Creative Outlet Another Random Poem I wrote.

RaineChild posted on May 31, 2009 at 02:53PM

All the words in the world,
can be said by one voice.
But to leave these words,
and to use certain ones,
is our choice.

Things can go unsaid everyday.

A boy likes a girl, who is he to
tell? His friends? No he wouldn't,
he doesn't know why but he just can't.
He keeps his feelings to him self,
and decides to keep them unsaid.

The Unthinkable happens to this
young girl. Who is she to tell? Her Mom?
Oh, she already knows, Her dad is the one
who did that to her.She came out with just a few scratches, but others before her, their
health was critical. She lies
to everyone, saying what happened was just
an accident. But keeps it unsaid that it was
planned by her own father.

He used to think he had the perfect
family portrait, until he had to come
home everyday to yelling and screaming.
So does his little brother. They have
parents that are physcopaths, but their
friends and family don't know that. But
they keep it unsaid and hidden that they
plan an escape. They don't know where but,
they just have to get out of there. Every
thing was fine...until uninvited visitors come.
All that anger that has been boiling for years
spills over. And it's too late to put what has
happened in their past behind them, It's a matter of life and death. The brother's choice goes hidden and unsaid.

Situations can go from bad to worse in a matter
of minutes,days, months, or years. We can't control it or stop time now can we?

We each have a choice to put the unsaid out there, or keep it hidden...
Not all the things we keep unsaid are pleasant,
so we keep those thoughts hidden deep inside us...and turn off our voice to keep it that way.

All things can be said, if chosen to, by our one Voice.

~By: RaineChild
last edited on May 31, 2009 at 03:45PM

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