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Christian Beadles Question

Hi guys!! i actually know Christian!! were good friends!! would you like me to tell him a message from his beloved fan club?? just leave an answer!! and ill tell him! and then ill commment on the message saying what he said in reply (;

Please tell him that he must follow me on twitter please, stinebro1 ice me twitter name :-) He is so cute♥♥ He is Freakin' Hot!♥♥
stinebro1 posted over a year ago
stinebro1 posted over a year ago
 Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
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Christian Beadles Answers

thrillergirl18 said:
Well I always did wanted to know how he got started on makeing video's on youtube? I know how Fred got started. Oh yeah can you ask him if he knows fred.
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posted over a year ago 
he dosent know fred and he started his videos for fun but then since Justin started dating christian's sister he just became famous!!!
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
Tell him to text me? 12506081115:) thaanks!
jlovescb posted over a year ago
can u tell christian he is the best and tht i think he is really cute and ask him if i can have his number cause i cross my heart keep my word about it to god! prtty plz
dcmol posted over a year ago
liindseey said:
What's his cell number and email? Where does he live?
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posted over a year ago 
Well I'll have to ask Chris if he wants me to give out that info!!!!! I'll ask him tonight or something!!
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
Ok thanks!
liindseey posted over a year ago
Tell christian to txt me at 7042982957 k
cbjbcs posted over a year ago
sas1224 said:
I've always wanted to know would he ever date one of his fans cause me and my friends are in love with him
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posted over a year ago 
Well right now he's in a relationship!!! I think he would have to get to know u better first!!!! Then there might be a chance
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
Ok thanks
sas1224 posted over a year ago
tell him i was hopin he would wait for me x
chrislover123 posted over a year ago
iDObelieb24 said:
I think that he is not cute,adorable or sweeet.he is hott,scrumdiliumscious and sexy.haha:)hes a cool kid.i love his personality.hes goofy like me.tell him i said hi,im not obsessed with him or bieber or anyone and tht i thnk hes cul n to comment.heeey beasles!thanks(:
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posted over a year ago 
Well I'm obsessed with Bieber!!!! Haha and I agree
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
ok tell him that jen want to be with him and she wants to be his girlfriend and i'm 15 years old please let him email me my email is; love you christian beadles
jenedi posted over a year ago
Well he already has a girlfriend!! Her name is Mary Claire and she is one of Caitlin's friends
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
charlottecjbx said:
i wanna know if he would ever prank call a fan from england and if he is ever coming to england!?????? <3 x
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posted over a year ago 
Kk sure I wanna know that too cause I live in England too!!! I just met him when I was in Marietta
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
same !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chrislover123 posted over a year ago
3mmarose said:
can you tell christian that i thik he is soooo hot and funny <3 oh ! and does he have fb ?? Xxx :L
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posted over a year ago 
Yes he does have fb!!! But I don't know what like his pic is cause I don't have fb
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
paperlillies posted over a year ago
thankyou Xx
3mmarose posted over a year ago
chrislover123 posted over a year ago
BetteChili said:
we are two girls who wanna know if you could tell christian that we are gonna make a school projekt about him.. and we wanna know if he could make a special video to us. it doesnt have to be long. we wrote him a message on youtube and twitter to. but we wanna be shure that he sees it.

xoxo Anne-sofie and Tanya
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posted over a year ago 
Yea sure !!! But right now me and Christian are sorta not talking to eachother cause something happened between us!!
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
paperlillies said:
Can u tell him to follow me on twitter please!! my twitter is: @strongstaying ;) and tell him that i love him so much!!
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posted over a year ago 
Ok, I'll see cause I'm not talking to Christian, he is being an idiot!! When ur friends with CBeadles, you will always fight
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
oh, its okay hahaha.. and thats sad :(
paperlillies posted over a year ago
Yea, I'm desperate to sort things out but he just won't talk to me
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
talia_bieber said:
heyyy christian i think u r vcery cute and i want 2 know how old u r???
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posted over a year ago 
I'm not Christian but I am friends with him and he is 14, right now me and Christian are having problems so I can't tell him stuff for a while
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
ILovebeadlesx said:
Hey Could you tell Him That I love him sooo Much And Could You Ask Him To Call Me that would be amasing and coould you ask him if i can have his number and if he can send me some pics please :Dxxx
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posted over a year ago 
Spry Im not allowed to give Christians number!! Cause last time I did, he got soo many texts that he had to chane his number
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
chrislover123 said:
hi tell christian emily carroll loves him and would do anything for him please and can he follow me on twitter @tweetemtweetand just that hes my idol!!!!1
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posted over a year ago 
Autumn14 said:
Please tell Christian that i said hey and i love him!! My name is Autumn Roberts!!:) thanks

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posted over a year ago 
sure will!!!!!!
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
kaytie11 said:
well tell him that what he wrote about justin on hes twitter page is so true justin is not the boy he used to be selena has changed him so much and just because she doesnt write to her fans doesnt mean that he shouldnt i just think that the fame is starting to take over justin he acts like he just doesnt care anymore and its sick it used to be all about his fans and now i think he has just pushed them to the side and he's more worried about selens and his fame and i think Christian is the only one that noticed that and justins fans just dont care and they should but it just kills me to see justin like that and i think its starting to give justin a bad image and its just sad
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posted over a year ago 
I know what you mean!!
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
an u tell him for me it would mean so much to me
kaytie11 posted over a year ago
will do
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
karpach_14 said:
whats his twitter account name
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posted over a year ago 
actually its: LittlecBeadles, you gotta have a lower case c cause there is a poser who has a capitalC, or just type:
Littlemfergie posted over a year ago
jbieberfever34 said:
can u tell him i know jbieb er and ps tell him i said CHEESE!
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posted over a year ago 
Hey what is his numba
cbjbcs posted over a year ago
jbieberfever34 posted over a year ago
cbjbcs said:
Hey can u txt me his number plzz
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posted over a year ago 
andres123 said:
y did u make the song doctor stalker?????

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posted over a year ago 
ILuvChristianB2 said:
hi can you please tell him that i think he is so fricking hot!! and that he sud email me
my email is

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posted over a year ago 
24twirlgirl24 said:
OMG thats awesome that u do this for his fans!(: could ,u ask him to follow or message me on twitteer so we could talk? PLZ? it would mean the world to me!!! THANKS! twitter:: tdavis_24
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posted over a year ago 
Oh_My_Beadles said:
can you ask him to post a biography or something ? i need to know more facts about him and if the ones i already know are true . thanks ! all my love to christian ;*
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posted over a year ago 
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