Chucky The Killer Doll Updates

a video was added: Child's Play 1988 DVD Trailer Style 2 15 days ago by JeszieDestromp
a video was added: Child's Play 1988 DVD Trailer Style 1 15 days ago by JeszieDestromp
a video was added: Stressed Out Music By Twenty One Pilots In Child's Play 1988 15 days ago by JeszieDestromp
a photo was added: Chucky over a year ago by Tripod75
a comment was made to the poll: WHich Chucky Movie Was The Funniest? over a year ago by fansfunsz
a comment was made to the poll: Is chucky scarier with or without stiches? over a year ago by fansfunsz
a comment was made to the poll: Would you like chucky by himself or with his family over a year ago by fansfunsz
a comment was made to the poll: Chucky cuter with or without stiches? over a year ago by fansfunsz
a comment was made to the poll: Whats Your Favorite Chucky Quote? over a year ago by fansfunsz
a comment was made to the photo: Chucky over a year ago by shauna_pops
a comment was made to the photo: SIGN THIS PETITION! WE CHUCKY FANS WANT A CHUCKY DOLL FROM THE SERIES CHILDS PLAY! over a year ago by chuckylover911
a comment was made to the photo: SIGN THIS PETITION! WE CHUCKY FANS WANT A CHUCKY DOLL FROM THE SERIES CHILDS PLAY! over a year ago by chuckylover911
a comment was made to the photo: SIGN THIS PETITION! WE CHUCKY FANS WANT A CHUCKY DOLL FROM THE SERIES CHILDS PLAY! over a year ago by chuckylover911
a comment was made to the poll: Did you sign the petition regarding CHucky dolls? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a poll was added: Did you sign the petition regarding CHucky dolls? over a year ago by chuckylover911
an article was added: Us chucky fans want a 1:1 scale Chucky replica from the movie child's play! over a year ago by chuckylover911
fan art was added: this is how much i love chucky. over a year ago by sommsyyuk1
a poll was added: Witch sayin do you like best that Chucky said? over a year ago by HUMPHRY
a comment was made to the poll: *If ur a girl* (What would u do if Chucky took u to a deserted place an took ur hand an said he loves you with all his heart? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a pop quiz question was added: in childs play 3,what does chucky say after the girls put lipstick on him? over a year ago by genowhiz
a comment was made to the poll: If Chucky were to be killed by someone (AGAIN) who would it be? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a comment was made to the poll: Why is Chucky Cooler Than Other Killers? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a poll was added: *If ur a girl* (What would u do if Chucky took u to a deserted place an took ur hand an said he loves you with all his heart? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a poll was added: Would you be Chucky's killer partner, if he asked you? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a poll was added: Do you think Chucky has a heart, or not? Like do you feel deep down he is can be good other than evil? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a poll was added: Does Chucky, make you wana run to him and hug him if you was feeling bad? or upset, and you needed someone to comfort you. over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a poll was added: Do you think Chucky looks cute in this portrait? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a poll was added: If Chucky asked you to hug him,because he says he loves you, would you hug him? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a pop quiz question was added: After being shot in the shoulder by Mike Norris, as a doll why did Chucky's gunshot wound bleed? When he asked his voodoo instructor. over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a pop quiz question was added: What year was the movie "Bride Of Chucky" made? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a pop quiz question was added: What kind of murderer/strangler was Chucky/Charles Lee Ray known as? over a year ago by ChuckyLover1
a comment was made to the poll: WHich Chucky movie was the best in general! over a year ago by Denise8998
a poll was added: Would you like chucky by himself or with his family over a year ago by gio15
a poll was added: Who wins leave comments below over a year ago by Manhunter108
a video was added: Chucky Song (Rare) over a year ago by chuckylover911
a poll was added: WHich Chucky Movie Was The Funniest? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a poll was added: Which Chucky movie was the Scariest? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a poll was added: WHich Chucky movie was the best in general! over a year ago by chuckylover911
a poll was added: Chucky cuter with or without stiches? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a poll was added: If Chucky were to be killed by someone (AGAIN) who would it be? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a poll was added: Is chucky scarier with or without stiches? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a poll was added: Why is Chucky Cooler Than Other Killers? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a comment was made to the link: Seed Of Chucky Script over a year ago by chuckylover911
an answer was added to this question: How Does Chuckey come back in Child's Play 2. ? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a comment was made to the question: How Does Chucky Come Back In The Second movie? explain it to me please! over a year ago by chuckylover911
a comment was made to the link: Chucky doll painting prints for sale! (: over a year ago by chuckylover911
a pop quiz question was added: Which Movie Did Chucky Obtain HIs Stiches? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a pop quiz question was added: AFTER which movie did Chucky Obtain His Stiches? over a year ago by chuckylover911
a pop quiz question was added: who gunned down Chucky when he was human,Who lit the match that conbusted Chuck,who Shot him in the heart in the conclusion of the movie,Answer in the order of my questio over a year ago by chuckylover911
a pop quiz question was added: what is chuckys full name? over a year ago by chuckylover911