Critical Analysis of Twilight Kittehs!

LadyLilith posted on Nov 03, 2009 at 04:42AM
Who else considers this place... *Sniff* ...their home? Lol sorry I just keep getting on here more and more. I love this place, and all of my litter mates within! It is SO REFRESHING to be able to talk to intelligent people on here about Twilight, and to talk to others who actually aren't going with popular opinion and see that it's not that great. I don't feel so alone. O.o

Critical Analysis of Twilight 98 replies

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over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
big smile
Aww LadyCat! I consider this mah secund howm =D And its people like you, and teh oder kittehz who make this place so fun.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Aww! I feel the same. I always feel so bubbly and hyper after a few hours on this spot. Everyone's ever so kind. Not like them crazeh twi-hards.

Everyones so funny and clever, it's JUST FANTASTIC!!!
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Lol yeah, I just got on again and I'm all giddy. That's probably because I'm also watching Aladdin though, so goofy moods galore! But yes, everyone is so sweet and wicked awesome here. I especially like you guys. :D
over a year ago CULLEN-HALE said…
i agree, eberone on here iz sooo nice, dis iz duh only spot i haz a meddel in cuz i neber go on any ober onez most daiz,,, lol im practicing my lolkittehtalk ya like? lolol :D
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Gud werk CHCat! :D Yur kitteh speek ez vury gud. I iz praktisin tu.
over a year ago CULLEN-HALE said…
cewl thx ladycat yuz iz rallyy gud tue
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Yeyz!!! Okay, um, hmmm...what to talk about... XD Okay, du yu awl luv tis club tu deth?
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Iz vair tiired, meh ben urp awl bonfire nightz.
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Awe. Yu wer bernin teh Cullens' bodehs wernt yu?
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Yeh itz waz amuzinz. Iz waz singzings round da bonfire.

Totally Random but I AM VERY HAPPY! I am getting a little babeh kitteh, she's soooooo ADORABLE!! XD Wow I sounded like a five-year-old, but STILL!! I don't know what to name her, Kittehz.

over a year ago LadyLilith said…
big smile
OMG I LUV BEBEH KITTEHS!!! *Squee* You could make an answer of this, maybe, asking what you should name her. :D I'd name her renrae or Asvini lol, but you don't have to name her in honor of the C.A.T. spot. OOH! You could name her Bastet also!
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Ohmygod! That would be amazing!! I think I should name her....Myf. After my besty-friendy here on CAT. In fact she looks a bit like the kitteh on the CAT icon (the new kitteh not Myf that is) except she's a sort-of darker shade of black and has green eyes.

HAHAHA! Harry Potter Kitteh!!
over a year ago renrae said…
Joo shud name hur renrae. :D

Just kidding.... Unless joo want too.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Well actually, I've been informed that my soon-to-be kitteh has a sister with heart problems and I've begged my dad to let me get her as well because no one wants her because of the extra vet bills and stuff, my dad's a right pushover so I shall name the poor kitteh Renrae. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Oh dammit. Now Elliot wants one. And he's a fifteen year old boy!! Doesn't he have anything better to do than play with kittens??
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
big smile
Haha, I think you should name them Renrae Lilith, and Asvini Bastet. Cause you'r kittehs are so cool, they need 2 names!
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Bahaha! But where shalt Myf go?
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
big smile
Erm....Get another Kitteh!
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Yeyz! I'z ncloodid! *Glomp* You can give them middle names. :) But if not, add Myf instead of meh. It's cool.
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Myf, you are too sweet. ^W^ *Purr*
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
No, middle names good. You could have;

Renrae Myf Lilith

Asvini Bastet (another kitteh's name)
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
:) Whatever you wish to do GrintCat. Be sure to upload pics of your nu kittehs sumwer!
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
Yeh! I wana see the new members of our family!
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Okie dokies. I've named the black kitteh Myf Renrae Lilith (it sounds better) and the poorly kitteh Novsvini Bastet (November and Asvini MORPHED)

I shall upload some picks...I'll have to steal Elliot's camera. Hmm...getting nametags on the collars will be funny. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Those names are wicked awesome. *Glomps GrintCat and refuses to let go* The biggest honor in the to have a little kitteh names after you. *Sniff sniff* *Big watery anime eyes* The C.A.T. is LOVE!!!!
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
Aww GrintCat honey bunny! you're so sweet! I love the names!
over a year ago renrae said…
big smile
*gasp* AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­WWW­W!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
over a year ago renrae said…
Okay, so, I just watched the Gerard Butler SNL episode on Hulu.

No big deal, right? Wrong.

I'm now thinking in a Scottish accent.
over a year ago Frizzhead said…
Aww yeah its like a second home to me too *hugs ladycat*
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Lol, Gerard Butler was an AWESOME Phantom. His voice is GORGEOUS...

*Hugs Frizzhead back* Today's been a great day. Must be because of you, renrae. :) Thanks!
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
A voice can be gorgeous? Baha! Sounds amusing. Mmm.... my hair smells nice. Umm....can anyone think of an abbreviation of Myf Renrae Lilith? It's a mouthful, y'know.

Back in Brizzle. I've drawn one of the CAT posters onto a huge piece of paper and stuck it on my bedroom wall. It annoys that twi-hard sister of mine. (Evil laugh) Took AGES!
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
haha go Grinty. MyRLi?
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
big smile
MyRLi...YES! I likes that me babber. Pronounced MY-RI-LEE. Brilliant!
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
Yup Myrli and Nosvini. so cute!
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Awww, guys. I love you all y'know. -HUGS-


Are you feeling it yet?
I am.
I am giving you telepathic hugs of kitty-sister LUUURVE!!!
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
I think I'm feeling more awkwardness than love.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Bahaha! You love me really, MyfCat...I noes it. Dammit, Nosvini keeps walking over the keyboard. Aww, she's cute though. I'll see if she can fit in my dressing-gown pocket...OH MY GOD!
She can - just, her head pokes out...AWWW. Where's Myrli?...AWW TWO KITTEHS IN MEH POCKETS!!
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
HAHA i want a pic of that!
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…

Just found some amusing stuff on

1. I recently started dating a guy whos last name is "Black" My sister said jokingly that we should name our child "Jacob" in honour of Twilight. Silly sister, his name shall be "Sirius" MLIA

2. Today, I woke up abruptly in the night. Why? An owl smashed into my window. I'm waiting Hogwarts, I'm waiting. MLIA

3. I was in the car with my 7-year-old Harry Potter obsessed sister. We were at the traffic lights. She shouted "Make the lights turn green!" When I made her say Please, I screamed "LUMOS GREEN!" The lights turned green. She still believes I have magical abilities. MLIA

Heh heh, amuuuuuuuuuusing!!
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
big smile
Lol i love number 1!
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Same. I now love this website.
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
Lol yes. If that smexy voice of his had its own form I would marry it. Because it's so handsome... *Sighs dreamily* XD

I'm feeling the love! ^W^ Accept it MyfCat ACCEPT IT!!!! Myrli and Nosvini are such cute, creative names!

I'm still loling and going "OOOH BURRRN" in my head over that first one GrintCat, lol.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…

Awww, Myrli and Nosvini are cuddling up to Kettle, they look SO cute!! Dammit, ELLIOT!! GIVE ME YOUR CAMERA NAO!!!

Ha, so am I LadyCat. My aunt says she wants me to name my first son, Sirius or Remus. Funny, my mums side loves those names but my dads family hates them.
Tomorrow, I am going to try as hard as possible to do something Potter related at school. That is my goal for tomorrow!

-Robin Hood Theme Music-
over a year ago LadyLilith said…

Awwww! Take pics take pics take pics!

Do it, Grinty! DO IT! You have my support!

Remus Black? Oh ho ho, sounds like a fan gay couple to me ;D
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…

I've taken tons of pics on Elliot's camera. He's annoyed because I've used up the memory but I've sworn that if he dares to delete even one of them I will wring his neck (Which is a bit of an idle threat since he's three years older than me and quite a bit taller.) But as dear old Myf says "I'm small, but I'm strong. I'll get it on with you!" (I'm referring to the small but strong part. I would HATE to get it on with my brother...INCEST!!!)

Actually, I read an AMAZING fanfic based around a Sirius/Remus relationship. It. Was. Awesome. The writing wasn't sleazy at all. But tender and romantic and exciting. It was too short though, which was a bit annoying. I think I found it on MuggleNet if any of you lot want to check it out.

Yum, I like grapes.

EDIT: I noticed in my previous comment that I said I was going to do something Potter-related at school tomorrow. And guess what? I ACTUALLY DID!! I was inspired by MLIA. The girl's toilets were flooded today so me, Alex and Brionee went in during science (We had "accidently" gotten red ink all over our hands and needed to wash it.) and I wrote in red lipstick:
"The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened,
Enemies Of The Heir, Beware"
Geddit?? Girl's toilets?? Flood?? Chamber?? GEDDIT???
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LadyLilith said…
You got hyper off a grape? Jeebus imagine what an energy drink would do to'd be like Hammy off of Over the Hedge after he drank that pop.

Mmmm, me wants some Lucius/Severus smut... *Licks lips thoughtfully*

OH MY GOD. >XD You are so win, GrintCat.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Why, thank you, LadyCat. I feel special now.

Yes, I get VERY hyper. I drank a can of this Lucozade Alert once and I kept shrieking randomly "LUCOZADE-ALERT!!" and cackling manically. Sometimes if I get too hyper, I like to lie on the cool, wooden floor. Sometimes Kettle comes to join me. Quite relazing.

Wow. Now that you say it do I. Is that dirty? Lol? I mean, all the Boy/Girl fanfics I read are SO cheesey I want to puke. But with the gay ones it's never cheesey... I wonder why..

(At the COS gag) I hope everyone takes that as a joke. I don't want the first-years getting freaked out. Or the teachers for that matter. Oh well, if I get a detention, it'll be worth it. ;)
over a year ago renrae said…
LadyCat, you seriously did not have to bring that up.

I will now argue with you for a very long time about how Gerard's voice is not gorgeuos. Michael Crawford's is. Michael's voice is more than gorgeous, it's amazing.

Anywho: I love MLIA!!!!

Oh, and, on the slash thing: Slash is almost always better written. Especially because there are barely any gay/lesbian S(t)ues.

over a year ago LadyLilith said…
My bad. ^^;; It's not dirty to think that, generally because it's more intense and romantic somehow. Or maybe all the good writers like guy on guy. I have no idea. It just seems like it's all the fangirls that write the "straight" fanfics. It doesn't really matter to me whether the fanfic is "straight" or "gay" or whatever, just depends on how well the story is written and on the characters involved.

I personally love Gerard's voice the best. :P Very sexy. There's only one way to settle this, ren...vampire baseball!