Creative Outlet He Killed My Family..But I love him. (Soulmate story) Ch. 4

BloodVampire posted on Dec 05, 2009 at 01:06AM
I sighed, getting up from my seat in the 3rd hour. Julia and Nathaniel were angry with me, I was starting to be attracted and to acknowledge Anthony and Rachel was going to try and set me up with a guy. Has my life ever been this chaotic since my family's death? I know the answer to that: No, it has not. I walked into the classroom and sat with Rachel, away from my family. Except James. He came over and sat by me, shooting Julia and Nathaniel a sly glance. They glared at us, though mostly me. I just put my head on my desk, sighing. James patted my back reassuringly. "They won't be mad for long, El. You know they won't. They just don't understand. And I honestly don't get why they oppose(sp?) to it." he said quietly. "What're they mad about?" Rachel said, lifting her eyes from staring at Anthony. "They're mad because you're making me get a boyfriend." I grumbled. Rachel giggled. "Why? That shouldn't be something bad." she said, grinning. "You'd never understand." I said, sighing heavily. Anthony was looking at me. I got out my lunch card and stood up right as the bell for lunch rang. Rachel hurried got her lunch card out and James got out his, chuckling slightly. I elbowed him. Then I whispered under my breath, "Why don't you just say you keep forgetting it? You know you don't eat." James shrugged, then grinned. "I have to keep up the charade, don't I?" he said, his voice quieter then a breath. I rolled my eyes, pushing him slightly. Anthony was looking confused. I shook my head, laughing slightly. 'But I do kind of like the new guy, Anthony...and it isn't usual.' I thought. James pursed his lips, glancing at Anthony. Rachel had started talking to Anthony. I heard what she said in his ear. "I'm making Elizabeth get a boyfriend or atleast go out on a date." She giggled quietly then continued. "You should ask her out, you're the only guy she's shown even the littlest bit of interest for." She whispered, standing back. Anthony debated mentally. Then he nodded very slightly, but enough that Rachel could tell. 'Well...atleast I can know what to expect. And to save Rachel some slack I'll say yes to Anthony.' I thought grimly. "Don't you DARE-" James started laughing. He had read the real reason; because I actually sort of liked Anthony. I hit James upside the head. "You are such an idiot." I said brusquely, glaring slightly at James. He grinned, shaking his head. He kept himself from laughing. I walked up to Rachel and smiled slightly. "So, are we going to lunch or not? I'm starving." I lied smoothly. Rachel rolled her eyes but complied, walking to the cafeteria. I walked by her side and Anthony walked by my side. I didn't like the feeling of having him that close to me though it was enjoyable. Like a zingy, static feeling. I sighed, getting my food and sitting. To my surprise, James sat with us. "So, there're sides in this fight? James thinks its ok, and Julia and Nathaniel object?" Rachel guessed. "Ya, but whatever. They'll get over it...sometime." I said, looking over at Julia and Nathaniel sadly. "I just hope they don't try to fight with me about it again..." i said, sighing. James patted my head playfully and I swatted it away. "You'll be fine." he said, grinning. Lunch went fast and soon we were leaving. Anthony pulled me to the side. "Umm...I was wondering...if..." he searched for words. "I'll go out with you? Ya, I kind of figured Rachel told you. And, sure I will." I said, shaking my head while chuckling. "Oh...uh...ok." he said. "Pick me up Saturday at 7. And the'll have to tell me that." I said, smiling at him before turning away. I was feeling giddy, but I knew it wasn't because I had a date; it was because it was with Anthony.
last edited on Dec 05, 2009 at 01:08AM

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