat and she is that big and my sister belly is not gross
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
No thats a girl's chest. cuz a belly button doesn't look like that. Tell the truth cuz I know thats not a belly.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
that is her belly becuase her belly button is like that she is just not that big for a pregnant woman
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
Thats not a belly! and your sister isn't white.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
thats the fucking camera her camera it did that
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
No. No camera makes someone else's skin white. I looked at that pic closely and a belly button isn't dark. thats a b#*b. not a belly. Admit thats not a belly so we can stop arguing.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
thats is her belly it is my sister conversation over
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
No its not.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
yes it is that her fucking belly
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
no belly button isn't dark. That is a βθθβie.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
no it is not her boobies that is her belly
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
βθθβie. I know it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
yes thats her belly and her bellybutton
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
Thats not a bellybutton, That's a nipple. I can tell.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
u so fucking blind thats her belly button her breast are the black thing
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
Why did you un-fann me Bc? I did nothing wrong! :'(
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
i didnt un fan u
over a year ago hellomia said…
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
my bad
over a year ago hellomia said…
No really you are all crazy and bc why did you treat my cousin that way it's not right.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
she thinks my sister aint pregnant and keep thinking my sister Kandace is my imagination
over a year ago hellomia said…
So she can think whatever she wants and you have no right at all to tell her she can't!
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
but this has nothing to do with her now it has to do with my sister u know i was almost fought with death because of this shit
over a year ago boomerloverfan said…
What made you in this HM? This isn't your argument. Bc Can do whatever she wants.
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
true but right now dont care
over a year ago hellomia said…
Be quiet Boomerloverfan this is not your business
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
lets just stop it
over a year ago hellomia said…
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
ok i dont got the energy im too happy to fight
over a year ago hellomia said…
Why happy?
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
because i had a crush on a dude and he ask me out
over a year ago hellomia said…
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
well thank u *jumps up and down*
over a year ago hellomia said…
over a year ago bcthestrongest said…
yes i like a request leah
over a year ago hellomia said…
Well post it on blaze