Criminal Minds Fans Random Facts Forum!

criminalminds15 posted on Oct 18, 2009 at 11:21PM
This is just a forum for anyone to post random facts about thier life. Why? I dunno! Just for a view into your lives!

I will start off, ahem. I have a jack russel cross called Tiggy, and unattached teeth kind of creep me out!!

Criminal Minds Fans 45 replies

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over a year ago Lindy52 said…
I once got punched in the face in 9th grade by a boxing glove. It was for a presentation for a history class and nothing bad happened to my face expect my eyeglasses threw over to the other side of the room (as far as I remembered it). Thank God that I had transferred to another city in another state/school for the rest of my high school years. Not sure that people in my old high school remembered me at all...
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
YAY!! Thanks for humouring me!! What I want to know is how the boxing glove managed to hit your face!!

Erm, I've never not cried when my parents have met my teachers (you know on parent's evenings and student review days).
over a year ago Lindy52 said…
Well, actually it was a skit about something that I don't remembered right now and the guy with the boxing glove was supposed to punch me in the face (I don't know how I got the role of the punching bag!) and the guy threw me a hard punch in the face. I knew that was the highlight of all of the presentations that day but I didn't get punched that hard on the second try and I walked back home very fast after school ended (that class was my last one) for the day just to forget about it.
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
Awwww..... I'm sorry.
over a year ago Lindy52 said…
Don't worry about me, Sophie! I was doing fine after that event and I didn't thought about this in years (maybe bits of it every couple of months).
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
I'm glad you're OK!

I've got two fish that I have had for ages but they still don't have names as I don't want to jinx it as I've had tonnes of fish that have died before the first week. Once I had a fish that died the same day I bought it!!
over a year ago Lindy52 said…
Whoa! That really happened to you?! Maybe that the fish saw something wrong in it future that and decided to do the right thing for it.

I never had a single pet in my ENTIRE life! My older brother and sister had a pet turtle when they were younger but they think that my mom did something to the poor turtle. After that, no pets for this family!
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
big smile
Oh my gosh, I've always wanted a turtle!!

A list of my pets;
Charles Dickens-Guinea Pig
Black Pepper-Fish
These are all the fish I can remember but I have had way over 20!!
over a year ago Lindy52 said…
Wow! Look at all those pets. Your home might looks like a pet store with all of those. I figured out that some of the fishes' names are from Heroes and is Fish the fish and Chips the fish are a couple? :)
over a year ago Simmy said…
I can't eat rice without almost being choked. I eat it too fast, so it gets stuck in my throat :/
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
Yeah!! It would if I had all of these pets at once!!! Maybe a couple might be from a TV show but that was when I gave up and wasn't really feeling a connection any more! So I didn't really bother coming up with names. Yeah, Fish and Chips were a pair at first but then I bought Black Pepper the blackmoor so they were a trio. I loved Black Pepper, he was my favourite of all of my fish because when you fed him he used to come up to the top of the bowl stick his back out of the water and let you troke it!! He died after he got tangled up in some pond plant.

Hi Simmy!! That happens to me too with cake and potato!!

I have a total of three big scars on my leg thanks to my dog. One's massive!!! He really should cut his nails more often!!

This be the culprit!!

I know it's an awful picture I just couldn't find any ones I wanted, I need to sort out my files!!
Yeah!! It would if I had all of these pets at once!!! Maybe a couple might be from a TV show but that
over a year ago Lindy52 said…
Aww! How cute that dog is?! :)

Poor Black Pepper through. Black Pepper sounded like a great pet until it tragic death occurred to it.
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
Yeah, that was the first time I'd ever bought plants for my fish bowl, and the last. I remember I was really young and I was devastated and crying everywhere so my mum let me stay up and watch the Eurovision song contest!
over a year ago Lindy52 said…
Awww, again! Good mum you had! :)
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
big smile
Yeah! I must have been really young because Eurovision is on really early and yet I had to stay up to watch it!

I collect any sort of precious stones.
over a year ago Simmy said…
My sister is pregnant, and if it's a girl, when my sister i going to name her Emily:)
over a year ago mic_egan94 said…
big smile
I collect the sugar from cafe's! You know the ones in little packets? Those! :D
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
big smile
Awwww!! That's amazing!! Congratulations on being an auntie!! Good name choice ;)!

That's cool!! You should come to the Italian by my dads house! They have the most adorable/amazing little sugar packets!! I almost wish I could buy a coffee just to use them! I could always just take them it just wouldn't seem right!!

I am an only child.
over a year ago suu said…
I'm always correcting people. Seriously! If someone says something wrong, I automatically correct her/him.
over a year ago Simmy said…
Oh, I hate when people are doing that! ^^

Thanks Sophie:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mic_egan94 said…
big smile
Oh I do that too Susana!
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
big smile
Thankyou! You're welcome!

I do it sometimes although I mostly do it of the times I do it though are consciously.... It really annoys my friend!! But now it's a running joke not something done maliciously!

Drama is my favourite lesson at school.... :-S
over a year ago suu said…
I'm left-handed (but I can do almost everything with my right hand) ^^
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
big smile
That is really cool...
Let's see what i can say about me...
I don't get angry....i mean with other people... it's almost impossibile to make me scream, or yelling or doing stuff like that, i'm a really patient girl, and even if i don't like a thing, i do it anyway for the sake of the peace, i really don't like when people fight...especially with me :P
I used to have green extencions in my brown hair, I was 17 and i really liked that green colour like the one markers are, so i ordered 10 marker-green extencions to my hairdresser and had her fixing in my hair, there are people that still remeber me for that!
"Oooooh you're the girl with the green locks!" *LOL*
over a year ago mic_egan94 said…
Hey! I'm left-handed too! :D
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
big smile
I'm right-handed but I want to learn to be able to do things with my left hand!
over a year ago mic_egan94 said…
big smile
I'm afraid of ants!
over a year ago LadyMaeve said…
big smile
I actually like peeling potatoes :P I know it's weird...
And i'm nnot afraid of Bugs, insects or any other animal...and i've got an insane love for moths...i like them! *_*
And I collect fairies, dwarves, elves, angels and every kind of figurines of the "magic world"
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
I know! It's weird isn't it?! I find it fun peeling vegetables too!! I've got the most awesome peeler!
I used to be terrified of panthers after my mum watched a movie about a girl that turned into a panther.
over a year ago Simmy said…
I broke my right-arm falling of a swing when I was 9.
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
Awwww! Poor you!! I hope you are alright!

I broke my arm trying to look for the way out of Paradise Park.
over a year ago Simmy said…
Aww! That's not good. When did it happen?

I'm fine, but now I have a 4 inches scar down the side of my arm.
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
Er.... I think I was 6... I got lost, tripped and landed on concrete. Awww! I'm sorry about the scar...

I have blue walls in my bedroom.... :-S
over a year ago Simmy said…
big smile
I have read 107 books in 4 years and 4 mounths.
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over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
Wow! That's alot!! Were you counting? Were these big books or little books?

I collect beanie babies...
over a year ago Simmy said…
I have a list over all the books I have read, because sometime I start reading a book, and half way through it I find out that I have alright read it.
Most of them are about 200-300 pages, some longer (500-700 pages) and some shorter (100-150 pages). I love reading books.

I collect things with butterflies on it.
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over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
Me too!

Ah! A fellow JJ eh?

I am awful with headphones, I've gone through about 20 in a month!
over a year ago Simmy said…
big smile
No, I have been collecting butterfly things for about 6½ years, long before CM started.

Oh, I'm so bad with headphones, too. I always break them.

I have over 300 dvd movies
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
No way!! I only have one movie on DVD! And that's the new Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, I don't even like it that much!
over a year ago Simmy said…
I also have alot of TV shows on dvd
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
big smile
I have a couple of those! I have series 1 of Doctor Who and series 1-2 of Heroes!
over a year ago Simmy said…
big smile
I have: NCIS 1-4, CSI 1-6, House 1-3, CM 1-3, Bones 1, 24 2, The X-files 2, Angel 1-3, Mcleod's daughters 1-3, Charmed 1-8, Friends 1,4,6, Prison Break 1-2 and when I have some Danish shows.
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
over a year ago Simmy said…
I know it's crazy!:)
over a year ago criminalminds15 said…
I've got videos as well but still, I've only got about five!!!