Canada How to spot a Canadian...

Yunaxoxo posted on Dec 30, 2008 at 01:50AM

When u are new to the country Canada or want to see who is Canadian in your country... All you have to do is wait and see if they say "Eh" at the end of a sentence.

Some Canadians are Red Necks if they live in the country. Some Canadians such as boys (some) have the Git-her-done shirt or hat.

Canada 15 replies

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over a year ago My8thUsername said…
Where do you live? 'Cause here in Nova Scotia NOBODY says "eh". I literally have NEVER heard a Canadian say "eh" in my life, most of which I've spent here in Canada. Actually, the only time I've ever heard anyone say that was when they were making fun of Canadians, not the actual Canadians. Not trying to sound mean or anything, but seriously. People stopped using that word ages ago.
over a year ago ziggyzag12 said…
I have been almost everywhere in Canada and I live in Alberta, and NOBODY says 'eh'. Also, I have NEVER met ANY guy with a get-her-done shirt or hat. It's getting soooooo Annoying!!!!
over a year ago Greek_girl said…
over a year ago diademrocks said…
Calm down..
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Lol i say 'eh' all the time but im not Canadian and not American either)
over a year ago SweetHoneyBunny said…
I hear and say 'eh' all the time. Also I actually know a few guys with git-her done shirts.
over a year ago lalaland123754 said…
I don't say "eh"... ever :)
Well, that might be because I never speak English except for English class at my school... so I've never learned the stereotypes for British Canadians.
over a year ago Makeupdiva said…
I'm from Canada and I have never said 'eh' and I've never heard anyone else say that as well. I hate it when people say that about us. It's like when they say we all live in igloos and we all play hockey and all that crap that they show on tv. None of it is real.
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over a year ago spellpatronus said…
I'm Canadian, and in Ontario, nobody says eh! Stop it cuz it's really annoying!
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over a year ago acklesgirl87 said…
Um, yes people do say eh. I say eh, and so do most of the people I know. Who cares anyway? Even though it's commonly associated with Canada, it's used in other places too. I've even heard Americans use it.

But anyway, those things are not how you spot a Canadian.
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AgentBobcat18 commented…
So true. over a year ago
over a year ago Canada24 said…
You do realize, that just because we Canadian, dosen't mean we are as steriotypes consider us..

We're I live (Ottawa Ontario), we hardly EVER say "eh".. In fact, I say the British line "bloody hell" instead.

Plus I don't watch hockey, or other things people SAY we do..
We aren't all to different then Americans, seriously, when I go there, I only realize I'm in USA, by the flage..

Canadians aren't people you can SPOT, I mean, that sounded abit judge mental..
over a year ago AgentBobcat18 said…
Okay, first of all, we don't all say ''eh'. Well, I do, but I also say things like ''bloody hell'' and all that. Second of all, we don't all live in igloos and obsess over hockey (Well, some of us do, but not all of us.). Third of all, I have never seen a moose in my entire life, and I live in British Columbia for gosh's sake! Fifth of all, you know that stereotype where all Canadians are nice and cheerful and polite to everybody? Yeah, that's not true. In fact...

Okay, first of all, we don't all say ''eh'. Well, I do, but I also say things like ''bloody hell'' an
over a year ago Funfums said…
That's honestly rude.
I'm Canadian and rarely anyone there says 'eh' at the end of their sentence.
Rarely anyone in Canada wears 'Git-her-done' shirts/hats.
Like what The8thUsername said, people that aren't Canadian usually say 'Eh' if they make fun of Canadians.
The stereotype where all Canadians are kind to everyone isn't really that true.
Some are rude and some are polite.
I don't like the way you insult us Canadians.
Plus these 'stereotypes' aren't true.
over a year ago Makeupdiva said…
It's so frustrating what people who aren't from Canada think Canada is like. I for one have never said 'Eh?' at the end of a sentence or at all, my dad has said it a few times but that's it. People think Canada always has freezing weather, not necessarily true. While Canada gets cold weather, we also get warm or hot weather. I live in Victoria which is in BC and we hardly get snow in the winter, I wish we did because I like snow around Christmas. Then there's the igloo thing, obviously we all don't live in one. I've never even seen one. I don't say about like 'aboot' that one annoys me. I don't get where non-Canadian people came up with this stuff. A lot of it isn't even true. And while people can be polite and friendly, there are also a lot of jerks and non-polite people. Anyways, I have to say I don't know how a person can spot a Canadian, like on Entertainment tonight Daniel Radcliffe was being interviewed by Rick Campanelli and thought he was American, it's hard to spot a Canadian. Believe me, I've mistaked some people for Canadian and American.
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over a year ago makintosh said…
The assumptions you make about Canadians are so lame, not to mention unfortunate. *enough said*