Damon & Elena damon & elena fans forum chat

lailalove posted on Feb 25, 2010 at 08:59PM
ok this is the list of the last people who have been here last month *crying face* i will put more names as u tell me
i love all of u who has been here & who hasn't *love u all*

angiii7|| Angi
Teamdamon33|| Julia
laurik2007|| Laura
lailalove|| Lai
tvdlover|| fatemeh
katie15|| Katie
mariafan|| maria
tvdlover|| fatemeh
maryam1311|| maryam
Delenalove88|| Svetlana
last edited on Feb 19, 2011 at 12:07AM

Damon & Elena 14056 replies

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Showing Replies 1251-1300 of 14056

over a year ago katie15 said…
Hey guys:) Does anyone think the hot kiss is between Damon and Elena? I really want them to kiss but I don't want them to this season, even if there is only one more episode. I'm hoping it's between other people? Like between Tyler and Bonnie or Tyler and Caroline? I think if Delena kiss in tomorrow's episode, it is going to give non-delena fans excuses saying that they are starting to get rushed. Well, as long as it isn't Delena or Bamon tomorrow I will be happy xD
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
OF course I want a DE kiss!!! !!!!! HOT!! but I don't want it right now 'cause many stelena and bamon fans are gonna say that they rushed.. what Kate said.. but if it happened I would ENJOY IT!! hehe xD I don't want Tyler and Caroline to kiss.. caroline is with Matt and I really love them together!! Tyler and Bonnie is gonna be awesome xD and 'cause they said that there will be many cliff hangers so this isn't a stelena, or catt or even jeremy and anna kiss because we have already seen them kiss each other..maybe someone who haven't kiss before.. about the accident I think is caroline..(I LOVE HER!! :( ).. about the murder I have no idea!!... xD
over a year ago katie15 said…
If Delena do kiss, then I hope it's a dream kiss not an actual kiss, I would be okay with that xD Then I can stand by what I have always said -- DELENA AREN'T RUSHED! xD
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
Ohhh Kate I never thought about it!!! a dream kiss!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! <3
over a year ago katie15 said…
big smile
Either that, or some people are saying that they are trying to fool people into thinking Elena is Katherine for some reason and to prove it her and Damon kiss. Or Stefan is having a nightmare;) LOL, someone I spoke to about it said that xD
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
looool.. stefan having a nightmare.. xD or maybe is damon's hallucination when he was trapped in the fire.!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago katie15 said…
OR Damon thinks it's Katherine? Or something like that. I really want to see the episode now and find out!
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
grrrr.... why did she have the same hairstyle...!!!
over a year ago katie15 said…
Lmao xD Well I'm not bothered really, because eventually if not already, Damon will love Elena FOR HER and not because she looks like Katherine. Remember we are going to probably have about 5/6 seasons of VD, so we are still going to have another 4/5 seasons or depending on how many seasons there will be, of DE!

I am about 75% sure they will be end game in the show and 100% in the books.
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
Hehe.. I want to be so optimistic like you.. ;] ;]
over a year ago VDfan1994 said…
big smile
hey guys! wat r we tlkin but? I wanna join!
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
we are talking about this video... :

what do you think??? O.O
over a year ago Delenarocks said…
OMG OMG!!! I hope is Elena.. in damon's dream.. or a hallucination.. No Katherine.. somewhere I read that she's not gonna come back in this season.. later.. and I hope so <333
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
Me2...I don't think it's Katherine 'cause thiskiss is too soft and tender to D/K.. I mean she's full of passion always.. but when Uncle John said"Katherine" ... I hope she's not.. Of course TVD promos are usually VERY misleading ... and why Damon would kiss Katherine when the previous episode he called her bitch... ? / xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shankii said…
Ok girls I'm in shock :|
over a year ago shankii said…
I really hope it's a dream!!! Please Julie xD! not too soon
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
yeap..!!! It'll awesome if this is a dream... in my opinion.. xD
over a year ago shankii said…
I know and it's gonna be HOT
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
hehe.. I can't w8 to see this episode!!!!!! <3
over a year ago Delenarocks said…
me2!! :D
over a year ago brrwsklly101 said…
what if it is damon and elena and elena's pretending to be katherine,like maybe bonnie puts a spell on her so she has speed strength etc. and that's why jonathan gilbert says katherine in the promo.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Delenarocks said…
ohhh.. maybe who knows.. :D
over a year ago tina-kiss said…
heee guys , did you know that the bamon shippers are saying that delena is being rushed etc etc & that they're only going to be a fling ?I CAN'T BELIEVE THEM . the whole show's about DAMON/ELENA/stefan & their love triangle. how can they say that it's just going to be a fling ? I'm definitely NOT a racist, and they're talking about delena shippers like they're all racists, just because one delena shipper made a stupid comment ?

anyway . HOLYSHIT the kiss was awesome !
(but I don't want it to be rushed either btw ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago laurik2007 said…
hey.....miss me:)) sorry I'm MIA it's just that i don't want spoilers,staying as far as I can from them....and your talking here about that which i totally understand.....just came to say Hi!....carry on with the chat
over a year ago katie15 said…
Hey guys! Is anyone on?
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
Me.. ;D
over a year ago caroline_CKT said…
hey girls, how r you doing? I'm sooo excited for tonight ;D
over a year ago tina-kiss said…
heeey, OMFG me 2 ! ;d
over a year ago katie15 said…
I have to wait till tomorrrow because I live in England :(
over a year ago shankii said…
Hi girls!! Cant wait
over a year ago katie15 said…
big smile
Heyyyyyyy Selene:))))))))))
over a year ago shankii said…
Katie are you ready?
over a year ago katie15 said…
I can't watch it till tomorrow morning because I live in the UK :(
over a year ago shankii said…
big smile
But Chez always has the DE scenes only hours before the episode aired. I watch those scenes first then the whole epi xD!
over a year ago katie15 said…
Lmao xD I can't, I have to watch them first in the episode, and then the Delena scenes on their own after I have seen the eppy xD But the eppy comes on in the internet at about 3am in the morning (English time) which is about an hr or something after it airs in the US.
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
me2.. Unfortunately I have to w8 until tomorrow 'cause I live in Cyprus and we don't have this channel... :( but i'm gonna download it 2morrow from torrent like always.. did you see the episode? in my country now is 23:59 p.m
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago katie15 said…
It's 10:05pm in the UK here now:) And no, I have to wait till morning unfortunately :(
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
ohh.. that's a pity.. why? In UK you don't have this channel..?
over a year ago shankii said…
In Mexico it's 4:11 pm I have to wait like 5 more hours
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
big smile
oh!! You live in Mexico.. Hola hehe xD
over a year ago shankii said…
big smile
Yeah xD! Hola!!
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
anw girls I have to go.. It's very late.. Good Night :D xXxXx
over a year ago katie15 said…
Nope the UK doesn't have CW :( It's aired on a UK channel here.....but I have to watch this last episode on the internet because on the TV we're up to the 17th episode which will be on Tues next week xD

And Selene: I studied Spanish at school and I'm crap at it lmao
over a year ago katie15 said…
Cyahh Chryso:)
over a year ago katie15 said…
big smile
I have to go too cyahh Selene :)
over a year ago shankii said…
I'll help you Katie ;)
Have to go too LOL!
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
Hey girls!! OMG did u see the episode??????? It was awesome!!!!!!!! O.O
over a year ago shankii said…
Hi girl I haven't just the kiss which I personally LOVED! xD!
over a year ago _Chryso_ said…
I don't wanna spoil anything.. so I'm gonna keep my mouth close.... xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shankii said…
LOL the only one who doesn't like spoilers is Lau and I think she already saw it