Creative Outlet He Killed My Family...But I love him. (Soulmate story) Ch. 3

BloodVampire posted on Nov 27, 2009 at 11:51PM
That night, while I sat by a lake, miles away from home, I thought. It couldn't be THAT bad having a boyfriend or going out on a date...could it? I was still angry with myself for making that promise to Rachel. I don't like getting very involved with mortals...irritating really. And from what I am...not such a great thing. Besides, I can never marry, never grow up, never prosper. I'm stuck the way I am. If I marry, it would have to be an immortal and thats a definite 'hell no!' I picked up a flat rock and threw it at the water. It skipped a few times then sank. "Ugh." I muttered, getting up. Again, like a mortal would be, I was stiff from sitting so long. I've probably been gone for a few hours...I hope Julia isn't worrying. I frowned at this thought. She is protective of me, so is Nathaniel and James. Just because I'm the youngest and I'm the most frail. 'Get home now or we'll go and get you.' Julia threatened in my head. I just grinned, having anticipated this. I think James read my thoughts. I chuckled, sitting back down. A few minutes later I heard quick, light footsteps that sounded familiar. They were here. "Elizabeth! Why didn't you come home when I told you?" Julia demanded, putting her hands on her hips. I laughed a bit at her expression, but it was a sad laugh. "I'm not...ugh, you all will hate me when I tell you this. But it's only because Rachel urged me to and that I was nice enough to do it." I said, then explained why I was here and what I was thinking about. Julia and Nathaniel grew more appalled every second. James, on the otherhand, looked considerate and thoughtful. I finished and waited hesitantly for the anger from Nathaniel, because his hands sparked. "Don't you dare." I said, glaring at his hands. They caught fire anyway. "Elizabeth Gaunt! You are NOT-" James cut him off. "No, no. might be a good thing." he said in a soft voice. Nathan stared at James in shock. "How could having a relationship with a MORTAL-" James, again, interrupted Nathaniel. "Better bonds, Nathan. Better bonds. You know, it might be good for her." James said thoughtfully, pursing his lips as he thought. "Besides, either I do it by my will or Rachel will arrange it for me. So, I'd rather do the task by my own will." I said, my voice a bit high. I was panicking(sp?). "Well, lets get back home. School starts in 15 minutes." James said cooly, motioning for us to run. I sighed, smiling slightly in relief. Good old James. We ran back and I got dressed in some new clothes, having worn some outdoorsy(hehe, i like this word. ^and i dnt care if it isn't one^) clothes. I sighed, getting my bag from downstairs. We all got into my car and drove to school, all being silent. I could feel the tension(sp?) radiating out of Nathaniel. I ignored him, getting out of my car. As always, the eyes turned on us as we walked into school. I went straight to my locker and put my bag away, having my binder and my books that I would need in my arms. I walked to Advisement, sitting away from Julia. She was also being hostile towards me, like Nathaniel. I sat by the windows in the middle row of the desks. I felt curious and longing eyes on me. The boys the longing and some curious, the girls only curious. Then Anthony came in and saw me, and came over. He sat by me. "Why aren't you sitting with your sister?" he asked curiously, looking over at Julia, who was fuming. "She's mad at me. And so is Nathaniel. So...ya." I said, assuming that explained enough. He nodded sympathetically. "Anyways, Rachel is definitely going to try to get me irritated. And if you want to know what I'm talking about, you ask her. I'm not saying it because it's embarrassing." I said, chuckling. "Ok, I'll take your word for it." he said, shaking his head. I felt at that moment a connection with Anthony. You know? Like I've known him all my life...though I've never met him. A strange feeling, really. I also felt attracted to him...not a good thing. I sighed, leaning forward on my desk, stressed. This can't be good. (the pic is Elizabeth, but imagine her with blue eyes. :) )
That night, while I sat by a lake, miles away from home, I thought. It couldn't be THAT bad having a
last edited on Nov 27, 2009 at 11:55PM

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over a year ago KristinaDawn said…
woah! bravo, girl, bravo! xD
loved it!