Crossovers The Final Fall

Wisdoms_Child posted on Apr 10, 2012 at 01:31AM
Hey, peoples! Wisdoms_Child here! I wanted to write another story, so I decided to crossover with Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games! (:

Rating: K+

Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Frank Zheng, Hazel Levesque, Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne, and everyone else from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, and The Hunger Games.

Summary: Many of you are probably wondering how the Hunger Games started. Well, the answer is because of the failure of the demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.
The demigods failed to defeat Gaea and her army, so just as she planned, Gaea hid all the gods, major or minor, somewhere in the world. Being demigods, they searched for their parents, being led by the seven to led them to battle: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Frank Zheng, and Hazel Levesque. After one year of searching around the globe, the half-bloods decide to send the seven back to North America.
When they got there, they met Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, the champions of the 74th and 75th annual Hunger Games. The seven help them with the hopes of finding the gods and defeating Gaea, once and for all, but will they have the will to continue as the rising of buried secrets and missing friends?


My other stories:
The Mark of Athena

Let me apologize in advance. I'm sorry if I accidentally copy someone else's idea for something! I promise you, it wasn't intentional!

I will post a new chapter after 5 comments from different people, or when I'm bored.

Okay, that's about it! Just relax, kick back, and ENJOY! (:
last edited on May 22, 2012 at 12:48AM

Crossovers 65 replies

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over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
YES!!!! Another amazing story of your's!!!!:D pretty pllleeaassee post soon!!!!:D I am ECSTATIC!!!:D cake!!:D
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
lolz stalker. U hurry up with ur stories too! (:
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
cool! post!!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
big smile
Chapter 1
(Percy's POV)
I was running. I don't know why, but I was running like my life depended on it. I was in a wood filled with wierd looking wasps. They were chasing me. Then, out of nowhere, huge dogs started to chase me. I finally stopped running when I reached a different part of the woods. There was a lake, with a small house next to it.
I calmed down. I was near water. If something or someone attacked me, I could attack them back. I took off my shirt and decided to go for a swim. I was finally starting to relax when I heard a low growl. I cautiously swam to the top of the lake.
When I got there, I was face to face with one of the wild dogs. It started to claw at me. I tried to get Riptide, but it wasn't there when I reached for it. The beast started to shake me violently.
"Percy! Percy! Are you okay?"
I got up so quickly that I banged my head on someone's shield.
"Ow." I said.
"Sorry, Percy." My girlfriend Annabeth said.
"It doesn't hurt much." I told her. She looked at me carefully to see if I was lying.
"Not as much as my dream, anyways." I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that?" She asked.
I quickly racked my head for an explaination. A few seconds later, I finally got one.
"Uh, I said, Not as much as it would have hurt if I hit my head on a laser, uh, beam."
Annabeth looked at me suspiciously. After what seemed like eternity, she said,"We have a meeting to attennd. Hurry up and come to the hideout."
I nodded, and she left. I let out a deep breath. I know I should tell Annabeth my dream, but I don't think she needs to know it... yet. I'll tell her after I under stand it.
I quickly got dressed in my usual tye-dye orange and purple shirt, that represented Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, and jeans. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and walked to the lake near our hidden camp.
I walked to the walkboard and stood at the very center of it, and said,"Heroes of Olympus." Immediately, the board lowered me down trough a tube under the water and dropped me off in our secret headquarters, a huge building under the water. I walked to the second door on my right and open the door. I sat at my seat, which was blue-green with a trident.
Everyone was there. Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Reyna, the leaders of our camp.
Reyna cleared her throat. "Annabeth and I have thought hard about this, and we decided that the only to find our parents and destroy Gaea is to go back to North America."
Everyone gasped and their eyes bulged out.
Piper, who seemed very confused, asked,"But why? We searched everywhere there! We searched the entire globe! We've been to Italy, Gremany, Spain, Austraila, Brazil, South and North Korea, and a bunch of other places."
This time, Annabeth spoke up. "That's a very good question, Piper. Yes, we have been everywhere around the globe, but what if Gaea is constantly changing where she is hiding the gods? It won't do us any good to just stay here, in Greece forever. If we keep still, Gaea will have a better chance of finding us."
I nodded. It was true. If we keep put, then sooner or later, Gaea and her army will find us.
I looked at Jason, and her looked at me. "I think we should go." Jason said.
"I agree," I told them,"Annabeth and Reyna are right. If we keep staying here, Gaea will soon find us. The best thing to do is leave."
Suddenly, a voice I knew to well popped in and said,"I agree. I have this feeling that something, someone is there, and they need help."
We all turned around. We smiled at him.
"Hey, Nico. What's up, man?" I said, while fist bunping him.
"Nothing much. But like I said, we have to go. Well, you have to go. I'll pop in from time to time."
"So, it'd decided. The Seven from the original prophecy will go to North America." Reyna declared.
Leo, who'd been surprisingly quiet said,"What about you, Reyna?"
She looked at us and said,"Someone has to keep order around here."
Then, Leo scooted next to her and said,"You sure you don't want to come Miss Praetor? After all, I'm going. You sure you can live without Macho Taco Man, Leo?"
Reyna backed out with disgust. "That's one of the reasons I'm not going, Mr. I-Think-I'm-Cool-But-I'm-Actually-Retarded­.&q­uot­;
Leo frowned, and was about to say something, but shut up when Reyna took out her gladius out and pointed its sharp blades at Leo.
"When do we leave?" asked Jason.
"That's a good question. Now."
I almost fell out of my chair. Now? But what about clothes? What about goodbyes? What about my TOOTHBRUSH?!?
"Now?" Piper asked.
Annbeth nodded and said,"If we leave any sooner, Gaea might figure out our plan, and move somewhere else. Let's go."
And with that, Annabeth walked out toward our ship, The ArgoII. We all climbed on and waved good bye to Reyna.
"Bye, Reyna!"
"Tell everyone we'll be back soon!"
"Don't get a boyfriend! Wait for me!"
I laughed at the last one. That last comment earned Leo a smack from Piper.
"You idiot, Repair Boy! Just go inside and get us to North America."
Leo saluted and said,"Yes, Piper Ma'am! We will be landing in 5 minutes, Ma'am."
We all just rolled our eyes. Leo improved the ship so we could get to our destination in 5 minutes or less. I sighed. Another quest. The last one didn't end so good. After all, the gods went missing, Gaea is awake, and we have no idea where our parents are.
I grabbed a cup of water and gulped it down. As soon as I went back to the deck, we had arrived. I couldn't believe my eyes. Outside, was a bid forest with lots of trees and animals. I looked around for houses or stores, but I found none.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bow whizzed out and almost hit my head. By now, all of us were on deck. We signaled to each other to slowly walk into the forest.
Immediately when we stepped out, arrows whizzed by and a few daggers flew back. We all grabbed our weapons, and started to look for the enemies, when two teenagers, a boy and a girl stepped out from behind a tree. They had their weapons pointed at us: the girl with her bow and arrow, the boy with a dagger.
"What are you doing here?" The girl growled. Her eyes were wild and she had dark circles under her eyes.
"Woah, woah, woah," I said,"We were just looking for someone."
The boy stared at me. "Who?"
I didn't know how to reply. I mean we can't just tell strangers that our parents are gods and they got kidnapped by Mother Earth, not like they'd believe us though. Luckily, Wise Girl knew what to say.
"We are looking for our parents."
"Which district are you in?" The girl asked.
"Wait, what district? Since when are there districts in North America?" Leo asked.
The strangers looked at each other, confused. After a long, very awkward, silence, the boy asked,"What's your name?"
I looked at my friends. We all nodded, and put down our weapons.
"Percy Jackson. These are my friends, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zheng, and Hazel Levesque. Who are you?"
They hesistantly put down their weapons and said,"Kaniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark."
Okay, the first chapter is up! Tell me if its any good! 5 comments equalls a new chapter!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
:D you posted!!! Yay!!:D
Lol Leo, Percy, Piper, and Reyna cracked me up XD
Post soon!!:D
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
(: thanks stalker! (: I thought you forgot I had this forum.... Hopefully more plp read it.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
This story is really kewl. I love it.
Its really good, too.
And i cant wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!!
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
really good post soon!
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
post soon!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Pretty please post again soon!!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
thx guys! I'll post soon (:
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I cant wait!!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
Thanks for reading this, Kaia,ioyeme, and stalker!
Chapter 2 (Annabeth's POV)
Well, I thought, this is a nice "hello".
"So, um this is North America? Do you mind explaining to us about what happened here?" I asked.
"Yeah," said Leo, while scratching his head,"and since when are there districts in North America? We've been gone for a year, and this is what it looks like?"
A shadow appeared next to me, and out came Nico. The girl, Katniss, raised her bow. Nico was about to take out his sword, but Percy stopped him.
"Nico, this is Katniss and Peeta. They're about to explain to us about what happened here. I mean I highly doubt that the Wildlife Conservation group destroyed the Presidentual House of Representatives, and made the U.S. an oligarchy." Percy told him.
Jason took a step back. "Woah, Percy. Since when do you know all these big kid vocabulary?"
Percy flicked Jason's forehead and said,"Dude, I'm dating the smartest girl from both camps. The Mark of Athena? Remember?"
I blushed. He told me this a lot, but it still made me blush every single time.
Peeta coughed and said,"Sorry to ruin this little chat, but do you want us to explain or not?"
Piper spoke up and said,"Yes, we do want you to explain. But first," she looked at Leo,"you. Don't even think about asking Katniss out. She already has a boyfriend."
Leo looked disappointed, while Katniss and Peeta looked surprised.
"Ho-how did you know that?" Katniss asked.
"How about this. If you guys explain what happened here, then we'll explain who we are and what we're doing here. Deal?" Frank asked.
Katniss and Peeta looked at each other and nodded. "Deal." They said.
"Follow us." Peeta said, and walked deeper into the forest. We walked for about 30 minutes. During that 30 minutes, no one said anything. Even Leo didn't crack a stupid joke.
As we walked, I noticed how beautiful the forest was. Then I remembered. Gaea. She may make things look beautiful, but inside, she is pure evil. I was positive that this would be Grover's dream place. I sighed. We haven't seen him since four months ago, when he announced that he was going to go and look for the missing demi-gods.
We stopped in front of a small cottage near a lake. I guessed this was where Peeta and Katniss lived. We followed them into the cottage and noticed that it was a lot bigger on the inside. I noticed little gadgets that I thought was things you use to open secret places.
Peeta motioned us to the couch. After we all sat down, he said,"Let's see. The districts. I think it has been like this since longer than I remember. We started out in Europe. Well, our ancestors, anyways. There was this huge war between the government and the citizens. In the end, the government won."
"Right. And they decided to split us up into districts. For instance, we're in District 12 or what used to be it. District 12 was in charge of making coal. District 1,2,3, and 4 all lived in luxury, while everyone else lived in well, poverty. The Capitol, the government, I guess, decide to make a game. Every year, each district must send a boy and a girl from the age of 11 to 18(?) to participate in the Hunger Games. It was something that supposedly represents the big war. In the game, there is only one person that survives. Everyone else is killed. Well, that is until we came along."
"Wait a minute. You said that it started in Europe. Why is it in North America now?" I asked.
"Well, the Capitol saw that no one was here, so they decide to move the here." Peeta answered.
"Let me guess,"said Percy,"you guys got into the Games, but they made an exception and let you live, but something came up, and you both went into the Games again the following year."
Jason nodded and continued,"Yeah, and someone bad tried to kill you guys, but you killed the onews that tried to kill you instead."
They looked really surprised. "Wait, how do you know this? Are you from the Capitol?" Katniss asked grabbing her bow.
"Please, put your bow down. We are not the enemies." Piper said.
Nice one, Pipes. Piper got the hang of her charmspeaking, and only used it on when we were in danger.
Katniss immediately put down her bow. "How did you do that?" Peeta asked. "I can never persuade her like that."
Piper smiled and said,"Let's just say, I'm great at persuading people."
"Okay. We've explained everything you asked. Now it's your turn to explain. Who are you, and what are you really doing here?"
I was about to explain, when a voice a bit too similar asked,"Katniss? Peeta? Are you here?"
Percy, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and I looked at each other.
"We know that voice," Frank said.
"I-it can't be." Hazel stuttered.
The girl came into the living room. "There you are! I was-"
Then she noticed us and dropped her bow and arrow.
"Thalia," I whispered.
So, how was it? Did you guys like it! Comment! Remember! 5 comments from 5 different plp equals chapter 3! (:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
0.0 You are just full of surprises
This is so cool!!:D
Post soon!!:D
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
omgs ...............


I am in. SHOCK!!!!!!!!!!!


well it was a AMAZINGLY AWESOME chapter. I really did love it.
And I can not wait until more people comentso u can post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
@stalker:Yes, I am full of surprises, but so are you! ^^
@kaia: lolz. I hope more plp comment on this too! thanks! (:
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
AAaaaaah! SUspense! Post sooN!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
And mine makes five, please post!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Are you going to count yourself as a different person? Probably not in which case i'm only number 4 but whatever. Also I just found this and its pretty sweet, post soon.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
There!! That's 4 different peoples.
Now can u pretty please post the next chapter!!!!!!!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
that was amazing!!! plz post soon!!!!!!
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
that was awesome! post soon!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Pretty pretty pretty please post again soon!!!!!!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
Thanks guys! AHAHA! Suspense! But no need, or is there?

CHapter 3 (Percy's POV)

I heard a girl's voice that I know a bit too well. I guess we all recognized it because we all looked at each other. As if confirming our guess, the girl walked in.
She had a silver parka, a silver bow and arrow, and a small tiara on her head. The girl wore a Death to Barbie shirt.
She looked at us and dropped her weapons. I heard Annabeth say,"Thalia."
Thalia looked at us, as if she was examining food to see if there was mold in it. She suddenly ran at Annabeth and hugged her.
"Annabeth!" she yelled,
Annabeth looked surprised at first, but hugged her back.
"Thalia, thank the gods you're okay! Where have you been?" she asked.
Thalia released her from her hug and replied,"I've been here, looking for our parents. I met Peeta and Katniss here."
I cleared my throat and said,"Hey, Pine cone Face! Don't tell me you forgot all of us!"
She looked at me and came over to me and playfully punched my arm.
"Seaweed Brain, you survived." she said, then hugged me.
I was so glad that we found her. After she hugged everyone else, Karniss said,"Um, do you guys mind if you tell us how you know Thalia?"
We all looked at each other and sighed.
"Get comfortable, Kat," Thalia told her,"It's going to be a long story."
Then she started to explain everything. From the beginning. Well, from when she ran away. We popped in from time to time giving more details. When we were done, Katniss and Peeta looked at us like we were crazy.
"So you want us to believe that the Greek Olympic gods are real, and that they have been captured?" Peeta asked.
"And that you guys went into a battle with Gaea, Mother Earth, and lost. Also that she took you guys' parents, the gods, when she won?" Katniss asked with doubt.
I nodded and said,"I know it sounds hard to believe, but it's true. That's how Piper got you to put down your weapons in the wood. She used her power, Charmspeaking. Piper's the daughter of Ahprodite, by the way, and I'm like Thalia said, the son of Poseidon."
"Athena." Annabeth told them.
"Hephaestus," Leo said.
"Jupiter," said Jason proudly.
"Pluto," said Hazel.
"And I'm the son of Hades," Nico told them.
"Wait, so there are Roman gods too?" asked Peeta confused.
Thalia nodded and said,"They are different aspect of the Greek gods. Just more war-like and disciplined. Not necessarily a bad thing."
Katniss stared at Thalia coldly and said,"So what? You're the daughter of Artemis?"
Thalia gave her a small smile and said,"Zeus, actually, but a Hunter, Artemis's maiden, group, I guess."
I decided to embarrass her some more, so I said,"Thalia here, is also Jason's sister, and is immortal."
At this Peeta spit out his tea and Katniss choked on her bread.
"She's what?" Katniss screeched.
I shrugged like there was nothing surprising about that and said,"Like I said, she's immortal."
Peeta coughed and said,"As in never dying?"
This time Annabeth answered and said,"Yes, unless she gets defeated in battle."
Thalia looked pissed. She stared straight at me and said,"Perseus Jackson, you the most idiotic person I have ever met."
She ran toward me, but I easily side-stepped her. I smirked.
"Don't tell me you lost your skills over the past year, Miss Thalia. How about we settle this the old way?" I suggested.
Thalia stood up straight and smiled. "Oh yeah, I like the old way."
Thalia and I walked out into a clear area in the forest.Soon, everyone was on our tail.
"What are they going to do?" asked Katniss to Annabeth.
Everyone smiled and said,"You guys are in for a treat."
Hazel spoke up and said,"Trust me, after this, you and Peeta will have to believe that we are telling the truth."
As they all waited for us to start, I asked Thalia,"You ready for this, Pinecone Face?"
She smirked and said,"As ready as ever."
Yay! I posted. soo, suspense or what? lolz, 5 comments from 5 different people means another chapter!!! (:
over a year ago fireyes said…
Yeah! Postt soon
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
dang it! cliffhanger! but post soon!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
AMAZINGLY AWESOME chapter. It was sooo good!!!!!!
I LOVED IT!!!!!!
And I can not wait until more people post, so u can post the chapter.

I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH. Its one of my top fav's on this site!!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
Thanks you guys! only two more too go!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Yeah post soon!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Ok does this count as two?
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
sorry no, you already commented on the first one...
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Man. We need more people to read this story.
over a year ago percabeth_forev said…
post plz! I'm sad
over a year ago fireyes said…
Well now ha! Now can you post?
over a year ago childofhermes said…
can u plz post is really good
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I think that's it........

Can u pretty please post again soon!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
Haha okay guys! I'll post when I can get on the computer! Right now I'm using a phone, and yeah... please wait for the post! Thanks
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
Ok. I cant wait!!
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
Post Soon!!!!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
plz post soon! i hate cliffhangers! you're stgory is too good! it blinds my eyes with it's brightness!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Pretty please post soon!!!!
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
please make it sound that percy is stronger than thailia!!!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
Okay, guys! I'm going to post now, then post on my MOA. Thanks for waiting! (:

Chapter 4 (Katniss's POV)
These kids... demi-gods, whatever, were weird. They just randomly pop out from nowhere in a warship, and they happen to know one of my closest friends, Thalia, who is apparently a daughter of the mythical god, Zeus! Not only that, but they drag Peeta and me out into the woods. To watch them apparently prove that they are the sons and daughters of the Olympian and Roman gods.
"Hey, you okay?" Peeta asked.
I looked into his handsome face and felt, once again, so glad to have him as my boyfriend.
I smiled and said,"Yeah, but do you have any ideas what they're going to do?"
I got my answer right then, when a huge bolt of lightning came down and struck the earth. Oh my goodness. Was Thalia doing this?
"So, you're going to start it, huh?" Percy asked.
Thalia smirked and said,"Well you're too weak to start it so, I guess I am starting it."
I heard the others whisper,"Oh boy, this is gonna end up with a whole lot of trees damaged./At least this'll be entertaining."
Suddenly another bolt of lightning struck straight at Percy. I stared as Percy just watched it come at him. 'He's dead' I thought, but I was wrong. At the last moment Percy leaped into the air and landed behind Thalia and what's the word? Summoned the water from the lake to hit Thalia with full force.
I saw Thalia go underwater. I was about to go save her, when the blonde girl, Annabeth, stopped me.
"Let her be, she's a strong girl. She'll survive."
"Bu-but that force of water could have killed her, or seriously damaged her!' I sputtered.
"Look," Peeta said, pointing at the water.
I saw a hand come up and motion lightning again. And again, Percy dodged. When Thalia was completely on ground, she pulled her arrow into her bow, and shot it straight at Percy. I thought Percy would be dead, because no one, and I mean no one can dodge Thalia's aim, but Percy pulled out a pen, uncapped it, and sliced the arrow in half.
I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Did that pen just turn into a sword? I looked at Peeta and he looked just as surprised as I was. From then on, they fought with their weapons.
Percy ran to Thalia with his sword, while Thalia aimed her bow. When it was obvious that the battle couldn't be won with a bow and arrow versus a sword, Thalia threw her bow and arrow on the ground and took out her spear and started using that.
Percy tried to stab her stomach, but Thalia deflected it easily. Then Thalia stabbed her spear on the ground and jumped into the air and landed behind Percy. She then summoned lightning at Percy. The lightning hit Percy, and he flew into a huge tree. Thalia looked triumphant, but she didn't count on Percy getting back up.
Percy made a hurricane and ran toward Thalia. She didn't expect such a forceful attack from Percy, so she fell back and tried to shield her eyes. When she realized that she couldn't shield her eyes, she called upon lightning. She must have been feeling weak because it didn't go anywhere near Percy, but it fried the elf-looking kid.
"AHHH!!! Even if I'm immune to fire, that still hurt like crazy!"
We all stifled a laugh. Maybe these guys weren't so bad. My thoughts left me as I saw Percy stop his hurricane and go to Thalia with his sword, ready to strike. Right when I thought Thalia lost, she grabbed her spear and jumped back up. She tried to stab Percy's shoulder, but he expected it. Percy twisted the hilt of her spear and the spear went flying into the air, almost hitting Leo again.
Percy put his sword against Thalia's throat and said,"Yield."
Thalia put her hands up in defeat. "You got better, Seaweed Brain."
Percy laughed and said,"You weren't so bad either, Pinecone Face."
As they walked back to us, I looked at Peeta and asked,"Did that just really happen?"
"The part where they summoned lightning and water, or Percy defeating Thalia?" he asked.
Percy came up to Peeta and me and asked,"Believe us now?"
Peeta and I just nodded. Thalia looked at us and said,"Sorry for not telling you before, but I couldn't. I mean what was the chance that you guys would believe me anyways?"
"It's okay, Thals. We understand,"said Peeta. I nodded... again.
"Hey, how about Chef Leo cook us some tacos?" the elf said.
Everyone rolled their eyes, except for the beautiful girl, with the brown hair. She just smacked his head.
"Shut up, Repair Boy, and just make us some tacos." she told him.
I held onto Peeta's hand as we walked to their warship. I had a bad feeling that even though President Snow died, there will be more deaths, sadness, and betrayals.
Okay, guys! You know the drill! 5 comments = chapter 5! (:
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
oooo! that was sooo! cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz post again soon!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
big smile
yes! Post Soon!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Im going to go yell at people to read this story........ JK!!!!! (maybe)

Amazingly awesome chapter. It was really really good!!!!
And I CAN JOT WAIT until more people post. I hope.its really soon!!!!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Great chappie! And post soon!
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
Thanks guys! Just one more to go! If you caaan, please spread the news about my story!
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
big smile
post soon !!!!!!
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
can you post now?