Desperate Housewives Possible Spoilers:next season discussion

silver93 posted on May 22, 2010 at 03:06PM
Which kid do you think got switched?

Desperate Housewives 12 replies

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over a year ago dancerbabe16 said…
i think maybe MJ and Eddies husband in the mental institution, Dave, little girl who died. THey were born on the same day, it would make sense
over a year ago silver93 said…
I was thinking one of gabie's kids. MJ is the only kid we saw born in the hospital or even born on the show up till this season's finale. And the episode followed susan around after the birth. I think the nurse said she quit out of guilt and since she was there for the birth of gabie's kids i'd lean towards one of them. plus how is a big-time lawyer going to know mike or susan?
over a year ago nathanhaley23 said…
I think it could also be penny.
Its got to be one of the young ones and at the beginning of the episode where she said she had to leave because of guilt, it showed us gabie, lynette and susan all giving birth so i guess it has to be one of them three :D
over a year ago 3_ThePretender said…
it showed us gabie, lynette and susan all giving birth so i guess it has to be one of them three

Oh really? I musn't have seen that one yet. I thought it was Bree, and that Andrew wasn't hers. But I guess it musn't be. My hunch it's MJ. He really doesn't resemble Mike or Susan at all. But I'm not sure..
over a year ago silver93 said…
bree's kids were born before they got to the lane. i don't know about penny she looks a lot like lynette. someone suggested that mj and evan got mixed up since they're so close in age. i'm not sure about it being mj though, that would be to easy a fix for susan's money problems. there is usually some shock factor.
over a year ago nathanhaley23 said…
Yeah true but Susan will need to find money from somewhere to move back to Wisteria Lane because it won't be the same if their not living on the street. I guess this could be the solution.
over a year ago silver93 said…
But, that would ruin the whole Paul moving back to the lane. Which doesn't make sense unless he is using another name. Susan and Mike would never let Paul move into their house.
over a year ago randomach said…
ok, this is my theory: mj and the deaf kid wer switched by de nurse. why else was de deaf kid shown in de episode. susan was also quite old wen she had mj which cud mean der was a complication which made de child deaf. mj nd de deaf kid look similiar ages... mayb dey wer switched
over a year ago scott1 said…
Is this clip from the upcoming season or the past season? I don't remember seeing it but my sister swears that I'm just a moron. I want to prove her right haha
over a year ago silver93 said…
it was in the finale of this season
over a year ago caramelmilk said…
I think it's either Celia, Juanita, Penny or maybe MJ. Pretty sure everyone else can be ruled out...
over a year ago silver93 said…
it would be interesting if gabby and carlos had some skinny little kid. and it would give celia a part. she's the one the never talks right?