QueenVictoria73 posted on Jan 24, 2010 at 04:26AM
Ok, so call me stupid, but I got my time zones messed up. Anyways, here is what the time would be for all time zones in the US if it was 9:20 PM in my time (eastern) EDIT: WE'VE OFFICIALLY MADE TIMES, HERE THEY ARE:
If you don't know which time zone you are in, go here link
And i'm very much pretty sure that Ireland time would be 6:20 AM- if anyone's from there.
Another problem is, I just realized that on Feb 9th the dvd isn't just gonna miraculously appear on everyone who pre ordered it's doorstep.
So, what date should it be on? I was thinking on giving it a week for everyone's DVD to arrive? Or, people could post the moment they get there DVD and when everyone has there's do it the next day. But that plan is kinda a stretch. SECOND EDIT: THE DATE IS TENTATIVELY FEB 12TH. MESSAGE EVERYONE ON THE LIST AS SOON AS YOU GET UR DVD, AND THEN I WILL POST THE OFFICIAL DATE. A NEW FORUM TOPIC WILL BE MADE AND WE CAN ALSO CHAT ON HERE. THOSE WHO WENT WITH THE OTHER PLAN AND PUT THERE EMAIL UP WILL RECEIVE A SPECIAL MESSAGE ABOUT THE START TIME. SORRY THAT IT'S SWITCHING AROUND SO MUCH.
This is the list so far of people who will be doing it:
QueenVictoria73 (me)
So, if you are going to do this, please post something here, suggest something about dates/times/ect and it will be great!
Thanks so much if for people who want do this, I think it's going to be amazing!
last edited on Feb 03, 2010 at 02:12AM

Celtic Thunder 48 replies

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over a year ago cassidy86 said…
i wonder if this can be pulled off! if this would be like a first for our guys.[celtic thunder]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
big smile
I vote Friday or Saturday. I'm buying my cd/dvd in stores on the 9th, so I'll have it, but not everyone will so let's wait til the weekend. Plus, the weekend works better for me. If we can make this work, it's going to be AWESOME!
I vote Friday or Saturday.  I'm buying my cd/dvd in stores on the 9th, so I'll have it, but not every
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
This is going to be awesome! The weekend would work best for me too. And the minute someone get's their copy they should post it on here. And when everyone posts that they got it we can all watch it. I really think this could work! The time zone is alright with me, and I'm pretty sure any date would be okay. I pre-ordered my copy like I think most people did, so mine isn't going to come on the 9th.
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
so, is it just cass, musikluver94, Rainbow_Veins77, and me who are in this?
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
So far it looks that way. I'll see if anyone else wants to join this!
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
yeah i'll check on that too. hey is there any way that we could bump it down to 9:20 mountain standard time? or even 10:20? that would be 11:20 or 12:20 eastern time...is that too late 4 u guys?
over a year ago blackrose309ify said…
Hey I'm new here can explain all of thi to me ? PLEASE ^.^
over a year ago damians1stluver said…
big smile
ok im in totally and idk when my dvd will b here i prordered it so ill have to let u guys no and anytime works for me
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
yayyy! i'm glad u guys want to do it, too. and i'm down with musikluver94's change in time! blackrose309ify, when the new dvd "it's entertainment" comes out we're all going to watch it for the first time at the same time and log on here to talk about it so we can share our first reactions to it and just be exited thunderheads together!
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
big smile
I'm fine with the time change too musikluver. I'm so glad more people are in on this! It's going to be so fun. But we have to remember to post when we get the DVD, and if you buy it stores the day it comes out no peeking! lol :) How long do you think after the release will the people who pre-orderd get it? But anyway, this is going to be awesome guys!
over a year ago cassidy86 said…
i pre ordered mine! the release date is feb.9th but it should take mine 5 to 7 business days to arrive. but i'll let u know the minute mine comes!
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
I'll post whenever mine comes too! It should be here by the weekend or the early week. Whoever wants to do this please post on here or let us know! It's going to be awesome to hear what people think of everything while they're atually seeing it for the 1st time! But even if it's just us, it's going to be fun! Did we decide on how or where we are going to post? Are we going to make a new forum topic? Or are we going to message eachother? Or IM everyone? I think the forum topic would work best. But I don't know. Everyone has to see what will work ! : )
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
about when everyone who pre-ordered will get their dvd: some ppl said it only takes like 2 days to get there, but i've also heard as much as a week....depends on where you live and if you upgraded the shipping i guess. and i think we should email each other...i mean, it's just me, tori, cass, cindy and christina right? that's not that many ppl to email. that way we'll know for sure that everyone knows when we get our dvd's. and i'm glad everyone thinks the later time will work. 10:20 mountain time is the best for me. is that ok?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
So I guess we'll have to wait and see about when the pre-ordered DVD's come. But I don't think it'll take too long. And so whenever someone gets their DVD email everyone? And then, when the actually day we watch it comes, what are the plans? We'll probably watch it the day everyone has it, and the time is settled I think. (And yea musikluver the time is fine!:) ) And when we watch it what are we going to do? Post our thoughts on here? Or maybe we should start a brand new forum topic.
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
I'll make a new forum topic. It's gonna be like, 500 pages long! So, we've decided 10:20 mountain time on a friday or saturday when everyone has posted that the've got their dvd.
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
Sounds good! : ) haha. probably more than 500 pages lol
over a year ago damians1stluver said…
big smile
wait im on right lol
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
my email is tmacnum01@verizon.net
over a year ago kid93 said…
celticthundersnumba1fan@gmail.com i feel so obessed with an email like that!
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
yay for people with "number 1" in their emails!!!
over a year ago damian_m_rox said…
hey im not sure if ill be able to join in, but can u guys send me a message just incase i can, telling me when ur gonna do it please.
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
ok, so here's the confirmed participators:
me, tori, cindy, christina, gloria. cass can't do it anymore and damian_m_rox is unsure.
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
It sounds good! My email is gkosior1@verizon.net
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
ok, well, now we're scratching the email thing. u guys who posted ur email, i guess u'll get like a special message of when e;'re starting so i didn't make u put ur email up for naught, if that makes sense. musikluver94 just meant fp message everyone on this list when u get the dvd, don't just post on this forum. and we'll do chat and make a forum on that night. ok, finally, now are we clear?
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
yes all clear for me! thanx for all the work and effort you've put into this tori! it's going to be really special!
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
Yay!!! Just to let u guys know, I'm practicing for this, hehe! It's 12:20 ish right now and I'm watching take me home, lol!!!! I really can't wait for this!
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
lol! maybe i should practice too?! lol!
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
big smile
I'm all clear too! And yes! Thanks QV73 and everyone for all your hard work and making this awesome idea possible! I really appreciate it! And lol I'll practice too! I think I'll watch both of their DVD's! Haha. Feb. 9th is just around the corner! I hope everyone is as excited as me! : ) Thanks again! And to everyone who is doing this, IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
yay! cass can do it now! and here's an idea from her- we pause the dvd after each song to talk about it so we don't miss anything while typing- everyone good with that?
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
big smile
u already know i am lol!
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
Haha! Same here! : ) That's a good idea!
over a year ago cassidy86 said…
if i get my dvd on the 12th can i still join in!
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
definitely cass! the more the merrier lol!
over a year ago cassidy86 said…
maybe we can do the same with the "Storm" dvd! if this all goes well!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
Yea! Watching Storm together would be a blast! I'm so excited! Just a couple more days and IE will be out! Woohoo! :)
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
Yup! Sounds right! It's going to be great! Feb 9th is coming tommorrow! :) It's going to be fun! What songs are you most excited for?! And we post on here and message everyone when we get our DVD's right? : )
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
Bad bad leroy brown and standing on a corner! And technically ur supposed to message ever1 on the list, but posting here woudn't hurt!
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
Yea those songs are going to be awesome! I'm really excited for the Beach Boys Medley because I love the Beach Boys and I love Keith! lol Bad bad leroy brown looks awesome too!
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
i think it's kinda blasphemous that keith sings "surfing U-S-A" and dances, but it'll still be a good song
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
Yea, the only thing is that I wish they got to sing When you wish upon a star on the DVD! That would have been amazing to watch. But hey, at least it's still on the CD! :)
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
i'm most excited for Surfing Medley and Doo Whacka Do. i don't really like the song (from what i've heard) but i wanna see Paul tap dance lol!
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
Haha! Paul is going to rock out to tap dancing! I forgot about that! lol that should be interesting to watch!
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
just letting everyone here know that i have my dvd and i'm still on for the 12th at 10:20 MST (mountain standard time)
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
Yeah, idk if u guys have seen the weather channel lately, but MD just got four feet of snow over the weekend and another two feet last night, and it's still nowing right now. I havn't gotten ANY mail for a while, but hopefullt I can drive to the PO soon to see if they have it.
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
I got mine in the mail too! And yea! I heard about all the snow! Yikes! Here in Jersey we only got about a foot.
over a year ago musikluver94 said…
hey guys, i just thought i'd let you know that damian_m_rox will be chatting with us tomorrow night. she won't have her dvd, but she has already seen it, so she thought she'd join in for the fun of it. so here is the offical list of participators as of 2/11/10:

QueenVictoria73 (Tori)
musikluver94 (Me)
cassidy86 (Cass)
Rainbow_Veins77 (Christina)
damians1stluvr (Cindy)
kid_93 (Gloria)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
Woot, and I guess other people can pop in too if they happen to be on.
over a year ago Rainbow_Veins77 said…
Yea! Awesome!