Crossovers Percy and Max ride: Wings of the sea

godoffate1 posted on Apr 16, 2012 at 07:25AM
It happened after Mt. Saint Helen incident. He was kidnapped by the school. read to find out more
Credite to BeautyandtheBeast101575
last edited on Apr 16, 2012 at 07:53AM

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over a year ago godoffate1 said…
Wings of the Sea

Chapter 1

Dear Annabeth,

I miss you, you know. About what happened back at camp, I'm sorry. I should've realized that making you tell me the last lines of your prophecy wasn't going to be pleasant for you.

I was a real Seaweed Brain then. Now I see why you call me that.

But the reason behind this letter is that I really don't want us to be like this, not talking to each other. I wouldn't usually admit to this but I need you, Wise Girl. I'm sorry for whatever I've done to upset you and I would do anything at this point to get you to speak to me again.

And about the Luke thing, I get that he was like family to you and it's hard to believe what's happened. I'm not saying that I fully believe Luke still has a chance, but I'm not saying that I fully disagree with you either. I don't like it very much but I trust you. And if you say the old Luke is there, I guess I'm just gonna have to trust you a bit more about that.

But please, Wise Girl, I need you. I miss you. And I might just erased marks um, never mind.

Please IM me or something. I'm dying here!

Your friend,

Seaweed Brain

I put down the pencil and looked back over the Ancient Greek writing on the letter.

For the past three months since the last time I saw Annabeth on top of Half-Blood Hill, I've been slowly dying inside. I didn't like that my best friend and I aren't talking to each other and I've felt depressed for the longest time now.

I've thought of IM'ing her but am too chicken to face her upfront without at least knowing she wasn't still irritated or mad with me. I wasn't going to call her either because I don't feel like hearing her scream at me either.

Writing a letter was the best option so here is it...and it sounds kind of sappy at some points. Well it's gonna have to do.

I grabbed my backpack and headed down the hall to the kitchen where my mom was making blueberry pancakes. I silently handed over the letter to her when she stepped away from the stove.

"What's this?" she asked as she took it and looked it over.

"A letter for Annabeth...think you can deliver it for me, please?" I mumbled and took a sit at the table. I looked down at the plate she had set for me. I wasn't very hungry but if I didn't eat, she'd start asking questions and I don't want her to dig deep enough to find out anything to personal. Like my feelings for one daughter of Athena.

I was able to eat half a pancake before I just couldn't eat anymore. Not wanting to talk right now, I quietly went for my black hoodie at the door and my apartment keys. I mumbled a Goodbye and was out the door.


For the whole day, I dreaded what was going to happen. I wasn't sure if Annabeth was going to be okay with my letter or if she'd just rip it up when she saw my name. I felt nervous and unsure of myself.

"Hey, Perce! You okay?" Rachel asked me as she caught up to me and we walked together to lunch. I really didn't want to be bothered right now. Especially since the only thing on my mind right now is the girl that I'm possibly in love with...Annabeth Chase.

"Not exactly, no..." I walked over to my locker and opened it, looking around for my wallet so I could buy my lunch today.

"What's wrong then? Didn't get your daily dose of blue food and need to fill up?" she joked but I didn't even crack a smile. Not in the mood.

We entered the cafeteria and I walked straight to the lunch line. Since I was too depressed to eat this morning, I am now starving for something, anything. I looked at today's menu and there wasn't much.

"A chicken salad sandwich with a side of apple sauce please" I asked for and the stalker-ish lunch lady got out a tray and filled up my order. I say she's stalker-ish because she just stared at me and her eyes wouldn't leave mine. She passed me my tray with a smirk.

"Um...thanks?" I mumbled before grabbing the tray and walking away. As I walked away to grab a bottle of water from the nearby fridge, I could see her smile at every student who ordered and received the apple sauce. I know I should be suspicious but I wasn't really in my right mind right now.

"So you're not gonna tell me a thing?" Rachel asked as I found a table and she plopped herself in the seat next to me.

"Nope" I mumbled and took a bite of my sandwich. It's strange how something you would deem as nasty would actually taste better than what would be pizza! The pizza here tastes and smells horrible.

"Not even what you ate for breakfast?"

"No but you can guess...not that I'll tell you if you got it right or not..." I took and few more bites of my small sandwich. There wasn't much so I finished up pretty quick.

"Eggs and bacon?"

"Hmm" I mumbled and went for my apple sauce. I stared at the normal looking goop for a few seconds before eating it, not once wondering why it had a strange salty taste.


It took a while to get Rachel off my back but I succeeded. Even when I started to feel a little out of it, and it seemed like her questioning wouldn't stop, I was able to get her to quit and mind her own business. But now as I'm walking home, I wished I never ignored her.

On the way home, I started feeling lightheaded and sleepy. I felt like lying down on the sidewalk I was walking down to my house. And the strange man in the black hoodie, who seemed to be following me, didn't help my paranoia.

At this point, I just wanted to get home as fast as possible so if I did pass out, I'd pass out on my comfy bed.

Just a block away from my apartment complex, my eyes fell heavy and my knees buckled underneath me. I could hear my stalker come over to me as I fell forward. My body was numb and I couldn't move. I could just barely keep my eyes open as the man knelt down next to me and muttered to himself.

"Hey kid, you're one of many who might just be our next great creation..."

And all I saw was black.
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Sounds cool. I'm going to have to go read max ride though.
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Great start and same I have never read the maximun ride series (Think thats how its spelt) Post soon!!
over a year ago exmo33 said…
Awesome! I love your forums! Plz post soon!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Sounds awesome although I haven't read the other series.
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
Post soon plz!
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
Chapter 2"Hand me the syringe" I heard someone say and wanted to ask them what they needed that for, but my throat felt dry. I tried to move but something was holding me down...straps?

"Syringe!" a second voice answered and I heard some shuffling. My eyes felt so heavy that I couldn't open them, which meant I couldn't see anything either.

But I did feel someone hold up my forearm and inject something into the inside of my elbow. I could feel whatever it was course through my arm and spread around my body. When it took effect, there was no way I wouldn't notice it. My body felt like it was on fire and I couldn't murmur a word to get help.

And even though the pain should have been horrible enough to block out any other thoughts, there was only one other thing on my mind.



Breaking News! This just in, a good number of students in three different schools have disappeared without a trace. According to other students who are supposedly friends of the missing teens, and teachers who looked over the children, all mentioned their friend/student tasting or eating some of the apple sauce being served today at these schools.

After a thorough analysis of the food, a drug was found in its contents. The effects of this drug are said to lead to unconsciousness and numbing and immobility of the body.

It is believed by the agents working on finding these children that they were purposely drugged so that each could be kidnapped when passed out. Authorities are working hard to find any leads as to who could have done this. The following names are of the missing students. If you know one of these children, just know that you will be contacted and the FBI is doing everything they can to find your love ones.

From Jefferson Elementary:
Hilary Gorges, Age 5
Jasmine Steeler, Age 5
Gabriel Dames, Age 6
James Corelli, Age 7
Oliver Main, Age 7
Brianna Framer, Age 8
Kyle Henderson, Age 9
Brendan Slates, Age 9

From Thomas Miller Junior High:
Nicholas Aarons, Age 11
Ian Smith, Age 11
Zoë Clyde, Age 12
Penelope Gates, Age 12
Jenna Taylor, Age 12
Sonny Franklin, Age 13

From Goode High:
Amanda Moore, Age 14
Richard Yamata, Age 14
Percy Jackson, Age 15
Mimi Patel, Age 15
Brian Baxter, Age 16


Annabeth Chase stared at the letter in her hand and almost fell to her knees crying.

Just a few days ago, she had received a call from Sally Jackson. She had asked if Annabeth knew where Percy could, wondering if maybe Annabeth had come to New York and gone somewhere with him.

Then she had turned on the news and saw the breaking news report about a New York student kidnapping. She almost broke down when her best friend's name was mentioned.

She could not believe that her brave and reckless friend had been taken away just because he ate contaminated apple sauce. It seemed so ridiculous and unbelievable that someone like Percy would be taken down in such a way. But he was...

Then Chiron IM'd her, asking if she had heard the news. Apparently a majority of the camp was freaking out and panicking about the fact that one of their best was gone. Only the very best and willing were sent to search for the missing son of Poseidon.

But it seemed like he was truly gone. And Poseidon was furious and devastated, which didn't go unnoticed, not even by the mortals. Tsunamis and hurricanes almost everywhere. People wouldn't go to the beach, because the tide was absolutely out of control.

And now that she's back at camp, her father sends her a letter that she was supposed to receive back in California. And when she did read it...the tears ran down her face like water down a waterfall.

Annabeth Chase, strong daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy...

...wants her Seaweed Brain back.


For the past few weeks, these crazy scientists ran tests on me and injected things inside me that I didn't know what they could do. As a result of their testing, let's just say I have a few more limbs then I did when I got here.

I now have wings! Two large angelic wings that were a deep dark jet black that shined an eye-catching sea green and sea blue mixture in sunlight. They actually looked like they had a godly glow to them in the sun which I guess is appropriate...

Anyway, they not only injected bird DNA into me (making me 2% bird) but they also injected big cat DNA into my blood as well (making me 15% panther). It basically means I'm much stronger (can carry at least over 2000 lbs.) and faster (I can reach up to 250 mph when running). Plus I have a black sleek tail sticking out of the top of my ass and black panther ears on the top of my head in place of normal ears (which are both gone now).

They've also experimented on a lot of other people too, even kids as young as five years old. I'm one of the oldest ones - I'm fifteen - and the other two are fifteen and sixteen. The sixteen year old, Brian Baxter, was only inserted with bird DNA. And the same with the other fifteen year old, Mimi Patel. Apparently my DNA makeup can be more compatible with extra injections. Blame the godly side (which the wack jobs don't know about).

For some of younger kids, I'm sad to say that those damn scientists went a little too far. When it comes to the tests, the younger the subject, the more compatible the DNA will be with their bodies since they haven't completely grown yet. But horrible things happened when the maniacs injected a little more than could be taken in.

When we were first brought here, all the students that were kidnapped were basically shoved into a room in cages. Brian, Mimi, and I became like the three adults that were in charge and made it our job to care and get to know all the others. So we became a family, as the experiments went on.

But then came the day that those damn scientists wanted to do extra tests on a number of the little kids and me. James, Hilary, Gabriel, Brendan, Nicholas, Brianna, and I were all injected with even more DNA.

James and Brianna already had bird DNA; Hilary had dog DNA; Gabriel and Brendan had Frog DNA; Nick had shark DNA; and me, bird. They put tiger DNA in both Brianna and Gabriel; snake in Hilary and Nick; fox in James and Brendan; boar in Gabriel and Hilary; gazelle in Brianna and Brendan; and sea lion in Nick and James. The panther was left for me and they also tried to inject snake in me but I was able to stop them.

Bri, Jim, Gabe, Hil, Brendan, and Nick weren't so lucky.

The mix of all that DNA in their systems completely messed them up. They were thrown back into our room in cages, along with me, and all slowly died in front of us. The rest of our crew could do nothing but close their eyes, look away, and cover their ears. The rest couldn't stand the pain just from watching.

But I watched on.

I tried to commit the scene to memory so when I tried to escape, I'd have something besides my own suffering to take revenge for. It was hard to watch, and a tear or two did fall, but I stared them each in the eye as they passed. I'll have to get Nico to tell them they'll always be like family to me the next time I see him off to the Underworld.

"Percy?" I turned to the soft voice and saw the youngest of our shrunken group, Jasmine Steeler. She is this cute little five year old with light brown hair that Mimi always tried to put into a braid by reaching through the cage bars, and big hazel eyes. She's probably only 3'4" and has freckles across her nose and cheeks.

"Yes, Jazz?" I asked as I crossed my legs under me, feeling uncomfortable and claustrophobic in my cage. It's a wonder I haven't gone insane yet. I mean, c'mon! An ADHD mutant demigod in a small cage, with barely space to lie down? Insane!

The poor girl fingered her brown, white-tipped tail (she's 7% beagle) and bit her lip.

"Is it okay if I stayed in your cage with you tonight?" this happens a lot. You see, with my new found strength, I can just pull the bars apart and *open* the cages. Jazz and some of the other little kids would have bad dreams now and then, so I made the solution of openingthe cages so they could sleep with an older mutant of our strange family.

I looked down at the little part dog girl in the next cage over, her puppy dog eyes looking up at me. I can only smile and reach over to scratch the floppy ear on her head. She smiled back.

"Of course you can, Jazz. You should know by now that you're my girl, right?" I ask with amusement in my tone.

"Yeah! And you'll always be like my big brother!" I almost wanted to cry. Her statement brought back memories of my half-brother, Tyson, reminding me that I have to leave this place. The only reason why I haven't escaped yet is because I'm waiting for the perfect chance to escape with all the mutants in this damn facility, even the ones not in my care.

I will save these kids!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love this story. Its really good.
I would like to be injected with tiger DNA. I think that would be pretty kewl.
And I can not wait until u post again. I hope.its really soon!!!
over a year ago Haloskywalker said…
big smile
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Awesome story!!! Even though I haven't read Maximum Ride XD I've read a little lolz :D nice job, good idea, and well written!!:D post soon!!!:D
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
Chapter 3

"Wake up Subject-41!" I opened my eyes to see one of those werewolf like mutants - the ones who call themselves Erasers - pulling Jasmine roughly out of my still open cage. The scientists have gotten used to my new talent and know that the only reason why I haven't used it to leave is because I didn't want to risk any of my new family getting hurt because I either left them behind to fend for themselves or because we couldn't all make it out alive.

"Let go of her!" I shouted, successfully waking up the rest of my crew, and grabbed at the monsters wrist.

"Let go of me you ugly ass bird brain!" he shouted back and tried to pull away but I only twisted and broke his wrist, resulting in him letting go of Jasmine and having her drop into my waiting arms. The other little kids who were sleeping with older members in their cages, stayed put. They were afraid to move and die just because they wanted to return to their rightful cages.

"Watch yourself..." I mutter loud enough for the idiot to hear as I hold Jazz close to me, her now noticeable sobbing almost breaking my resolve. She softly and quietly cried into my chest, wetting the itchy white shirt they had gotten for each of the males. It was like uniforms but for an insane wacko house. White t-shirt, white sweatpants (with pockets), and plain white sneakers. It's better than the hospital gowns they had us in before I used my new found ability to halfway form into a panther. Scared them enough to follow my demands.

"Subject-41? I nee-"

" name is Percy" I interrupted the scientist standing behind the wolf freak. I can see Brian silently face-palm himself in his cage as Oliver and Kyle (the little ones who joined him for the night) cringed, knowing it probably wasn't the right thing to say. Like I care!

"...Percy...I need you to come with us. We need to...test something" she said with a smirk. They were going to inject me with more stuff, I just know it!

"Fine...but if these fluff-freaks touch one hair, feather, scale, or tail on one of my friends..." I morphed, making my face change into one of a panther (snout, fangs, and everything), and snapped at the nearest Eraser, making him flinch "...they, along with the rest of you mad psychos, are dead meat" I growled low in my chest, my face still morphed. I could feel that my hands and feet were now paws (I'm the only one besides a select few that don't wear sneakers for this exact reason).

", Percy" the scientists led the way out of the room and I shot Brian and Mimi looks that basically meant 'Don't let these assholes lay a claw on the young ones'and they nodded. I looked at Jasmine and my expression softened and morphed back to normal. I could tell she was scared, so I sent her a reassuring smile and she weakly smiled back.

I turned back around the followed behind the she-psycho. She led me to yet another testing room and tried to get me to lie down. That means that she told me to lie down, I refused, and they needed to get ten Erasers to hold me down so that they could strap me into a custom experimenting table. Custom just for me.

It's made of titanium, lots of heavy and strong titanium, especially when they stab you with a needle to sedate you the moment you're down. Which makes it impossible for me to find the strength to break away when the Erasers leave all the work to the gods damned metal. I tried to break free but the scientists learned from their mistakes.

They once tried to sedate me but the godly part of my blood would make it hard to do so. So they injected enough to sedate a wild beast. Which they sadly turned me into.

"Now you see this, Subject-41" the lady held up a syringe with yellow- greenish liquid.

"Percy! My gods forsaken name is Percy!" I shouted through the fog in my mind.

"Yes, see, Subject-41, this is a concoction they will make you 1% snake, like we wanted to do a few months ago. Now that we have you down, we can finally try it!" she sounded so excited I wanted to rip her guts out and feed them to the raccoons. But at the same time, I got a little worried.

I might be more compatible with these damn tests than the other 12+ in age back in my room but even the young ones - Bri, Jim, Gabe, Brendan, Hil, and Nick - couldn't handle a third mixture in their blood. And they said the younger you're injected, the more chance of survival. I didn't want to die yet.

I want to help the other mutants; I want to take the burden of the prophecy for myself, so Nico and Thalia wouldn't have to worry about it; I want to see my friends again; I want to have an awkward conversation with my dad again; I want hug my mom and eat her blue cookies...

I want to tell Annabeth Chase I love her!

"Don't" was my low and weak reply. The sedative was working and I was going to be out any second now.

"Now, now, Subject-41. Don't be like know we're going to do it anyway. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the transformation..." her voice trailed off as I passed out.


"Annabeth?" I heard someone call from behind me. I quickly wiped away any tears and stood up from the sandy ground.

"Yeah?" I turned to see my brother Malcolm standing there with his bow and arrow.

"Chiron interrupted my archery lesson to come get you. Something about giving a tour to a new camper?" he explained and I nodded.

"I'll be there" he nodded and walked back to his lesson. When he was gone, I let my tears flow again.

This is like the volcano incident all over again. Except this time, I didn't get to give Percy a kiss goodbye.

It's been eight months (now June) and we still haven't found Percy. Poseidon has been furious because Zeus won't let Hermes or Iris help find him, nor will he let Poseidon leave his duties to find Percy himself. Sally, Percy's mom, has been devastated and broken since the news report, telling of her missing son. And people, normal people, are rioting around New York because they believe the government is not trying hard enough to find the kidnapped kids.

But me, I've just been crying. I don't cry! Let's just say that. I've only cried once since I was seven and that was in front of Percy. The only person I'd let see me cry. And he's the one that's missing.

When I read the letter he sent me, I wanted to go back in time to when we were at the top of hill so that I could cup his face and kiss him on the lips right then and there. But the report broke me, ripped me to pieces, and let me go with the wind.

I wish I had told him that although I care for Luke, I only love him as a very close and now lost brother. I wish I had told him that ever since he saved me from the sirens back in the sea of monsters, I've wanted to hold him to me and just stay like that. I wish I could tell him...

...that I love him with all my heart, no matter how much of a Seaweed Brain he is, no matter how annoyingly into him his new mortal friend Rachel is, no matter how much my mom would disapprove a relationship like that between us.

I wiped the news tears and took deep breaths so I wouldn't sound like I had been crying too.

Time to get back to the normal routine, no matter how depressing it is to do.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I LOVE this story too!!!!! Its soooooo good!!!
And I can not wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
I was wondering a little way through why they didn't just sedate Percy using a dart gun and ignore his demands.
If they're so scared of the panther in him, why don't they muzzle him? (as inhumane as that is, it's the School after all. Muzzling is a luxury in comparison to some of that stuff)
Great crossover!
Hope you post again soon!
(Unlike me, who is currently too lazy to complete a half-written chapter)
And can you do a little more research for you're story?
After all, to sedate an Asian elephant you'd need
Xylazine 100-200 mg/metric ton for Asian elephants.
100-200 mg/ METRIC TON.
I think Percy weighs considerably less.
Unless there is some wild beast I am not aware of that uses more of this sedative than half a tablespoon per TON, there is no reason why they can't use a dart gun on him.
Of course I haven't actually looked up more than this ONE sedative, because this might not be safe for humans, but I looked up the heaviest, largest wild beast there is. Except fot the blue whale, but you wouldn't be crazy enough to try sedate one and have it sink to the ocean floor FAR FAR FAR below now, would you?
So IDK if this sedative is safe for people, but an elephant is a wild beast like you said so, and apparently Percy requires as much sedative, soooo there you go! Maybe he needs extreme elephant sedative.
I also found the sedative measurements for a horse, it has two types of recommened sedatives that, once again, I am not sure is combatable with people.
xylazine 0.66 mg/kg; meperidine 1.1 mg/kg
I think this is more than the elephant because the horse is more spirited.
I can't believe I actually researched sedating stuff. I like zoology sure, but researching stuff so I can tell you how much sedative might be needed to sedate a PERSON? I must sound slightly sick. I think some of these sedatives might be concerntrated though, so maybe it needs to be diloutted to make it safe for people or something that I am NOT bothered to research after all that.

EDIT, wow, my spelling is really off in this post.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fireyes said…
Hey great form. And poor annabeth and Percy.
over a year ago fireyes said…
Hey one question.why is it called wings of the sea
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
you will see
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
Chapter 4

I woke up to see two figures hovering over me. The same lady from before spoke up.

"Welcome back, Subjest-41!"

"...Percy..." I whispered, still feeling a little sleepy and out of it. The scientists opened the door for a good number of Erasers to enter. It was like a slow (in motion and mentally) herd of hairy ass mini-giants.

"We are going to need you to fully wake up so you can meet an old friend of ours" she smiled but to me, it was like the disguise for an evil grin.

"Old friend? You mean you finally caught one of your old experiments? Finally...and I thought you guys were weak and worthless! Now I can see you're capable!" I said sarcastically and she glared at me. I could only smile innocently back.

"Just follow me Subje-"

"Percy...for the last time, my name is Percy. You haven't had me here since I was an infant so I have a name. My given name is Perseus Orion Jackson and I've had that name for over fifteen years...that's not gonna change 'cause some evil ass scientists kidnapped me and suddenly think of me as their own property. My name was, is, and always will be Percy. Not fucking Subject-41!" I growled out through my teeth, having enough of these people.

"Follow me" she simply said, a little fear in her eyes. I was okay with that. Not calling me by any name is better than Subject-41.

She led me to what I recognized as the indoor maze. To anyone else, it would seem like the worse thing to ever have go through. To me...the Labyrinth made it seem like a piece of blue cake.

We walked in to see scientists sitting as different computers looking over heart rates, brainwaves, and other scientific monitoring things. They also had a big screen overhead that showed a little girl (well she looked about nine or so but I could see her wings. There are certain mutations that cause the body to grow in height. Bird kids are one. I'm now about 6'4" or so) about six or seven years old in a gown with this anklet on her ankle.

I knew what that was from experience.

"Why those she have that damn thing on her ankle? I though you promised you wouldn't use them anymore?" I asked the short-by-a-head-or-more she-devil next to me. She only adjusted her glasses and sighed.

"We promised not to use them on your so-called friends. We never promised to not use them on old subjects, new subjects, and others you don't know about..." she walked over to one of the monitor and I just stood there looking at her in disgust.

When I looked back at the screen, the little blonde girl was turning a corner and almost passed out. But she kept running until she stopped against a wall to catch her breath. And before I could stop them, someone pressed a button and the poor girl was shocked.

"STOP!" I shouted and slammed into the man who pressed the button. Once he was on the floor and out of the way, I grabbed hold of the button and pulled it out. Now they won't be able to shock her and anyone again till they fix that.

I whipped my sixteen foot span of black feathery wings (they slipped through the slits I cut in the back of my shirt) and quickly flew over the maze, found her, grabbed her, and flew out. When I landed back where the computers were, scientists were surrounding me with a few Erasers behind them. Nothing I couldn't handle.

"Subject-41! How dare you?"

"How dare I? How dare you shock an innocent little girl just because she stopped to take a breath? I ought a gut you and see if you can breathe after that!" I pushed the girl behind me and morphed into my half-panther/half-human form when I noticed the Erasers closing in.

"Step away from Subject-11, Subject-41, or we will be forced to get violent!" the same chick from before ordered me.

"Violent? And injecting infants and kids isn't violent!" I shouted.

"I am telling you now, Subject-41! If you do not st-"

"It's alright, Dr. Hale. I've got this under control" a new voice came from the door. At the sound of the man's voice, the girl in my arms stiffened. Does she know him?

"Ah...Percy! Striking up that attitude again, are we?" then his voice softened "Are you okay, Angel?" my guess was he was speaking to the little girl behind me. I looked back at her from the corner of my eye and she looked shocked beyond belief, more so than by the actual shocking from that gods damned anklet "I haven't seen you in a long time. I missed you, kiddo"

"Jeb...what do you want?" I asked, stepping a little more in front of Angel.

"I need to have a talk with you, Percy" he looked behind me "And it involves her"

I looked down at the girl just as she looked up at me. When I did, I felt this slight pressure on my head, like something was trying to intrude. I had a feeling this girl could read minds. Thank you godly blood then (gods' minds can't be read by any other creature but other gods and titans. So a demigod's mind cannot be read by anything not part of the Greek Mythologyworld. Good thing too because then any mortal with the unnatural ability to read minds would find out about our world, and that's not good)! She gave me this confused look that proved my suspicions.

"Just her?" I asked, wondering if she is one of the experiments that got away. If she is, then I'm pretty sure they said sixgot away, meaning there are five more out there.

"No, this is also about five more like her...and somewhat like you, they should be here is a few days or so. Come with me, Percy" I was right! Annabeth would be so proud!
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
big smile
Really good
Need to read Max ride though to get it :D
over a year ago fireyes said…
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
^ Are you talking to me?
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
Post soon!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Awesome chapter! I sense a fight/escape in the future. And @ Zelda4Efas u r correct however some animals need more tranquilizer for their weight than others. It depends on the animals temperament, if they tend to rage the adrenaline will suppress the effects of the drug.
over a year ago fireyes said…
Can you post already
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
Chapter 5

I followed Jeb back to another room that looked like some small kitchen. He sat down at a table in the middle of the room and I sat on a chair across from him. Angel looked around, not sure of what she should be doing. I smiled reassuringly at her.

"It's okay, Angel. Sit here" I patted a chair beside me and she hesitantly sat down. She took a quick glance at me before looking away again. I chuckled softly "There's no need to be shy around me, Angel. I'm only mean to the scientists here. Everyone else...I treat like close friends. What to be my friend?" I can see Jeb observing us from across the table.

"Ok?" she stated it like a question. She hesitated again before "Are you an Eraser or something? And why are your eyes like that?"

"I'm not an Eraser. I'm just 15% panther and I'm not evil. And what about my eyes?" I never had the chance to check if the 1% of snake DNA made any changes to my appearance.

"They're slitted, like the eyes of a reptile or something...wait? You had wings didn't you, when you got me out of the maze...are you some other kind of animal besides just panther and bird?" she seemed concerned, amazed, and frightened, all at the same time.

"Slitted? Wow...but yeah, like I said, I'm 15% panther, 2% bird, and 1% snake. That doesn't mean I'm vicious or anything, mind you. It just gives me more of an advantage over the Erasers so I can protect the others you deserve to get out of this place" I looked to Jeb and smirked "Right?"

He gave a little smile.

"Still thinking about escaping, Percy?"

"Always, Jeb, always. And I will, just so you know" I put my hands, clenched together, on the table and leaned forward. I stared right into his eyes with a pointed look "So why did you all suddenly go after the missing six? Am I not good enough?" I mock pouted and Jeb chuckled softly.

"Because their time of freedom is now over. It's time they return to their home" he said with a completely serious expression which made me want to punch his lights out so bad.

"You mean their prison. I'm pretty sure that's all this place is to them...when will you all forcefully drag them here? I want to make sure the room with the big cages looks and feels homey enough!" I asked sarcastically. Like a cage could ever since homey.

"In a few days...I want you to bring Angel here to your room and find her an empty cage"

"Fine. But I want you to get her some real you want a shirt and pants or a dress, sweetie?" I was obviously addressing Angel with that question. She looked up with a small smile.

"A dress would be nice, thank you Percy" I smiled and looked a Jeb with a look that said 'You heard her!' and we were off to my crew's room.

When I opened the door (using the passcode that I was able to determine by using my new enhanced hearing and figuring out the slightly different sounds of each button), everyone was in their own cages (still bent open since I never got the chance to close them) and whispering to each other. Jasmine crawled out of her open cage and ran up to me in excitement.

"Percy!" she shouted and slammed into me with a little force. I scratched behind one of her ears before hugging her small form back. I looked up at Brian and Mimi.

"Everything's okay, right? They didn't come and try anything, did they?" Mimi shook her head with a small smile and Brian gave me a stern look.

"Dude! You were gone for three days and all you can do is walk in all casual and ask if we're okay? I mean, c'mon! Are youokay, man!" he gave off a little humorless laugh at the end and all I could do is give him a confused stare before I put all the clues together.

They took me out for a snake injection...

A third injection is usually a death wish...

The little girl who seems like she'd here for at least a whole full day but I've never heard of her until after I woke up...

That's it! After the injection, I was probably unstable and having violent reactions to the DNA while unconscious so they had to put me in a temporary coma, while I was in this coma they brought in Angel, now I'm awake. Yay! I'm just guessing here people...

"Yeah I'm alright! They just decided to add more DNA into me..."

"What? How are you alive?" Mimi asked as she came out of her cage and came over to me. She checked me over with me having an annoyed look on my face. I hate it when people fuss over me because there's usually nothing to fuss over...most of the time...maybe not?

"I'm awesome! I thought we went over this already?" I smiled and crossed my arms. I can feel my tail wagging a little behind me. I turned to see Angel looking around at all the semi-happy kids in their semi-cozy cages. I kind of used my abilities to persuadethe scientists to give us each a pillow that would stretch across the floor of our cages. Makes the small space a bit more bearable. I waved her over and she walked over. I stood behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders.

" Angel!"
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
YAY!!!!!!! U POSTED!!!!!!

I love this story. Its sooooooooooo AMAZINGLY AWESOMELY EPICLY GOOD!!!!!!!!
And I CAN NOT wait int u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!!!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
oh yeah!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
New page!
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
post soon! Awesome chapter!
over a year ago fanforbooks said…
post soon!
when is percy going to meet max?
over a year ago Rickfan said…
Post soon!
over a year ago fanforbooks said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Pretty please post again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
Chapter 6

Note to self: Disable the air bags on the next car you steal.

The thing about airbags is that when you hit something at fifty or sixty miles an hour, they inflate with enough raw force to slam you back against your seat like a rag doll, possibly breaking your face. Which is what this one had done to me, I concluded, trying to stem the gush of blood from my nose.

"Report" I called weakly.

"Okay here" Fang said next to me. His neck was scraped ram by the seat belt, which had almost decapitated him.

"Okay here" Nudge said from the backseat, sounding young and scared. I craned around to see her. She was pale, except where her forehead was bruised from hitting Fang's seat. Her eyes widened with shock when she saw my bloody face.

"It's just my nose" I quickly assured her "Head wounds always bleed a lot. Look, it's already stopping" a lie.

"I feel like, like pudding" Iggy groaned "Pudding with nerve endings. Pudding in great pain"

"I feel sick" the Gasman said, his face white, lips pale and bloodless.


All around us, windows smashed, and we jumped and threw our arms over our faces. I saw a gun hammering at the glass, the hairy hands with ragged claws popped the doors open.

There was no time even to get a good kick in - Fang and I were hauled out of the van and thrown to the ground.

"Run!" I bawled, then hissed in a breath as my nose took another jarring blow.

I glanced up in time to see the rear doors of the van open and Iggy and the Gasman shoot into the air. But before they could get high enough, it was like to more Erasers came out of nowhere and grabbed their legs, pulling them down. I opened my mouth to scream 'No!' in despair, then gagged as fresh blood ran into my mouth.

I spit it out as the Erasers roared with fury as the two kicked and struggled in their grasp. But Iggy and Gazzy continued to fight back, which didn't seem to make a difference. No, no, no!

A kicking and shrieking Nudge was yanked from the back of the van and tossed down next to me. Tears were in her eyes, and I reached out to hold her.

An Eraser kicked me hard with his hand-sewn Italian boot. Ow!

"Tag. You're it" Ari cracked, and the others laughed, almost dancing with monstrous excitement and glee.

"It's almost like you don't wantto go back to School" he went on, showing his razor-sharp yellow teeth, dripping Eraser drool on me.

There were eight Erasers and six of us. I'm weirdly, incredibly strong for my size, but Ari outweighed me by about 160 pounds, and he kept his booted foot pressed against my forehead. I wanted a shot at him - just one lethal, brain-splattering shot.

I met Fang's eyes, which were dark and expressionless, Iggy and Gazzy had their eyes closed from frustration, and then looked into Nudge's. I tried to give her a reassuring smile, but since my face was one big gore-fest, it didn't have the cheering effect I'd hoped for.

Then we all heard the horrible whup, whup of a chopper headed our way, and the Erasers started to shout and wave their arms.

"What a touching scene" Ari called down at me "We're all going home. Just like old times"


I woke up to the sound of someone groaning and opened my eyes to bars. I was in a cage...again! I thought we were done with the white coats?

I looked around and could see the rest of flock - sans Angel - in their own cages and most of them were awake. But Gazzy in just waking up and it seemed like something hurt him.

" leg" he folded his legs in front of him and rubbed the leg that I remember the dang Eraser grabbing hold of.

"Everyone okay?" I needed to ask because I wasn't sure if the coats messed with them or anything while I was out.

"Yeah...are we really back in the school? Do you think they'll try more experiments on us? Do you know if Angel's here? What if they're doing something to her, right now? Will they get us too? Are we going to escape? Can we escape? If we are, then wh-"

"Nudge! Not the time!" I commanded sternly. We do need to escape but we also need to get Angel. Nudge's rambling isn't going to help.

The door to our prison of cages opened, letting in a bright light that would have blinded know, if I were normal.

"I've missed you kids" I held back a gasp when the figure became visible. No way!

over a year ago fanforbooks said…
too short!!!
no fair!!!!!!!
over a year ago Rickfan said…
It is not too short. Yours is too short!
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
post soon!
over a year ago fanforbooks said…
it is short compared to the other chappies he writes!
over a year ago fanforbooks said…
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Yay. I agree with u fanforbooks. But all in all it was a really awesome chapter.
I loved it.
And I can not wait until u post again. I hope its really really really REALLY REALLY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago fanforbooks said…
over a year ago fanforbooks said…
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
Post soon its awesome
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Pretty please post soon!!!!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
Chapter 7


The rest of my flock were standing against one wall - the one behind me - while I sat down in chair, across from Jeb. Yeah, I know: *how can that be?* Right? Don't ask 'cause even I'm stumped right now.

"Hello again, Max" he gave me a very tiny smile. You knowI didn't smile back "You're probably wondering why you're here, why I'm here...there is a reason. You have a purpose in this world. You must save it...but not you alone..." he looked to the door behind him where I can hear some arguing.

"You'd better not do anything to them..."

"Nothing will happen to them Subje-"


"Nothing will happen to them, you have our word. You and two guests are just requested to have a talk with some more subjects"

"Good, and they're not subjects. Just kids who you just happened to take away from their parents. You better hope they've been here with you and mutants for some time now. If I find out they're'll regret it"

"...right, through this door"

The door opened and three kids walked in. Two boys and one girl. The boy that looked like the youngest of three and about my age, stood off to left of the three.

He would have looked like your average Asian teenager but his skin had a grey tint to it that made him look sick but seemed natural. He had a Mohawk yet it wasn't exactly a Mohawk. He had the strip of hair that was about three inches high and a golden blonde. But where his head should be shaved, the hair was just very short and black. He also had completely (even the white parts) black almond shaped eyes. On his neck were what looked like gills on the sides of his neck. He was also about 5'6". He was wearing a white t-shirt, white sweats, and white sneakers.

The girl looked a year older than me. She stood to the right of the three. She definitely looked of Indian decent and had long dark brown hair that flowed down her back to just above her rear. She has a small nose ring and light brown eyes. She looked normal, which had me wondering what they'd done to her. She was tall, about 5'8". She was wearing the same as the boy but a white tank top.

The last boy, and the tallest at about 6'4", looked like the leader and stood in between the other two. He had nicely tanned skin that looked natural with some muscle peeking through his shirt. He has raven black hair like Fang's but it's short and reached just under his ear and halfway over his eyes. His eyes were green but had the effect of the ocean, like a sea green, that you could get drowned in. The strange think was that the pupils were slitted like a reptile. He actually looked really attractive and cute. I could also see something black, thin, and sleek swaying behind him. Does he have a tail? He was wearing the same sweats but with pockets, a white t-shirt, no shoes, and a white beanie. Is he hiding something under it?

" are three of our new subje-"

"Kidnapped kids" the eldest boy said in a deep voice that didn't go with age, which had to be fifteen or so.

"Um...these are three of our new comers?" Jeb seemed to ask and the boy nodded, no emotion on his face "And they are here to introduce you to their friends. This here is Per-"

"I think we can introduce ourselves, thank you, Jeb" the green eyed boy said and Jeb nodded, walking out of the room, leaving us with the three strangers.

The moment he was gone, the three seemed to lose their facade of being emotionless freaks. The one in the middle, Per-something, dropped his crossed arms and cracked his neck. All of a sudden, the hottie was smiling.

"Hey, the name's Percy Jackson! I'm fifteen and somewhat the leader of our crew. This here is..." he gestured to the girl and she smiled softly.

"Hello...I am Mimi Patel. I am also fifteen. It is so nice to meet you" her voice was just as soft as her peaceful-like appearance. The other boy, the youngest, also loosened up. He seemed like a very cheerful, happy-go-lucky, kind of guy. Then he smiled...

It freakin' looked like he had rows and rows of razor sharp teeth, like a shark!

"What up? I'm Ricky Yamata and I'm fourteen! Don't worry, I don't bite!" he finished with a wide smile, a gleam in his purely black eyes.

"I will" I heard Green Eyes (A/N: I wanted Snake Eyes but I'm already going to use another movie reference, so no G.I. Joe names)mutter to himself. But you don't have teeth like that! I thought to myself.

Seeing as they introduced themselves, I believed it was our turn.

"I'm Max, this is Fang, Iggy, Nudge, and the Gasman" I pointed to every member of my flock as I said their name.

"The Gasman...I hope I don't smell the reason behind that name anytime soon..." Green Eyes mumbled to himself with a few snickers, Shark Boy (A/N: No! There will not be a Lava Girl!)joining in. He rubbed his noise and sniffed, like he was trying to smell something out "...hmm...I'm guessing you're bird kids?" it was meant as a question, but it also seemed like he was pretty sure of it too.

", yeah. How'd you know?" these people are strange.

"I have a really good sense of smell. You smell like a bird kid. I would know since two members of our crew are bird kids...and I sort of am too" he explained, sounding a little uncomfortable. But he shook his head quick as if to clear that away "Mimi here is one, and the other is Brian. He's watching after the others right now"

"Others? You mean there's more? And what are you two, then?" Nudge added her own two cents into the conversation. At least she kept it to a three question minimum.

"Yeah, about...ten others, and that's including Brian. And I'm, as I sai-"

"I'm 7% shark!" Shark Boy - which I now see is a fitting name - blurted out with another of his sharky grins. I have to say...even if it was only a cheery grin, it still looked a hell of a lot scary and intimidating.
over a year ago Rickfan said…
The movie? I watched that before.
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
awesome post soon
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Amazingly awesome!!!! It was soooo good!!!!!!!
And I can not wait until u post again. I hope.its really soon!!!!!!

And I love ur connection to shark boy and lava girl. Nice thinking. :-)
over a year ago saffroney said…
big smile
i love maximum ride! :D
it would be crack up as if they tryed to give percy the power to breath underwater and then they'd be all what the? he already can? lolol.
great work!
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Amazing story! :)