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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

Er, do the Cullens use the restroom?

Yes, it is a strange question, but allow me to explain.

I was reading the Cirque du Freak books. Those vampires do use the toilet occasionally, as evident from Darren looking for the WC, but then again, those vampires require the usual human foods, as well as blood.

The Cullens drink only blood, but where does it go? If it goes down their throat to their stomachs, wouldn't they need to use the toilet to get rid of it? Or does it stay in their stomachs forever? If that's the case, wouldn't their stomachs eventually explode?

Over time, I have gotten the impression from both Meyer and her fans that the Meyerpires don't ever use the klo, but then where does the blood go? It's got to go somewhere. Any ideas?
Okay, I know this has nothing to do with the question. but is it my computer or is there a giant New Moon advertisement in the spot's background?
frylock243 posted over a year ago
Iam answering frylock243......there is a giant Newmoon ad in every twilight spot's background
archiejake1991 posted over a year ago
 Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

Renesmee_XD said:
They dont the blood they drink get used up as energy
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posted over a year ago 
I think this is correct :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
but not everyhting can be used as energy, like in our bodies, so where does the non-energy-giving stuff go? Even if it is really small, after a long time, it builds up.
HecateA posted over a year ago
It actually could be entirely exhaled. The "C" in the CO2 we exhale actually comes from the food we've eaten. As it gets broken down to smaller and smaller parts some of it eventually reaches individual CO2 molecules. It's plausible that the vampire digestive systems are so efficient they can break down their blood meals to gases that can be exhaled. In fact, that could explain why they may have horrible breath that smells of rotting flesh, though this doesn't apply to Twilight vampires specifically; Bella certainly never mentions it. Twilight vampires can clearly still breathe as they do to smell and I'm pretty sure it is mentioned most of them still breathe out of habit, but they can hold their breaths indefinitely. This explanation would require them to breathe at least sometimes but no where does it say Twilight vampires NEVER breathe. I'm usually into scifi so I love these kinds of questions :)
mercurae posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said:
Because I dont like twilight you caused me to burst out laughing- Thanks. To answer the question I dont know or care.
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posted over a year ago 
Plenilunio said:
I remember reading SMeyer's answer to this one somewhere in her site: no, they don't. She didn't explain where the blood goes, but neither did Bram Stoker or Anne Rice, for instance *shrugs*
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posted over a year ago 
As I recall, though, neither Anne Rice nor Bran Stoker said their vamps DIDN'T use the bathroom.
Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
Nope, but reading the books you see they don't. Why would they? They're dead.
Plenilunio posted over a year ago
no they dont
chris2010_2010 posted over a year ago
ggrulesandrock said:
perhaps it just dissolves and then when its all gone thats when they thirst for more?

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posted over a year ago 
when something disolves, that doesn't mean the mass just disappears.
nuxi posted over a year ago
LadyL68 said:
Um, random! random! idk
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
No, but they get periods XD
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posted over a year ago 
Seriously? Even though they can't have kids? Or can they?
Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
They get periods instead of peeing. Even the guys. They can't have kids, but the blood replaces piss.
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
Actually, I take that "LOL" back. The guys too? Can you say "Ick?"
Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
TeamSiriusBlack said:
Lol, another plot hole SMeyer overlooked...
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posted over a year ago 
I know. Eventually that blood has to go somewhere...
Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
Karipoof said:
Um I really don't know but in the books the never use the restroom. But you never know if they wear diapers or pampers or if they wet their couches or carpets(since they have no beds) or if they do their business on the floor or in a plant pot........but I really don't know.
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posted over a year ago 
AllyUnderground said:
To be honest, most fictional characters never use the toilet, whether they're human, vampire, werewolf, elf, hobbit, whatever...I think writers get a little too squeamish about it. Even in Harry Potter, the toilets were only used for brewing Polyjuice potion and taunting Myrtle ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
Well, in harry potter you know that they do use the bathroom, JK has better things in the plot to describe and talk about then "In charms Harry had to go pee, so he raised his hand..." But I do find it weird.
HecateA posted over a year ago
I was being facetious ^_^ My main point was that most authors avoid the subject, not just Meyer.
AllyUnderground posted over a year ago
ilovemichael17 said:
no they don't need to go to the bathroom
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posted over a year ago 
mercurae said:
Meyer's vampires are clearly just straight up magic (like with the psychic powers and elemental abilites) so that's the easy answer; but that's boring. I like scifi and thought experiments so let's work through it. I think Meyer herself has explicitly said her vampires don't poop. For the question of "where does it go?", it actually could be exhaled. The "C" in the CO2 we exhale actually comes from the food we've eaten. As it gets broken down to smaller and smaller parts some of it eventually reaches individual CO2 molecules. It's plausible that the vampire digestive systems are so efficient they can break down their blood meals to gases that can be exhaled. In fact, that could explain why they may have horrible breath that smells of rotting flesh; they need to exhale gaseous sulfur and phosporous compunds. But, this doesn't apply to Twilight vampires specifically; Bella certainly never mentions it. Twilight vampires can clearly still breathe as they do to smell and I'm pretty sure it is mentioned most of them still breathe out of habit, but they can hold their breaths indefinitely. This explanation would require them to breathe at least sometimes but no where does it say Twilight vampires NEVER breathe. This could actually even apply to iron. Iron can bond to soluble organic compounds (afterall, that's how it exists in our blood without getting chunks of iron in our bloodstreams). So, iron and other difficult to vaporize elements or compounds could be sweated out or otherwise excreted as a liquid. Again, Meyer has mentioned her vampires don't sweat or pee but there is another way. Vampires could cough or sneeze. The dissolved iron could be expelled in tiny droplets just like how liquids are expelled as aerosols when we cough (like bacteria being scattered when we're sick). I'm really into scifi so I love these kinds of questions :).
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posted over a year ago 
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