Criminal Minds Fans Forum

suu posted on Aug 25, 2009 at 03:12PM
This forum is for all the awesome and great Criminal Minds fans!

Feel free to join and talk about..well..everything you want!

List of all the addicted CM fans:
SSA Susana (link)
SSA Colette (link)
SSA Federica (link)
SSA Lina (link)
SSA Sophie (link)
SSA Rachel (link)
SSA Michaela (link)
SSA Simone (link)
SSA Jackie (link)
SSA Kaidi (link)
SSA Dannii (link)
SSA Marie (link)
This forum is for all the awesome and great Criminal Minds fans!

Feel free to join and talk about..w
last edited on Dec 02, 2009 at 09:14PM

Criminal Minds Fans 8084 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 8084

over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Hiiii!! Yay, we have an own club!! Thanks Susana for creating, and as you know I'm a crazy Criminal Minds addict as well. :D
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Yay, i'm on the list!! Cool!!*LOL* :D
Thank you for adding me. ;)
And now we rock the CM Fan Forum isn't it? :D
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Haha, great!! :D
Hey, 3 Fans already!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Oh that is good!:D

How was your day? :)
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Oooooh poor Susana! Shall I come to you for a visit? We can drink a cup of coffee, what do you think? ;)

My day was ok. I did some housecleening this morning, while Malena was at the kindergarten.
And in the afternoon we went to a park near my sisters home, and just relaxed under a tree, while Malena was playing in the little pool which had a little bit of water. But enough to put the feet in it. :D
So we had a lazy and relaxing afternoon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Celina79 said…
There are already 6 Fans, cool!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Good morning! :)
Ok, next time when you are home alone, I will come to visit you with a biiiig cup of coffee! :D
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Have a nice afteroon everyone!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
I cannot concentrate.... my thoughts are flying through the air somewhere else.....
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
big smile
Hi just joined this spot! BIG fan of Criminal Minds!!!! Love It!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Hi criminalminds15, welcome to this great club! :D
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
I'm sooo excited for September 23!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
The last weeks are the hardest...!

over a year ago Celina79 said…
I totally agree with you Susana! I want a promo too or a sneak peak, what ever.
I know, Bones has already 6 promos for the first episode!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
I know 4 weeks aren't tha much, because we had 3 month behind us, buuuut, as I said before, the last weeks are the hardest....
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Oh new pics *is jumping over to the AJ* club!

Aaaand I added some Paget screencaps from Conan Late night.
But that was hmmmm, I gues a few days ago, if not a week. ;)
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Oh 4 weeks again. So you start when CM starts?
That must be a great start! :D

Yes, time flies! I guess you are excited!?
over a year ago Celina79 said…
The Aj club is growing too, 90 Fans already, thats great!
I loved the pictures of her!

Ok, so what college are you going to?
over a year ago Celina79 said…
And this club is growing slowly as well. :)
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Ok, that sounds interesting! Oh i'm sure you don't have to be worried at all. This is exciting!! :D

Ok Susana, its already midnight here, and my bed is calling already...

Have a good night and sleep well! :)
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Good morning! The birds are calling :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago suu said…
Good morning!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Hi Susana! :D
Oooh icon change.....*hmm*
Maybe a JJ icon?

So we have girl power, on our profiles *LOL* :D
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Or you take Hotch and I have Emily! *LOL* ;D
Ooooor, take a Morgan icon you've made?
Because you hade Bones icons for a few days, I would say you take CM or one from another show.
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Oooh, I have to tell something after my luch. Will write you a pm.
Now we have lunch time in a few minutes. :)

Talk to you later!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Good evening! :)
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Good day!
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
Hello! ^_^ Ehm... I know i'm dumb, but how does this forum works? we just post here talking on everything we want?
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
Oh ok :P i'm used with mine, in whic we have a different topic for everything, well anyway, nice to meet you ^_^ oh and b the way thank for the fan add ^_^
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
My name's Federica ^_^ i'm glad i found this website...i'm in desperate need of somebody to talk of CM, My friends don't like it so much, and i was starting to be annoying for them XD
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
i wa missing it too... I have to Thank Alex O' Loughlin and his Vincent, i'm a huge Moonlight fan, and i became curious on this show after I watched it for his guest appeareance, i had seen it before, but i didn't payed that much attention, also 'cause i study out of town, and i never got a chance to see it continuately, even now i'm watching season 1 and 4 at the same time, and i bought the season 3 dvd yesterday...quite a messed up fan, but i really love it! They're ALL so cool *_*
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
mmmhhhh hard question... I love them all for different reasons, they're all so unique! I like Reid voice and the fact that he's a genius, Prentiss is such a strong woman and i've always admired that kind of girl, Hotch is the perfect tough boss and I love is being so Alpha male *_* Rossi is half italian so i cannot love him, JJ is sweet and shiny and I don't think I need to tell you why I love Garcia and Morgan XD the team is great, actually i didn't like Agent Todd that much, even if she was great with Prentiss against that Viper... Geez...i talk too much XD
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
Oh tahnk you, I like you too :) yes, she was too vulnerable for the job, even if i'll give her that the episodes she was in were very strong, i loved them... especially the one with the gipsy family taking girls... God that was awsome! I wish I wrote that one *_*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
Not yet... i've seen season 1 til episode 9 and I'm watching season 4 on tv, but i went on holiday and i missed episodes from 16 to 23...and now i'm starving to see the dvds I bought yesterday, but i'd like to see all the seasons in order, so i'm trying to resist until i get all the episodes (if you know what i mean)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
Yeah I what's your favourite episode/character/shipping? *curious*
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
big smile
I know, it's almost impossible XD Can I ask you something?
Do you know what a Beta-reader is? I'm looking for someone who can beta-read a FF i'm going to write on CM, i already asked to Celina, but it would be great to have you both ^_^
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
I want you to beta-read me ^_^ always if you'd like...of course :P
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
Actually that's why i need a beta-reader :D i mean, i know I am fluent enough in english, but i've always written school stuff and the idea of a ff scares me (ok, i also have to say i'm a person with no self esteem... :( ) but i also need a beta reader 'cause i'm afraid of going out of character, it's going to be a Hotch/Prentiss song fic, anyway
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
I'm not on that website actually, but i'll give a look, thank you ^_^
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
Tahnk you, go and get some rest!! Goodnight and sweet dreams!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Hi Girls! :)
Hi Federica, i'm glad you found this club too. Its great to have you here. :D
I will send you a pm about the fanfic.

I had a huge headache myself yesterday, so I went to bed at 21.00, I never done that before.... But well, I didn't really help.

Anyway how are you? Susana, how is your headache?
Any plans for today?

We are going to have lunch with my grand-mother in about an hour.
And as it is sunny today we can sit outside. :)
over a year ago Celina79 said…
To Federica, I know what you mean. My friends are also not watching Criminal Minds, so its great to have Fanpop and those clubs here. And I met Susana here and we have great conversations about Criminal Minds and other stuff. :D
Again, I'm so happy that I met you Susana! :)

As you can see you are on the right club. :)
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Olá Susana!
I'm glad to hear that your headache is over. :)
I would love to go to the beach, we really need one here too.
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Have a nice afternoon at the beach!
Hope we can talk later! :)

Byeeeee xxx
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
big smile
Can't Wait For Season 5!!!!!
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
big smile
Hello there! I'm sorry I wasn't here before, but i was watching CM XD Will you forgive me? :P Oh... I saw you added me on the list in the top of this forum *_* I'm so prouuuuddd!!!!
*Me doing the peakcock dance*
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Hi criminalminds 15, whats your name? So we can put you that list too. ;)
I'm dying for exitement!! Cant wait for Season 5 as well! :D
Good god, september is coming very soon....

Hello Federica!! How are you?
Ok, we forgive you, but only because you watched Criminal Minds. *LOL* ;D
Yes, you are now official a CM Fan on the list, isn't that great?! :D
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
HI!! Yes! it's great :P I'm fine ^_^ I was reading some FF here, while waiting for someone to come ^_^ and also trying to get inspiration for mine...I think i'll start writing something down ^_^
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Oh inspiration is good! :)
Did you write anything yet? Do you actually write it first in italian and than in english, or you just write it in english?
over a year ago Celina79 said…
So tell me Susana, why are you stressed???