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Debate Question

DO you think its allright for a broher and sister to have sexual relations( or jut kissing for exprimenting) or tohaefeelings for each other??

i ust wanted to put the question so i canrepy to comments. anyway im askig about very uniqe cicomstanes like having noone but each oter or locked up together to grow and mutur.

bout ust experimeting ( by kising)
an hving felings for ach other ( or just on for the othe and ever acting on it)
sorry bout the tpos; ,my keyboards scrwed up
heavenly13 posted over a year ago
for me that is very immoral .. but if they half brother or sister it's okay !
marloxn posted over a year ago
Heck no
HomelySausage posted over a year ago
 heavenly13 posted over a year ago
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Debate  best answer

sapherequeen said:
You know? I honestly was always stuck on this issue.

The sexual relationship between siblings is always known as taboo; it's called incest, imbreeding, sexual abuse depending on the older sibling's age, and is simply seen as disgusting. This type of love between siblings was in all ways seen as forbidden. At first, I completely agreed with all who thought this. Mainly for two reasons; 1) Well, to me it was just simply disturbing. You grow up with this particular person....maybe even develop in the womb with him/her....and go through many hardships and enjoyment with him/her as children. But once your reach your teenage years or adulthood; you start having sex with him/her? That would seem quite awkward at the least. My second reason is the children that can result from this type of affair. Now I'm not trying to say that a child borne from something like this is a "mistake". I whole heartedly believe that no child is a "mistake". But I am concerned about what a child born from any type of incestuous relationship will face during his or her life. Children from incest are known to have severe deformities due to the DNA of his/her parents being so familiar. Also, if one were to find out that the child's parents were siblings, father and daughter, mother and son, relatives in any area....imagine the stigma that child will carry. Numerous people will end up knowing (because we all know how much of a gossiper each person can be) about how this child was born, and of course many would create harsh judgments on the child and his/her family. This will more than likely emotionally traumatize the child.

My main's extremity in being exotic and my great concerns for a child born from incest...brought me the conclusion to be completely against something like this.

But as time went by, I slowly began to wonder....a brother and sister in love is seen as disturbing. But why? Besides the only feelings that I felt, what else makes a sexual relationship so stigmatized? Is this issue really as forbidden as we sometimes make it seem, or could this type of thing actually be....okay? What if we're violating the rights to love?

Now, I may be looked upon as completely insane right now by readers.

But, this is honestly my opinion.

And my opinion is in the middle ground.

Parts of me say "NO!" to a brother-sister love relationship, and other parts of me simply ask, "Why?"

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posted over a year ago 
I agree to pretty much everything you said, but I'm still thinking it's okay. As long as it's true love, does it really matter?
thespikedturtle posted over a year ago
I have similar views, that was very well said!
xXSweeneyXx posted over a year ago
Agreed. :)
DarkCEpitome posted over a year ago
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lasalle28 said:
No, because if I say yes to this kind of incest, then I have to yes to all kinds of incest, including mother-son, Father-daughter, and Uncles/Aunts with Nephews and Nieces. I know that if I had a son and my older sister ended up in a sexual relationship with my son, I would kill her in cold-blood.

The only brother and sister relationships I would accept is step-siblings, adopted siblings, and with cousins gained through marriages. For example, The son of a woman getting married dating a girl who will soon become his cousin through their families joining through marriage.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with this completely.
Darkshine posted over a year ago
Thanks. *^-^*
lasalle28 posted over a year ago
I absolutely disagree if my son and daughter were having sex i wouldnt kill anyone that's inhumane and discusting and wrong in so many ways thats a human being a person. Id get them help but not kill them how would you feel if your child got murdered for being gay or transgender, i have no issues against brothers and sisters having sex same goes for mom and son etc as long as their being safe and know they cant get pregnant were human beings were horny mammals if you would kill your own child thrn you dont deserve to have kids and you deserve to die
Mikey420 posted over a year ago
thespikedturtle said:
I think it's perfectly fine! I don't get what's wrong with that at all! If two siblings love each other, what's wrong with that? If love conquers all, then how come it can't conquer a tiny detail like that? I don't care if I'm the only one on this side, I'm sticking to what I think is right, the power of love is endless!!
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posted over a year ago 
OMG ! :|
TeamGomez posted over a year ago
What? It's my opinion, I'm sticking by it, and I'm pretty sure nothing is going to change my mind.
thespikedturtle posted over a year ago
sometimes I think siblings is the first ones we want to fool around with because we love them and we are comfortable around them :)
whitedovexo posted over a year ago
theblondegirl said:
My inner moralist says no but my inner philosopher says yes.

I think everyone can guess why this seems like a gross idea, but philosophically speaking why shouldn't it be legal?
In this day and age of birth control and sex ed people should get to decide about their own sexuality. Most often incestuous couples are people who were separated as children and after meeting each other later in life fell in love. It's because of something called "genetic sexual attraction" and you can find more info on it on Wikipedia.
If a couple like that wanted to have sexual relations, why is it the society's responsibility to judge them when they're both mutually attracted to each other and they're not harming anybody? I am opposed to incestuous couples reproducing though, and think that they should be obligated to take care of birth control. Obviously this would be difficult to arrange and undoubtably they would continue to have children. But let's face it - making it illegal isn't going to make them stop. Instead these "dangers to society" are just burdening the social system because they are jailed, their children taken charge of and all types of expensive councelling and help is arranged to the family.

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posted over a year ago 
drsorter said:
My sister and I have been having sex for years and have no regrets.
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posted over a year ago 
Heya said:
Depends on the 'brother and sister' relationship. It could be a situation where a girls mom is getting remarried and the husband had a son the same age, or the opposite way around. It would only be gross if they were blood related.
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posted over a year ago 
LifesGoodx3 said:
Just the thought of it ever happening is gross...
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posted over a year ago 
miyaismykitty posted over a year ago
theirs step siblings that have no DNA relation that fuck eachother its almost as if they're two normal people except their parents married each other and their parents don't care because they're parents know their not related
Mikey420 posted over a year ago
jannette_camou said:
Its wrong, the thought of it sickens me. and to any one who thinks its okay is really disgusting. just my opinion :)
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posted over a year ago 
Not as disgusting as the bitch you came out of dayumn i heard she uglier then my friends athletes foot
Mikey420 posted over a year ago
RDOG702 said:
Yes I do think its ok for brother and sister has sex with each other

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posted over a year ago 
ginny_potter_97 said:
yes. i think it would be gross

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posted over a year ago 
yeah...i agree its gross
heavenly13 posted over a year ago
that's called an imbreed hun.
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posted over a year ago 
italiangirl976 said:
I think its gross. Thats incest. Ewwwwwww.......
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posted over a year ago 
Monrose said:
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posted over a year ago 
I like how u put it plain and simple... "No."
ggurl2397 posted over a year ago
LoopyLuna96 said:
Sometimes, when a Brother and Sister were seperated at birth, they have misplaced feelings for each other. I can't remember the name of it, but most incest stems from this.
I don't particuraly like it, but I think we all have the right to love who we want. It's the children who will have the problems, what with the similar genes.
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posted over a year ago 
It's called Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA0.
MissKnowItAll posted over a year ago
miyaismykitty said:
to me thats just messed up, i can understand cousins, but brothers? i guess if u were born in a country where they believed in that sort of stuff it would seem ok, but to me its just wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
Twilight_Dream said:
Dear God no. Gross.
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posted over a year ago 
Thats what I was thinking as soon as I read the question!
ggurl2397 posted over a year ago
ggurl2397 said:
I thought about this long and hard and I dont think its wrong. Some of my comments may make it seem like I think no but If you really love someone why should that get in the way of true love?

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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
Much like sapheraqueen, I'm torn on this issue. On the one hand, it leads to serious deformities and not just the visible kind. I'm not comfortable with a brother and a sister having sex any more than I'm comfortable with a mother and son, or uncle and niece. It almost seems (to me) like the one relative is taking advantage of the affection and, in some cases, dependency the other relative has on them.

But, if the two siblings know the risks and are willing to deal with societies problems (and deal with the problems of a sick child, should they have one) they why shouldn't they be allowed? Isn't this, basically, the same thing the homosexuals are going through - not being able to be with the one they love simply because society sees their relationship as "disgusting"?

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posted over a year ago 
Its fine if they cant have kids
Mikey420 posted over a year ago
Lawli-gagger said:
Married into the family? No.

Blood relatives?
I just find that nasty as hell. If you want someone why not find a non-relative?

I mean I wish them the happiness everyone deserves but...ugh.
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posted over a year ago 
robothor1111 said:
No, I don't think that that's right. But that is what I've always been taught.
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posted over a year ago 
MusicMaker95 said:
Look it up in the Bible. It will tell you that is wrong. Perverted,and wrong. That does not mean however, that persons having been in such a relationship cannot be forgiven by God if seeking repentance. I believe it very, very, wrong myself. Don't even ASK if it should be made legal.
And for the record, love is meant to be enjoyed within the bounds it was created for. Man has taken it and perverted it with such relationships between people.
(a side note: you will find in the beginning, there were obviously brothers and sisters marrying one another, but that was because there were no other humans! They were all related. However, as there is no longer a need for that, it is wrong.)
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posted over a year ago 
gingerpup said:
no, because it is just akward and gross.
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posted over a year ago 
kiraragirl200 said:
As long as they are consenting adults, and they don't produce children. I really don't see the problem with it. It's just 2 people in love to me.
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posted over a year ago 
Tyler47 said:
Perfectly acceptable. I find the hypocrisy of people who support gay rights claiming that it's everyone's right to fall in love with whomever they want, but are against incest for the very same reasons that society was once against homosexualty ("It's gross." "It's just wrong." "It's sick" "It's a mental disorder." "It makes baby Jesus cry.") to be quite repulsive.
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posted over a year ago 
i couldn't agree with you more, gays and lesbians to me are simply people who happened to develop sexual relationships with someone of the same sex, just like someone can develop feelings for their brother or sister
coriann posted over a year ago
Renarimae said:
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posted over a year ago 
coriann said:
um, having feelings for somebody, is not the person's choice, i think sexual relations would be bad if they had kids in terms of the closeness of their genes or something (from biology class) but what is love anyway? and who's to say it can't develop between siblings, i think kissing and touching is a way to express love between anybody, even if it's like "that" im not sure if it should go further, i mean its not like the brother or sister is the only other person in the world out there.... :\
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posted over a year ago 
nitara said:
Well i think it's wrong nasty follish becuz u crew up with a person and now you making love with them that is bad and i do not agree with that at all .
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posted over a year ago 
sunkissme said:
Just thinking about having sex with my brother is disgusting...something I have never thought of & I have 2 brothers. But I can see where u r coming from especially if the brother is older, your protector, & u admire. Also puberty is a crazy hormonal period for adolescents & lots of experimenting & trying new things. I don't think you're the only person who thinks this. Personally I don't & society doesn't.
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posted over a year ago 
Tinekraut said:
No. It's all clear. Plainly, downright no. It's even prohibited in our laws... for reason of public policy - 1.) morally speaking, it's inherently taboo and perverse; and 2.) practically speaking, there are the consequences of any defect and stigma on the future offspring. Why? Will it yield more benefits if we change the status quo, aka approving incest, than keeping the old order of things? Moreover, we shouldn't be confused of this overwrote excuse - "The universal right to love." Because, indeed, "No right is absolute." - a classical maxim/principle.
It's actually the same reasons why, in no way, the idea of approving gay marriage will ever be entertained in my country.
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posted over a year ago 
Majority of these arguments were used against desegregation, and interacial marriage. And, funnily enough, society has not crumbled into dust by allowing these things to happen.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
It was a personal comment..
Nick16 posted over a year ago
I was just joking... Ths is a debate club, obviously people will comment.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
blackpanther666 said:
What I think is basically irrelevant, as is that of society. Yes, perhaps it is illegal in most places... Well, besides that, I don't have a personal problem with it... I mean, I don't particularly like it and I would never indulge in that myself, but I'm hardly going to stop other people from doing it, or from thinking that there's nothing wrong with it. At least those people committing incest aren't out there killing, or raping people and committing other types of crimes.
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posted over a year ago 
oApplesEateno97 said:
I hope i get a response on one of these, I'm really confused, I found out that one of my closest friends is having sex with her brother, has been for a while, and has no intention of stopping. She was only embaressed that I found out, not by what she was doing...I almost wanted to strangle Dan, i mean she's his SISTER, he's supposed to be the protector.I just dont understand, shes beautiful, one of the best ballerinas in missouri, why would she choose this incest life with her brother?? I mean he's good to her from what she said, but still. I guess it works for them, but i dont know how
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posted over a year ago 
Obviously, you have a problem with incest more generally, and I understand that. I've never been attracted to my sister or my brother, so I can say with all certainty that the idea of engaging in an incestual relationship with either of them is abhorrent to me. However, I find it difficult to explain why that relationship itself would be harmful if it existed. This close friend of yours and her brother are obviously sexually interested in one another in a way that I am not with my siblings. Does there need to be an explanation, or a warrant for the relationship to reasonably exist? Why shouldn't it exist? Is there are reason that it's harmful?
whiteflame55 posted over a year ago
EgoMouse said:
There's no really good reason to be against it if both of them consent to it and both are not minors.
The only thing is preventing pregnancy from it. Besides that, its all good. If she does get pregnant, they hold the responsibility of that child if the child happens to have recessive genes from incest. The child being stigmatized by society isn't a good reason because its the same thing with same-sex parents raising a child, they are stigmatized by society but it isn't wrong. Two straight couples with different genes may have a kid with some type of problem, whether it be mental or physical, and they shouldn't be stigmatized for having sex. Attraction isn't a choice. However, there's a choice of preventing a baby that you know will have a higher chance of having recessive genes (simply by protection or not having sex), but as I said, its the parents choice. I hope they do choose not to have a baby, but its not my choice. I see nothing wrong with two brothers loving each other, so I should see nothing wrong with incest in general.
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posted over a year ago 
guna12345 said:
Why not? The affection between the two can develop to a love. It is really thrill to a boy to see the naked body of his sister and to make love with her. The love between sister and brother is stronger than the love between husband and wife. I know in many families this is happening and parents are also close their eyes thinking that it is better than they try sex elsewhere and entangle in problems.When a sister and brother have sex, their relationship is stronger than an ordinary sister and brother relationship. so far as they avoid pregnancy, if both are consent, they can very well have sexual relationship. Up to what time, till their marriage, it is left to them.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
I wouldn't do it but if someone wants to. That's up to them. I mean it isn't hurting anybody and like gays, straights, asexuals, etc. they love who they love, and that's their business.
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posted over a year ago 
hetalianstella said:
I use to be disgusted by it and by all means against it.

But I'm more of a chill person now.

To be blank I find the brotherly sisterly aspect of a brother and sister's relationship more heartwarming than that of romantic or sexual. Humans even evolved a mechanism in their sense of smell so that family members have a less appealing smell than that of others who they feel attracted to in order to avoid incest.
But times are changing.

It's fully up to them. I believe in free will and the right to doing whatever makes someone happy as long as they are not hurting anyone. So if they truly love each other, I don't think I am one to judge.
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posted over a year ago 
I too struggle with this issue, but note that a 'right' isn't absolute. It's all very well to get nice and sentimental about everyone's "universal right to love" but I feel it's simply a fallacy to claim such a thing. While people are likening this to homosexual relationships and interracial relationships (I have no problem with either of these and support them completely!) I think there is a fundamental difference. Opposition to these latter types of sexual relationships are based more on societal expectations than anything- despite what some like to espouse, homosexuality is natural and happens throughout the natural world. Incest though... humans, and just about all animals, have developed an actual physiological aversion it (with you touched on with the fact about scent). I just think it can't be thrown in with the group of other 'non-mainstream' sexual relationships and claim it victimised by society- it is nature in and of itself that is against incest. I haven't even touched on the consequences on offspring such a relationship may bring, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms. Anyway, just my two cents worth :)
ThePrincesTale posted over a year ago
aprasad58 said:
Let me answer with a story from veda. An ascetic was lonely and he prayed for 17 years till God appeared and gave him a baby girl as a boon. Soon the girl grew up into a beautiful lady and the ascetic proposed to her for marriage. One day while crossing the jungle, a tiger attacked them. The ascetic was too feeble to protect the girl. Suddenly a strong warrior appeared, fought with tiger and killed it, In the process, he lost his arm. When he saw the girl, he proposed to her. To settle the dispute they decided to meet a wise man across the river. There were two boats but one boatman. Both the ascetic and the warrior were suspicious of each other, so they travelled in one boat and the boatman travelled with the damsel in the other boat. Suddenly they were hit by a storm. The boatman tore part of the damsel's dress to fill a hole in the boat which developed in the storm. The damsel took the oars and the boatman used his hands to navigate. After much difficulty, they crossed the river and by that time the boatman was madly in love with the damsel and secretly proposed to her. Soon the ascetic, the warrior and the boatman were travelling towards the house of the wise man. On the way, they came across a beautiful rose garden. The damsel plucked a rose and kissed it. It transformed into a handsome young man. The damsel immediately fell in love with this handsome man and he also immediately proposed to her. So together, they went up to the wise man and told their story and asked him who should marry the girl? After a deep meditation, the wise man said that the damsel is fit to be his wife.
The question is whom should the girl marry, the ascetic or the warrior or the boatman or the handsome youth or the wise man? In this question is embedded the answer whether siblings should have love and marry.
Please post your answer - who should the damsel marry and why. What the vedas say, I will reply after I see your response.
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posted over a year ago 
petriklo said:
Love between brother and sister its awesome feeling
I love it. But be care full about child born.
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posted over a year ago 
My sister is 13 years older than me I’ve always been deeply in love with her we made love 3 times we had drank each time this was many years ago I love her with all my being we are both married and live 1000 miles apart and I think of her every single day
bigger12345 posted over a year ago
Hardware said:
I thought you was a natural thing for brother and sister took for sexual nature I am 50 years old in there can I have had sex with two of my sisters 1 routine basis and one I only penetrated her once or twice from the heart and she pulled away from me I would have almost sex with both of them from Nigeria and far most of the time they pretended as if they were asleep me and my younger sister got caught me and my younger sister. Com we were upstairs having sex like chance and my sisters or Assistant boyfriend come upstairs and course he went back outside and I've that I can't know what was going on but even today I think about I was just thinking about it today before I run a crosses call my sister up and asking her if she wants to have sex she's 40 something years old riding 50 I don't see any harm in it because we cannot make babies we're both too old for that now I got to say I enjoyed having sex with her especially God I think every I'm not sure whether I was by excuse protection cuz we all need love for her and come inside of her
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posted over a year ago 
sometimes I think siblings is the first ones we want to fool around with because we love them and we are comfortable around them :)
whitedovexo posted over a year ago
fukme1 said:
if there adults 20up whats wrong ? itwas adam n eve must be consining adults altho its weard why be unhappy
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posted over a year ago 
teddybear8 said:
yes, for the reason that they know each other well and should express their feelings freely sex is a old way senceman has been here
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posted over a year ago 
AlbertArthur said:
I love watching Good Pornit makes me happy!
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posted over a year ago 
CokeTheUmbreon said:
No. It shouldn't be.
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posted over a year ago 
Player69 said:
I always wanted to have sex with my sister, still do.
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posted over a year ago 
My sister is absolutely gorgeous years ago we made love we where drunk it was the best experience ever in my life it only happened once
bigger12345 posted over a year ago
Jason_Paprequi said:
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posted over a year ago 
LordKaine said:
it's perfectly fine as long as everything is consensual it takes several generations of inbreeding to cause problems anyways
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posted over a year ago 
sandhehi said:
Yes! It is all right for a brother and sister to have sexual relations or to have feeling for each other. I think your sister will be your best companion ever possible ! If they are ready to adopt instead of giving birth to next generation, it should be the best relation ever possible.
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posted over a year ago 
Onkooker said:
A sexual relationship between siblings, subject the practising of safe sex, could be a goodly thing,

A strong bond is desirable, and love can form the strongest bond of all. Due discretion should be observed so that no offence is xaused to others. Apart from that, the matter should be regarded as a social issue, and not a legal one.
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posted over a year ago 
Markrealious said:
Of course its okay, the bloodlines of multiple royal family's have relied on it and also siblings have an automatic attraction to each other.
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posted over a year ago 
Clearance1 said:
I have been attracted to my sister since high school. I am now 25 yrs old and she is 28 yrs old. I pursued her and her finally gave into my sexual intentions. We have had sex and we act like a couple when we go out of town. We don’t do it all the time, but when there’s an opportunity, we enjoy our time together. She is beautiful and sexy, with a body that I go crazy for.
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posted over a year ago 
I have had the same experience with my older sister and it’s the best thing that ever happened to me
bigger12345 posted over a year ago
bigger12345 said:
If you are over 18 and take precautions and are in brother sister love is so erotic and ok
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posted over a year ago 
I have made love to my older sister 4 times and there is nothing more erotic not to mention I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman than my sister than that experience
bigger12345 posted over a year ago
VocaChan said:
After reading how many people actually said yes to this question - or even felt conflicted about what to answer, I've realized that it's time for me to give up on humanity.
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posted over a year ago 
coolguy01 said:
Yes I think it's fine I did it with my step sister for lots of years and it was great
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posted over a year ago 
giminycricket69 said:
The most explosive orgasms that you will ever have are with a brother or sister with whom you share a mutual sexual attraction. Walking around partially dressed as a teenager will provoke some strong desires among opposite sex siblings over time. When those desires are partially acted out in ways such as wrestling when no one else is home, the desire is stoked to the point of volcanism. When the brother or sister can no longer stand the frustration and sneaks into the other's bedroom at 2:00 am, it's a foregone conclusion - whether it is mutual oral sex or actual penetration, the orgasms will be intense and long and unforgettable, so much that so that both will desire to recreate that experience their entire adult lives, even if they are both married. Sex with a sibling will most likely be the best sex most people will ever experience.
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posted over a year ago 
whitedovexo said:
I think it's improper but Im sure many do because there comfortable with there siblings
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posted over a year ago 
HomelySausage said: select as best answer
posted over a year ago 
Danono said:
I went down on my little sister for a long time she finally let me penetrate her and it was awesome
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posted over a year ago 
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