CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!!! Heroes Of Today- The Story

ace1317 posted on Feb 28, 2012 at 01:03AM
What Will Happen This Time??????

This book has been coyprighted by the Purple Bear Studios. Any form of distrabutation if not aproved by me will be facing heavy charges and fines.

Author: Abigail
Publisher And Director Of Purple Bear Studios: Veronica!
Inspiration: Myself. (Acey)

~Angel Was Here!!!

last edited on Feb 28, 2012 at 08:46PM

CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!!! 90 replies

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over a year ago ace1317 said…
Chapter 1

I woke up that morning, got dressed, and walked out of my Cabin. What I saw was normal; Fang setting the Ares Cabin on Fire, Connor and Travis TPing the Aphrodite Cabin, Daniel and Isso Holding hands and walking around camp, Angel arguing with someone about College football teams, Fallis in the Forges, Dylan in the Training area, Leo eating a burrito, and Bella trying to give some Daughter of Demeter some love advice. It was the start of another day. I teleported myself to the beach, as soon as my feet hit the sand, my clothes were already shimming and turning into my swim suit. I summoned my surfboard, the black one with the blue flames, and ran into the waves. Power surged through me. It was my favorite time of day to surf: Hightide. The waves were crashing all around me it was perfect.
“Hey Ang surfing rematch? It’s the perfect time right now” I sent to her through the bond we had.
“What you mean Rematch? You know it’ll another tie again” Angel said appearing on the shore.
“Only if we make it to be” I replied.
“Come on Ace you know who will win this” She said paddling out to me.
“You never really know” I said summoning a wave. I paddled out in front of it and pushed myself up, and I was off.
“You used powers, no fair!” Angel shouted.
“So What? I’m a Daughter of Poseidon, not Hades like you.”
“True but Hades is WAY better”
“No Poseidon”
“Ok we are not going there again” Angel said carving off the top of a wave.
“Doing that is not gonna help you beat me.” I said making a tube and riding through it,
“Show off” Angel said.
“So?” I said jumping off my board and into the water.
“We just need to give, and face it we’re to competitive to do anything without it being a tie.” Angel said
“Depends on what we’re doing.” I said walking onto the shore. My swim suit shimmered and turned back into my clothes.
“Sometimes” she replied wringing her hair out.
“You’re a WHOLE lot better with fire”
“That’s only cause your terrified of it.”
“Yep especially after what happened to my mom, but that beside the point.” I said
“I told you whenever you wanna go she her, just let me know and we’ll go” Angel said.
“I know that:” I said walking back to camp
Everyone was heading to the Pavilion to eat Breakfast. On the way there, we passed the burning Ares cabin, I dosed it in water.
“Your brother REALLY needs to learn to stop setting things on fire” I tell Angel
“That’ll happen when you stop liking water” She replies
“Good point” I say getting my breakfast and sacrificing the best parts to my Dad.
“See ya in the trying area later” Angel said sitting down at the Hades table.
“I won’t” I say sitting down at the Poseidon Table with, Percy, Mike, An, Luce, and Alkali.
“You were at the beach already this morning?” An Asked
“Where you think I would be at?” I asked.
“Arguing with Angel about something” Alkali replied
“Believe it or not we don’t always argue” I said taking a bit of my French Toast
When Breakfast was over I summoned a water disk and flew over to the Training Area. I flipped off the disk and landed in front of Angel and Dylan; talking about Quesadillas.
“This Again?” I said summoning Tidal Wave.
“What else would we talk about, we were waiting on you” Dylan said
“Like I took that long to get here” I said
“You do have your Blonde moments” Angel said
“Here we go with the Blonde Jokes again” I say rolling my eyes
“Can we Just fight already?” Dylan asked
“Sure who’s fighting first?” I ask
“Me and Acey!” Angel yelled summoning her Stygian Iron dagger
“Fine with me.” I said flipping my dagger in the air.
“Then I play winner………If you to don’t tie…………..again” Dylan said leaning against a tree.
“You got a point there” I said
“You go first.” Angel said
“Already did” I said as a Stream of water knocked Angel back.
“Water, really?” she said surrounding herself in fire. She made a ring of fire appear around me. I tried dosing the fire with water, but it didn’t work. “Water-proof fire” I thought to myself. I summoned a water disk and flew out of the fire. I barely notice the dagger that flew out of Angel’s hand and grazed my fore arm. I healed it quickly and advanced on Angel. I slashed at her and she dodged it. I summoned my other dagger, out of her sight, and made a long cut on her thigh. “Styx” she mumbled slicing my back. We both stepped back to heal ourselves.
“It’s gonna be another tie” I thought to myself.
Angel came at me again and our dagger’s blades locked, with each others hilts. We managed to free both of our weapons at the same time. We both whirled around and our daggers landed on the back of each others necks
“What I tell you.” Dylan said
“That makes how many ties?” I ask moving my dagger away from her neck.
“Too many” Angel replied.
“You guys are WAY to competitive” Dylan said
I laughed “And you aren’t?” I ask
“I am but not Overly competitive like you two” He said
“Like we can help it” Angel said
“Even if we could, it wouldn’t make a difference” I said throwing my dagger at a tree barely missing Dylan’s head.
“Fine then, lets talk to a real competitive Hero……..Achilles” Angel said summoning him from the Underworld.
Achilles just stood there looking at us with a blank stare for a minute before fading away again. Angel turned paler then normal and collapsed.
“What the Fu--?” Dylan started to say. I got dizzy, black stars danced in my vision and I collapsed beside Angel, and Darkness took me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
this is really good! :D
post soon!!! haha, i remember mostly everyone from HoT ;D
over a year ago ace1317 said…
thanks, i will in the next day or 2. thanks awesome, Wanna join again ;)
over a year ago precious211 said…
That was awesome!
Hahha second is always the best screw you one!
jk jk
but seriously it was awesome
and am really not just saying that
Hahha I like how you won't tell me what happened to her
Post fast!
dude try swordfighting Percy
Post soon!
waits impatiently over here while drinking orange juice*
over a year ago ace1317 said…
I Still Think Your The Better Writer Sis . Not Gonna Say.......Have To Wait Like Everyone Else.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
hm, i've been busy lately but maybe i'll join again :)
link please? and could you catch me up, lol :D
over a year ago Nico-di-Angelo said…
AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! THIS! IS! SO! COOOOL!!! XD heehee, its me!
over a year ago precious211 said…
you're stuck doing what I have to bud
I joined like really late
over a year ago daniel0913 said…
i like it post more soon will me and isso be in it more lol
over a year ago ace1317 said…
@ Julina, YAY! ya i'll catch u up
@ Isso, thanks
@ Anny, Gonna have to wait
@ Daniel, Ya yall will be.

I'll try to post tonight
over a year ago cowgirlbetty143 said…
big smile
WONDERFUL,i love it. Even though I don't know all the people.It is very long though. But still good.
over a year ago ace1317 said…
Beth, this ain't even the longest chapter. Or the longest chapter i have ever wrote. btw Thanks XD
over a year ago Nico-di-Angelo said…
YAY to answer #4!!! XD
over a year ago ace1317 said…
already, included yall evry1 will be included more once it gets going. Veronica wrote half of the 2 chapter so ya......
over a year ago werevamp246 said…
Oh Yea! Wait...Don't Tell Them! Shut The Window!!
over a year ago ace1317 said…
Haha, u wrote it during Social Studies lol
over a year ago werevamp246 said…
Oh Yea! That's My Sleeping/Texxting Class!
over a year ago ace1317 said…
You only txted ! time and that was friday during the storm.
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Lol I do give love advices! Lmfao
over a year ago ace1317 said…
big smile
:) Writing Chapter 2 post it tomorrow. or possibly tonigh who knows
over a year ago Nico-di-Angelo said…
big smile
No kidding Bella ;)
And YAY to Acey! Cant wait
over a year ago ace1317 said…
Trying as fast as i can :)
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yay! can't wait til you post :D
over a year ago ace1317 said…
post tomorrow almost done
over a year ago werevamp246 said…
You Better Post! I Did NOT Sit In Class Writing All That Stuff For Nothing!!
over a year ago ace1317 said…
And i did not spend 2 hours of computer time, 1 hour of sleep on teh bus in the morning, not to post it.
over a year ago ace1317 said…
Chapter 2

I woke up in the infirmary my head was pounding. I groaned.
“Looks like Ace is awake” I heard Isso say. She walked over to me and sat on the side of my bed.
“How you feeling?” She asked me.
“Like a Hellhound sat on my head.” I said sitting up.
"It could have been worse for you, you only passed out because of the bond” Isso said.
“The bond…..WAIT!….Angel summoned Achilles and he disappeared and she collapsed! Oh my Gods is she ok?!” I said bolting up and getting dizzy
“Whoa Ace…..” Isso started to say
“Angel’s still passed out” Dylan said walking into the room, “You ok Ace?”
“Ya I’m fine. But I’m not gonna sit here, I’m gonna go see if I can sense anything wrong with Angel” I say swinging my legs off the bed.
“You really just need to stay here” Isso said.
“There’s nothing you can really do to stop her, who knows she might be able to help Angel, since she has the bond with her.” Daniel said. I didn’t see him earlier, because he was sitting to the right of the bed in a corner.
“True, but I don’t think she can stand up right now, er can you Ace?” Isso asked.
“Maybe, I don’t know” I said standing up while I held onto the bed.
“So far so good” Isso said. I took a step and stumbled and Dylan caught my arm before I fell. He helped me up and wrapped an arm around me waist, to keep me up right. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.
“Ace I think that we can wait for now, I know how protective you two are over each other, but your not gonna be of any help to Angel, unconscious, or dying.”
“I have to see her Dylan” I said looking him in the eye. He cocked his head. “Please” I added.
“Ok fine Ace……but at least let me get you some help” he said reaching past Daniel to get to the table beside the bed and grabbed a bag of Ambrosia, and handed it to me.
“Thanks” I said taking it.
“Remember don’ take too much, it’ll……” Isso started to say.
“I think she already knows what will happen Isso” Daniel said.
“Thanks anyway Isso” I said.
“Now let’s go see who else got beat so bad that they need to be healed, come on Daniel” Isso said. Daniel sighed and followed her.
“Now lets go to Angel’s Cabin.” Dylan said helping me walk.
“Wait I thought she was in the infirmary” I said taking out and eating a piece of Ambrosia.
“You know Angel, she would of refused to go to the Infirmary” he said. When we got to Cabin 13, Dylan let me lean against the Cabin wall, while he opened the door. His face grew grim when he did that. I took another piece of Ambrosia out the bag and ate it, feeling a little less dizzy. Dylan came back to me and wrapped his arm behind my head and rested it on my shoulder, I did the same, so I could lean on him if I needed to. We walked into the Hades cabin and saw Angel. She was laying on her bed, pale as a ghost. Nico and Fang were on either side of her bed. Fang glanced up and smiled at us when we came to stand by him.
“Same as before?” Dylan asked Fang.
“Yep, no change” he replied.
“Dang……..Shouldn’t you be setting something on fire?” Dylan asked.
“Oh ya, your cabin is due for a burning” Fang said smirking and walking out of the cabin. When the door shut Nico winced, Dylan looked at him.
“What’s wrong Nico? A Nightmare? Dream? Vision?” He asked him. I realized Nico, being a Son of Hades, could sense the evil, in most things.
“What is it Nico?” I asked kneeling down in front of him. Nico blinked and looked up, his words slurred a little.
“What?” He said yawning, then I realized he had been asleep.
“Never mind.” I said. I stood up and moved to the other side of the bed. I picked up one of Angel’s limp hands and tried to figure out what was wrong with her. Dylan coughed behind me.
“Ace even if you knew what was wrong with Angel, I don’t think she’d want you to try to heal her right now, knowing you were hurt.”
“I have help remember?” I said holding up the bag of Ambrosia. He shook his head and cast me a smile. It faded as he pointed to her phone.
“Didja call her dad yet?”
I threw my hands up. “No her Dad hates me too much, you do it” I said picking up her phone and tossing it to him. He caught it and looked down at the screen, it was a picture of all 3 of us at the beach. He sighed and scrolled through her contacts, until he found Hades’ number. He dialed it and on the third ring he tossed it to me, I uttered a silent protest just as Hades answered.
“Hello Angel, what do you need I’m trying to punish some souls.” he said, I grimaced.
“Actually, this is Ace.” I say. I could hear the coldness and hatred toward me in his voice.
“What do you need?! I’m VERY busy and if this isn’t important…….” he left that threat hang off.
“It’s Angel, We don’t know what’s wrong, she was trying to summon Arch-” I started to say.
“ARCHILLES?! Doesn’t she know I put a curse on him?! It’s INVERSIBLE!” he yelled through the phone, that I could still hear after I moved the phone away from my ear to avoid my eardrums from busting. I gulped and put the phone back up to my ear.
“Nothings irreversible. There must be SOME way-”
“Where are you at?! I MUST SEE MY DAUGHTER!”
“At camp-” I started to say. Then he cut the connection. Dylan came and sat in the chair next to me.
“Ace-” he started.
“Dylan, Hades is-” he interrupted me before I could finish.
“Ace lets go down to the beach, It’ll give you time to think, and maybe Hades will be done trying to help Angel, when we get back.” he said
“Ok” I replied and stood up.
He grabbed my hand and I couldn’t help but to blush as we walked to the Beach.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Hey blue ace! this is great! Your story is rockin it! good job!
I'd rate this a 8!
8! because
-Awesome and awesome and awesome
-some grammar mistakes
other than that its great great and great!
good job blue ace!
keep it up! better than me i believe
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yay you posted!
post soon!!!
over a year ago Nico-di-Angelo said…
AWSOME! No really, it is awsome. I think u guys wrote our characters the way we would oursleves. :)
over a year ago ace1317 said…
@Green Ace, i didn't have time to go back and do the normal spelling\grammar check last night ran out of time and i promised i would post
@Monica Thanks i will
@Isso, Thanks, i tried.
over a year ago werevamp246 said…
You DID NOT Write Their Characters! I Did! Lmfao!
over a year ago peace3000 said…
over a year ago Dorito23 said…
Soooo good!
over a year ago ace1317 said…
V u didn't do ur Publisher copyright, seal thingy on teh notebook
over a year ago ace1317 said…
Thanks Raley!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
Is she going to be alright
*manipulates ace to tell me*
Alsome job
Hahha hades ripping souls
*Uh u guys are so cute together*
Post soon please
This is awesome!
over a year ago ace1317 said…
I'll post this weekend if i get a chance.
Answers No Sis, again WAIT
over a year ago werevamp246 said…
Chapter Seven Is DONE!
over a year ago werevamp246 said…

over a year ago precious211 said…
Yeah can you tell her to post then?
over a year ago ace1317 said…
7?! JEez i haven't even finished chapter 3! Guys idk When I'll post, But I'll Try REALLY hard tonight. I have the Flu, so everyone keeps telling me.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
aw, the flu?? feel better! :D
over a year ago Nico-di-Angelo said…
over a year ago ace1317 said…
Thanks guys :)
over a year ago _Leo_Fire_ said…
Leo must be this story :/ IM GETTIN A SWORD ^.^
over a year ago ace1317 said…
Leo is in this story. who said he wasn't the book's just starting out.
over a year ago _Leo_Fire_ said…
Idunno Abigail jk ish that Ur name? :O U must have the Leo here.
over a year ago ace1317 said…
Yes, Abigail is my real name. Leo IS gonna be in teh book
over a year ago Nico-di-Angelo said…
Yay! Lol. R u gonna post today Ace?