Creative Outlet Love and Lost

KristinaDawn posted on May 17, 2011 at 11:59AM
One regular, sunny morning a girl named Sarah wakes up. Picks out her outfit, carefully for school. She picked out her favorite outfit, a long blue, green and gray sweater with black dress slacks and silver dress shoes. She used to hate the particular outfit, which was until Thylar told her she looked great in it, on Picture Day, two weeks ago. Sarah is a senior in high school; she's had a major crush on Thylar since she was a freshman. Thylar is a senior also; they have all the same classes and are best friends.
When she hints to him that there's a party that she is going to attend, he shrugs, not actually knowing that she wanted him to go with her. Thylar does care about his best friend a lot; he has a crush on her too, but is scared about ruining their friendship, if things don't turn out good. His guy friends joke about how he acts more like a girl than a guy for spending so much time with Sarah. But, Thylar doesn't mind the jokes because he loves spending so much time with her. After school let out, there was a party at a football players' house. His parents were out of town; so he invited all of the couples from the high school.
Sarah showed up alone, wearing a short, skimpy, low-cut red dress that tightly hugged at her hour-glass curves. She walked around, found an empty, old-raggedy couch and sat down. Her phone went off, checked to see who it was; Thylar had texted her and asked if she was at the party; she replied yes. She had been drinking, got up and staggered through the couples, trying not too not get knocked down. She stumbled, tripped over an empty beer bottle laying on its side, nearly falling on top of Thylar.
Sarah looked up slowly, checking him out, while he did the same. Damn, they both thought about the other. Thylar steadied her, holding her close; she could feel the warmth from his hands on her waist that ran through her whole body. She looked into his chocolate brown eyes. While he looked into her crystal blue eyes, God, he loved those eyes, her bleach blonde hair, her smile, he loved everything about her. She stretched up, he leaned downwards, slowly. They kissed, first slowly, testing if it was okay; then more passionate, faster. She slowly leaned away, needing to take a breathe.
He asked her if she'd leave the party with him; she said yes. He drove to their favorite place since they were both two; the local playground behind both of their houses. Sarah's favorite was the swings; they are the first things she runs towards. Thylar walked slowly, wondering how he would ask her to marry him. He shoved his hand into his pocket, feeling the little red box that held the engagement ring inside. Sarah was already swinging, kicking her long legs back and forth. She yelled "are you coming or what?", and then laughed. He came over to her; told her to close her eyes. She did, while he knelt down onto one knee. Thlyar was nervous, but told her it was okay to open her eyes. She did as he said, her eyes widened, mouth dropped, surprised. "Sarah Joanna Richards, will you marry me>", he asked, eager to hear her response, hoping that it was yes. She was still shocked when she answered, blushing, "yes, Thlyar Michael Williams I will marry you; I have always wanted you to ask me that," cheerfully jumping off the swing to her hug her fiancée. They kissed passionately, just like at Nicks' party.
He asked if she'd mind going to his house, it'd be the two of them there, she agreed. They were both lying in his king-sized bed, cuddling, feeling each other's hearts pumping fast and loud. Sarah tilted her head so she could look at Thylar's face, her long blonde hair gently smacking him. He quietly asked if she was ready, his heart beating faster as his words came rushing out. Sarah silently nodded her head, switching positions on the soft, quiet bed. He's on top of Sarah, pulling up the dress over her sexy little body, and then unsnapped her bra. She fumbled with his pants button; he helped, aware it was her first time with a guy. Once they were both completely naked, they passionately made sweet love; once on the bed, another in the shower. Now, Sarah lying under the covers in only Thylar's shirt, barely covering her private parts; texted her mother, telling her about being engaged to Thylar.
While Thylar was boiling water, for their coffees, only wearing a pair of red boxers, that say 'you know you want this' on the crotch; Sarah had bought them for his birthday as a joke, well that's what she told him, which wasn't completely true. She came into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around him from behind, smiling. He smiled, turned and carefully handed her a mug containing coffee; she sipped slowly, pleased at herself, for what she accomplished. After their coffees were finished, they went back to his bedroom to get dressed.
Then, they both heard a car door slam, then another. Both wide-eyed, looking at each other trying to think of what they should do. Sarah suggested that she could hide in his bedroom; Thlyar knew that his mother would find out anyways, so they walked into the living room, after changing. His parent’s glanced inside at the two teenagers sitting on the couch, holding hands. Joyce, his mother thought it was adorable, while his father, John was thinking of what they could've been doing while they weren't home. Thylar looked up at his middle-aged parents and advised them both to sit down; he had to tell them, eventually.
They obeyed, sitting down in the matching recliners. Thylar looked from one to the other about to tell them his news, when Sarah blurted out that they were engaged. His parents were thrilled, but they might not be for long. Thylar's face got serious and spoke in a slow, understanding voice, trying to stay calm as he spoke. "Mom, Dad, Sarah, I'm leaving soon," Joyce asked where he was going, Thylar told them how he was going to the Army and how he's already enlisted. Sarah, wide-eyed from confused asked him how soon, "Tomorrow", he answered. Both, the woman and the girl began to weep. His father smiled at his only son, proud of him for wanting to serve their country, just like he did. Sarah asked why he was leaving the next day, "because my recruiter told me that I have too," he replied.
Two months after Thylar left to serve, Sarah had a doctor's appointment for today, because she had been feeling ill and missed her period last month. She went to see her doctor and had some different tests done, results would take five days to come in. Exactly five days after the appointment, she went back. She desperately wanted to find out what was wrong. Her doctor, Dr. Woe, had her walk into her office and sit. Sarah sat, patiently waiting. Dr. Woe smiled in Sarah's direction, "Sarah, congratulations, you're pregnant!" Sarah gasped, “What?!" Dr. Woe repeated what she had just said, in case she hadn't heard her the first time. Sarah replied "but, I can't be, Thlyar's serving; he doesn't know." Her doctor now told her ways that her neighbor talks to her boyfriend in the Navy. She drove home happy, wanting to tell Thylar the news.
When she walked into her house, the phone rang; it was Thlyar! It was really him! She couldn't believe it! She answered, automatically blurting out that they were expecting a child. He was stunned; he didn't think she would've said that. He quietly tells her that he loves her; she tells him the same. As soon as her words came out, she heard a loud crashing noise from the other end of the phone line. She silently hung up the phone, wondering what the noise was, and if her beloved fiancée was unscathed.
A few days went by, she home alone when someone knocked on her door. She was excited, maybe it's Thylar, she thought to herself. But when she opened the door, it wasn't Thylar, standing in front of her it was his Main Recruiter, holding an envelope out towards her. He looked at Sarah, told her that he was sorry, and slowly started walking back to the car. She silently turned around, went inside and began to weep. She opened the envelope, already knowing what it said, she read it, and Thylar had been killed from a tank that had blown up near to where he was stationed at.
Sarah's a single mother to a beautiful daughter named Isobell. She is now starting kindergarten and asks her mother where her daddy is. "All of my friend have their Daddy's, but me," she told her Mommy, sadly. Not really knowing what to say, she just told her daughter that Daddy got hurt in an accident before she was born. When Isobell got home from kindergarten, Sarah decided that she was going to show her daughter what he Daddy looked like and his uniform, no matter how hard it was going to be for her. Sarah showed her and explained that Daddy's in heaven now, looking down at her, that if she looks up at the clouds he'll be able to see how gorgeous his little princess is. Sarah silently began to cry, letting the tears fall down her cheeks.
Isobell looked up at her Mommy, asking if she could take a picture of Daddy and his uniform to school, for show-and-tell the next day. Sarah said "of course, Sweetie. Be careful with them though." Her daughter smiled and hugged her Mommy. It was almost Isobells' bedtime, so she got ready for bed and fell asleep. When Isobell woke up that morning, got ready for school and ate eggs and toast for breakfast. She jumped up when she finished, grabbed her show-and-tell items, excited. Her whole class was going to love it, even Ms. Honey, her teacher, Isobell thought. Sarah gabbed her daughter's schoolbag, Isobell had her Daddy's things; they were ready. She drove her daughter to school; proud that Isobell will be showing what her Daddy did, protecting everyone from getting hurt.
Isobell gave her show-and-tell, making Ms. Honey cry when she was done. Ms. Honey told her how wonderful it was that she shared that with the class. Isobell beamed brightly, wanting to tell Ms. Honey all that she learned about her Daddy. After class, Isobell walked towards Ms. Honey and told her teacher about her Daddy looking down at her from Heaven. Her teacher smiled sadly at the little child, and told her that her Daddy is proud of her for sharing with the class and that he loves her while all of his heart. Outside, Sarah watched Isobell look up at the clouds and say something, but she couldn't tell exactly what she had said. Isobell looked over, saw her mom and came running, holding her Daddy's things, tightly.
Sarah looked down at her daughter, which looked so much like Thylar. She asked Isobell what she had said, "Mommy, I was telling Daddy that I love him and Ms. Honey said he was proud of me for showing the class Daddy's stuff." Sarah smiled, "let's go home, Darlin'." Silently, they walked towards their house. When they arrived home, someone was standing on their porch; Sarah tensed up, remembering the last time a man was on her porch.
He was watching her every move, he loved her and her daughter. Sarah had saw that man before, but couldn't remember from where. He said 'Hi' to Isobell, Sarah told her to go inside, fast and don't come out until the man leaves. She ran inside, locked the door and hid under her bed, scared. The man walks slowly towards Sarah, grabbing her arms and wrapping them around him, aggressively. She was frightened, he leaned down to kiss her, she stepped back and shoved him away. The mans name was Earl; he was always jealous of Thylar in High school, he even tried to start fights with Thylar, but Sarah wouldn't let them.
His eyes glanced over at a vicious, police dog-looking German Sheppard, running straight towards him, bearing his razor-sharp teeth. Earl let go of Sarah and began to sprint away. Sarah looked, happy that Bruno had been outside when he was, or something bad could've happened. Bruno's owner, Matt, walked over to her and asked if she was alright, yes, she was fine. Sarah's eyes widened, her daughter, she needed to get her daughter. Sarah ran inside, yelling Isobell's name loudly.
She heard a faint whimper coming from the child's room. Sarah looked inside, there she was, under her bed with her stuffed teddy bear. Isobell slowly crawled out from under her bed, hugging her teddy bear, Bruce. She was so adorable, Sarah thought, smiling. Isobell asked if the scary man was gone and he was, because of Bruno. They both walked outside onto the front lawn.
Matt strolled up with Bruno following slightly behind, tail wagging, happily. She handed Bruce to her mother, so she could hug Bruno, her favorite dog. Sarah silently smiled at Matt, grateful that he came over. He returned the smile, not wanting anything to happen to them. Isobell hugged Matt, "I love you, Matt. Will you be my other daddy? Daddy said he wouldn't be mad if Mommy was happy too." Matt smiled at the little girl, "well, that's up to your Mommy if I become your other Daddy, sweetie," looking at Sarah. Sarah smiled, "okay, you can be, Matt." Matt was really happy, he couldn't believe she actually said yes.
Bruno, sensing something good just happened barked cheerfully, wagging his tail. With her long dark brown hair trailing behind her, Isobell ran as fast as her little legs could go, towards the adults. Sarah hugged both Matt and Isobell, happily. She loved them both so much. The next day, Isobell had school again; she was excited to tell Ms. Honey about her new Daddy, Matt. At school she told her teacher about Matt, how he helps her climb trees, draw, and how she has a new doggy named Bruno. Ms. honey smiled, sweetly, "I bet your Daddy is mighty happy that you have a new Daddy and that everyone is very happy." Isobell smiled, it was almost time to leave, soon. She couldn't wait to see her new four-legged, pure black friend, Bruno.
She stopped as soon as she saw "the bad man", Mommy called him on the porch. He yelled her name, she shook her head as she began to walk away to look for Bruno, when all of a sudden he grabbed her. Isobell started to cry, scared. Earl yanked her harder. Isobell screamed as loud as her small mouth could. Bruno reconized her voice, came running knowing something bad was happening.
Bruno reached the unfamilar man and his new little human friend, the man dropped Isobell onto the ground, smacking her head on the hard sidewalk. Bruno growled, baring his teeth, jumping on top of the heavyset man and bit down on his juicy neck, drawing blood with every bite he took. Isobell started crying, she touched the spot on her head that hurt and looked at her fingers, blood, she cried for Matt to help her, but he couldn't hear her because he was inside.
Matt was inside calling for Bruno. He looked outside and he saw the man that Bruno had ran off before. What was that laying on the sidewalk, he thought. Isobell! Matt sprinted to Isobells' side, taking her into his arms, carrying her to safety. Matt looked at her closely, she needed medical attention fast.
Matt called Bruno off of the man, Bruno let go and came running, while Matt called for an ambulance for Isobell. When he hung up with 9-1-1, he called Sarah to tell her what had happened; she couldn't leave work, her bosss told her no even with the circumstances. Sarah hoped and prayed that the only daughter she had will be just fine. The ambulance arrieved at Matts' house, the man was still in Sarahs' front yard, strange. Matt told the EMT's and they advised he should call the police.

**(Not even close to finished. I need help, anyone?)

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