Creative Outlet He Killed My Family..But I love him. (Soulmate story) Ch. 2

BloodVampire posted on Nov 14, 2009 at 02:37AM
He came up to us, looking us over a bit. That irritated me. "Hey." he said, smiling. "Hi." Rachel said, grinning. "Hello." I said quietly, shooting a glance at Rachel. "I'm Rachel." Rachel said. "Elizabeth." I said dully, going along with Rachel. "I'm Anthony." the guy said. "Anthony Turow." he continued. I was irked for a second but kept my face smooth. Anthony Turow? Why did that sound familiar? I shook my head. "Rachel, lets get to lunch." I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her. "Hey!" she hissed, looking back at Anthony. "I'm hungry, and I'm tired of talking. You can flirt with him later." I said in a hard voice. The truth was, I had a bad felling about him. My feelings usually are correct. I got my lunch with Rachel and looked around. Almost all the tables were full. Excpet for two. We walked to one of them, as usual, all eyes on us. I hated that. I sighed heavily, sitting down. I had lost my appetite. Rachel was talking to me about the new guy. " cute! Don't you think?" she said. "Not really." I said dully, studying the ceiling. "My gosh...why don't you like anyone? It's just ignore every guy you see. Nothing ever interests you." she said, pursing her lips as she speculated me. "Because, really, I don't like attention. I don't like noticing things, it makes it hard to concentrate if I have other thoughts bouncing around in my mind, Rach. But...if it makes you happy I'll consider actually going out with a guy." I said, grimacing. She beamed. "That would be good for you. And, besides! Any guy would love to go out with you." she said, smiling as she ate now. I pushed my food around, leaning on my arm. Unfortunately, the n-Anthony came over to our table. "Can I sit here?" he asked. Rachel nodded eagerly. I didn't reply. He sat down, accepting Rachel's invitation. His eyes flickered to me before he started a conversation. "So far, you two are the only ones I know here." He looked around. All the sudden, his eyes zeroed in on my family. "Who're they?" he asked, looking at them. "They're-" I cut Rachel off. "Thats my brothers and sister. Nathaniel is the one on the right of Julia and James is on the left." I said, my lips in a tight line. "Why don't you sit with them?" Anthony asked, looking at me. "Because I like sitting with Rachel and sometimes a few others. I live with them. Sometimes I'm tired of being around them." I said, shrugging as I continued to push my food around. He nodded, pursing his lips. "So," Anthony started, moving onto another subject. Smart boy. "Whats the school like really?" he said, leaning forward. "Not always the best place, but good enough to endure." Rachel said, rolling her eyes. They kept on talking while I just layed my head on my arms. I noticed Anthony kept shooting glances at me. I didn't like the look in his eyes; it was longing. Finally, lunch was over and we left, Rachel and Anthony still chattering. I put my hand on my forehead and shook my head. I had a migraine. "You okay?" Anthony and Rachel asked, seeing me. "I'm-I don't feel to well." I said. "I'm going to go to the nurse. I'll see you later...or tomorrow." I said, walking away from them. As soon as I was around the corner of the hall I ran outside and to my car, getting in. I just stayed there, leaning my head against the headrest with my eyes closed. I was frustrated with what I had told Rachel. She would make me get a boyfriend if I didn't get one soon. I just didn't know what to do about that.

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over a year ago KristinaDawn said…
haha thats funny,
she acts like me,
i dont like to be the center of attention either!
love it!