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Criminal Minds Girls Question


Please be kind to rate the content that you view! It's not hard just one click...

I know some of you do rate (Colette, Susana...) But I hate the fact that ratings are awfully low these days!

Thanks you!
 Kelsje posted over a year ago
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Criminal Minds Girls Answers

Celina79 said:
Hey Kelly,
thank you for mention it! I know, unfortunatley many people only watch and do not rate.
I see that on other spots as well.
I rate and sometimes comment the contents people post. And I hope others do that as well.
Because its as you said, only "one" click.
And if we rate each others things, at the end we are all happy. :)
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posted over a year ago 
girly_girl said:
Could not agree more! Its not really fair when you spend ages making a video or an image or writing a fan-fic and people don't take the time to rate!!
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posted over a year ago 
I know right! thats why I barely add stuff anymore!
Paramore-CSI posted over a year ago
Well atleast ratings here are good :) Pretty much everything here gets rated! We should soo start a rating campaign al over fanpop XD
Kelsje posted over a year ago
criminalminds15 said:
How do you rate things and what can you rate?
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posted over a year ago 
You can rate every photo, every video, every icon, every article and every link. On every item there are 5 stars down on the right side. You can click on one, two, three til five stars. If you like an itme very much you click on five stars. Hope this helped.
Celina79 posted over a year ago
Thanks It Did.
criminalminds15 posted over a year ago
I will! I did not know,,,,I am sorry.
prentissadmirer posted over a year ago
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