Cardcaptor Sakura Spot Banner Contest

Bery posted on Feb 22, 2010 at 11:55AM
Since someone voted here about wanting to make a banner
we're doing a contest to decide for the new banner.

Anyone can enter with one submission (one banner) and there's a maximum of 3 submissions per person.

Size of the banner has to be 800x100.

The banner should at least include Sakura, Tomoyo, Kero, Touya, Yukito and Shaoran (Am I missing any other main characters?), you can include others if you want though.

Submissions are open until March 15th included, so you have three weeks.

Good luck everyone! ^_^

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Cardcaptor Sakura 18 replies

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over a year ago Bery said…
Don't know how to do a banner? Don't have photoshop?

I personally only use Paint and this online site link to make icons, banners and all kinds of fanarts, if you take the time to explore the options the site offers you can make some very nice things with it.

Pictures to edit, you can find plenty to work with on the Images section of the spot.

Dont worry, no one is expecting anything overdone, just something simple and pretty :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
Excellent!! Thank you so much for the link. Maybe I'll try and make one :) I don't guarantee it's going to be wonderful, though ^.^
over a year ago Bery said…
^ no matter, doesnt have to be that elaborate, just glad that someone's participating =D
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
Will you?
over a year ago Bery said…
If I'll participate? Of course! I'm planning on making 3 banners if I have the time :)
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
Awesome :)
This banner contest is such a great idea!
over a year ago burgundyeyes said… I supposed to post it as an image in this club?
over a year ago Bery said…
Yes and post the link to it here please :D
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…

Okay, here's the link.

I'll try and make two others.
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
2nd banner. It's much more pink and girly than the first :D

over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
Bery, Is this banner thing still going on? If you don't have time, I could make the pick...?
over a year ago liviadelarosa said…
Bery, may I submit mine now? I want to make it.. :)
over a year ago Bery said…
^ of course! just upload it to the fanart section and give me a link in here to it :)
over a year ago liviadelarosa said…
Here's my design. I've already made it. Maybe it's too simple..
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
Hey! I finally found time to remake my banners so that they're 800x100

Here are the links:
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
So, will you be posting yours, Bery?
over a year ago Bery said…
^ Yes and I'll be doing the pick sometime next week

I'll try my best, next week I'll be done with my college exams so I'll be able to do everything. Thanks guys for the participation and the patience <3
over a year ago liviadelarosa said…
finally I come back to fanpop! :D It's been a year I'm not visiting here.. hehe..
when I come to Cardcaptor Sakura club (this club) I am surprised to see that the banner that designed by me is used! Thanks for choosing mine! I'm so glad with it!