David Tennant What would you do if you met David tennant?

DTmouche456 posted on Mar 05, 2010 at 05:03PM
If yo had the chance to met him what would you do or say- feel free to say what you think.

David Tennant 25 replies

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over a year ago DTmouche456 said…
Ok as nobadys replying I will say what I would do. Well first I would start getting real nevous and it would be hard no to keep looking at him and as of what I would say well... I LOVE U!
Plz tell me what you would do thanks:)
over a year ago dollypeeps said…
For me it would be. Your still a skinny bugger wanna go for a drink.

over a year ago charliemo2 said…
lol ^ i woul freeze and then scream! lol or i might just run away! lol!
over a year ago hanber said…
freeze then faint :P or if im feeling brave just randomly hug him (and possibly not let go...even if i get arrested ill be sitting in a cell thinking -worth it!)
over a year ago catalyst73 said…
I would just say hello! Despite being famous he is a person and I would treat him the same as a male friend. I can always melt into a puddle later! Lol
over a year ago VintageSmile said…
Try and keep my cool. Then get my picture with him. Then cry.
over a year ago outsidergirl513 said…
try to befriend him, then totaly amaze him with my awesomeness
over a year ago sehdt said…
I would probably become tongue tide.
over a year ago newmixgirl said…
I would try very hard not to faint or scream or say something stupid like"I LOVE YOU", as to not freak him out.

I'd ask for his autograph, though I'm sure I'll get all nervous and say it weirdly, take a picture with him, and tell him how much I admire his work, him for the person he is and how he's my favorite actor ever.

I'm sure I'd cry after that from just pure happiness and keep asking if this is real and if I'm not dreaming.

I hope this happens one day *fingers crossed*
over a year ago marifrances said…
Try very hard not to act or say anything stupid in front of him!
over a year ago IRNotAmused said…
big smile
I would probly try not to do anything stupid, but... i would probly just scream and faint, lol.
over a year ago haveringone said…
I met DT, but that was just with him on the other side of a barrier and me reaching forward desparately to get an autograph after Hamlet. I dont know for sure if I thanked him! Feel bad about that. I was trying very hard to get a few good pics and - once I'd had my item signed, let the person behind me squeeze forward more so he got an autograph as well! Next time, were I to just see him somewhere in London, for example, I'd try to get close enough to say something like... "Hi David! You know, all your flying to the USA is harming the environment. Stay in the UK to do your acting like a good boy, okay?"
over a year ago JoannaVonDoom said…
Um try to keep cool but probably fail, get lots of pictures and autographs... Then faint...
over a year ago DrLover said…
after being revived, I would probably ask him why he is marrying HER when he could have had me!
over a year ago miriam127 said…
big smile
i would ruffle his hair! and then kiss him...
over a year ago lildarlin99 said…
Thats almost to hard to imagen id be way to nerves and just stare at him in aw my eye would proble start twiching get eye teary and almost scream till i die XD
over a year ago AlidaWho said…
I know myself i try to be cool and chilled, say to him hello and tell where i am come from and ask him for an autograph. And tell him he is greate and a wonderfull actor etc. But i know my english wont be good as now LOL.
But after we breake i will start to cry but really. And hopping he dont see it.
over a year ago doctorwho101 said…
marrt him!
over a year ago akimamg said…
I would say nothing because I would be in shock
last edited over a year ago
I would say nothing because I would be in shock
over a year ago CelestialCelia said…
big smile
I would be grinning like the Cheshire Cat,but i would probably have a hard time remembering to breath...
over a year ago no1drwhofan said…
I would sweat all over and blush-A LOT! :D
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ve him and should I ever have the fortune to meet him, I'd either talk a lot or not at all. :)
If I would talk, I'd tell him how much I adored him and still do in 'Doctor Who'. I'd also compliment him on his authentic English accent. :)
I would sweat all over and blush-A LOT! :D
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
over a year ago TARDIS-Granger said…
i would give him a hug tellhim he looks hotter in person and then touch that lovly hair.then screan and faint.
over a year ago bethlovesdrwho said…
I would pass out he is amazing love you david xxx
over a year ago oreopink2 said…
I would just stand there and blush.
over a year ago booklover35 said…
I be very shy of meeting of him (starstruck) and I be little speaking to him and he said something nice to me.