CrEePYpASTa ANiMe Updates

a photo was added: alice in wonderland by thexartxofxluxifer d5r99q0 over a year ago by nightcore_fan
a comment was made to the icon: The mirror of UNKNOWN over a year ago by BettyTheWolf
an answer was added to this question: What would you do If your favorite anime turned into insanities? over a year ago by 3mzo
a question was added: Know any Soul Eater episodes that are kind of creepypasta? over a year ago by BettyTheWolf
an icon was added: tHE SOUND OF MADNESS over a year ago by BettyTheWolf
an answer was added to this question: What would you do If your favorite anime turned into insanities? over a year ago by Lancelot8
an answer was added to this question: What would you do If your favorite anime turned into insanities? over a year ago by Oyoedachi
a question was added: What would you do If your favorite anime turned into insanities? over a year ago by BettyTheWolf