Debate JESUS: The Ultimate Scapegoat?

Cinders posted on Oct 05, 2008 at 08:31AM
This came up in the homosexuality discussion, but I want to know about this whole "dying for our sins" thing... This was all sins, past and present... Now, if this is not a grand metaphor, I don't know what is. I think Jesus is the symbol of suffering, and the suffering one causes oneself when they sin. We sin, we hurt Jesus, we hurt ourselves by proxy, so to speak.

And yet, I feel like it's also the ultimate excuse... You know, sin is everywhere, it's in every religion, from the Greek's Pandora and her box to the Christian's Eve and her apple (why is it always a woman, by the way???). Sin is omnipresent. Like God. It's unavoidable. So Jesus comes and dies for us...

Just, you know what, I'm a bit loopy from my medication right now, I don't feel like I'm making much sense, so I'm going to ask debs to come and clarify for me what she and shadowflame were discussing and I'm gonna go lie down. Have a nice night.

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