Cats Declawing?

mrk posted on Jun 17, 2006 at 09:38PM
what do you think?

Cats 15 replies

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over a year ago mrk said…
Declawing is bad and inhumane!
over a year ago mrk said…
well i like to protect my drapes.
over a year ago papa said…
can you replace the claws if you change your mind?
over a year ago panaricanchick said…
no u cant change your mind. plus did you know they have to remove the first joint in order to fully remove the claw. they have laser procedures now but i really dont see how it would be much better.
over a year ago dlyteful said…
Ok...I got all of my cats declawed.

Now my feelings on that is yes it is inhumane, but at the time I didnt see anyother option. I was living in an apartment and my cats were scratching up and destroying the carpets. My landlord was getting really pissed and said if I didnt get them removed I would have to get rid of them. I thought long and hard about in and in the end decided to keep the cats and get them declawed. At this point they were already full grown and I figured it would be more 'humane' to get them declawed but provide them with a caring wonderful home than not get them declawed and give them up to be adopted where as cats and not kittens they had a great chance of not getting adopted and put to sleep.

That being said I still allowed my cats to go out, which most advised against because the cats wont be able to defend themselves. All those people apparently havent met Puss(male), he's a regular bad ass assassin cat! First him and his brother (Bojangles) have killed every grasshopper in the area around my house that I havent seen a grasshopper in two years! Two years ago my front porch looked like a grasshopper war had taken place, those two brought every grasshopper in the couple blocks they travel back to my place to play with and eventually kill.
Now more about Puss- he's THE assassin. This boy catches rabbits, bunnies, birds, mice, rats, small foxes....seriously everything. The truly amazing thing is he has no front claws AND two years ago he broke his jaw, and it healed dislocated so that he's tongue is always sticking out. He still brings me a 'treat' almost everyday.
over a year ago heatherb0828 said…
I didnt read all the above posts so i hope im not being repetitive but if i got my cats declawed and they got outside somehow I would never forgive myself bc i would know they wouldnt live long without being able to defend themselves.
over a year ago Chlarkfan said…
i will never declaw my cat!
over a year ago loversdisengage said…
Declawing is torture. It's like taking a baby and cutting his fingers off. Is that not cruel?

If you are so protective of your furniture there are other alternatives to this. One is providing the cat with a scratching post. (esp where ever they like to nap. Cats scratch things usually afterwards.) You can even make a DIY one instead of paying a ridiculous price for a post w/rope on it, too. A second option is buying a spray called 'NO' to spray on furniture, curtains, etc. Cats can smell this but people cannot.
over a year ago funsizedtink said…
Declawing is mean and weird. when cats are declwaed, there knukles are removed.
over a year ago funsizedtink said…
Declawing is torture. It's like taking a baby and cutting his fingers off. Is that not cruel?
i agree. declawing is a horrible procedrere
over a year ago tinkerluvr said…
Declawing is mean. Cats use claws for balance, not to mention defending themselves!
over a year ago SRitchieable said…
There's an alternative to declawing, which achieves the same result.

Go to link and scroll down the page to find the "Extremely Sucessful Alternative to Declawing"!
over a year ago rakshasa said…
I have 5 cats, none of them are declawed and none of them have ever ruined anything. I have scratching posts in 4 rooms and they always use only them to scratch on:)
over a year ago fanfly said…
Declawing is a potentially dangerous surgery that renders your cat vulnerable. Not only unable to defend itself but unable to climb things in order to escape from danger. It's unnecessary.

There are alternatives. Scratching posts, obviously. Also cats often scratch out of boredom. Play with them on a regular basis, provide them with toys. In short, give them other things to do besides scratch your furniture/carpet.
over a year ago Chaann94 said…
U know what else is an alternative for declawing? It's all cat-friendly!

1) Get your lazy ass off the couch and clip the poor things nails!

2) Open that wallet made of unions(because u cry every time u open it) and get it a scratch pole (or whatever it's called like in english :P)

No offense, I was in a strange mood when i wrote this so if u feel offended, that's my sense of humor, sorry :P