Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7

GiovanniHuerta posted on Dec 10, 2011 at 02:54AM

April 18

I Fianally got my new book, yesterday mom went to go get my new book but I had a whole month without my journal.Mom said that I was doing a good job on writing my ''Feelings" into this thing but the truth is that I think I got addicted to this because last month I was writing and writing almost 24/7. Last week I told my mom I already needed a cell phone but she said that if she was getting me a phone it had to be one of those cheap phones that don't even have letters to text with,and the only reason I want a phone is to text.I've seen a lot of the people I hang out with that just txt and I even think that those people are starting to break their cell phone buttons. I guess I'm going to have to wait unti I'm "older" to get a good phone.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 17 replies

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over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
April 29,

Next week my aunt is having her 3rd wedding and I guess it's really awkward for her because everybody that's going is the same people from her past weddings. Today mom took me to see some new clothes for the wedding but it seemed she was the one who was going to see the clothes for her. I was really upset because she literaly took 5 hours trying on some new dresses and to end it she didn't take any so that was 5 hours wasted of my life

to be continued
over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
May 7

Today is my aunts wedding and my mom got me some really ugly clothes yesterday. I was just serving myself at the food buffet and some dog just peed on my shoes. I told mom but she said to just take them off and leave on my socks. I would have followed mom's advice but I had the shoes that made my feet stink and I wasn't taking the chance of someone yelling that my feet stunk. After the wedding party while the long drive home was done,Rodrick was snoring and I couldn't sleep so I asked mom if I could borrow her ear muffs but she doesn't let anyone touch those things so I got stuck listening to Rodrick.

May 11

Today at school we had an assembly about a fundraiser they were going to have and they said that who ever raised the more money for school they would get a 100$ gift card for any store.After school, I asked Rowely if he wanted to help me raise money and if we won we would split it fifty fifty and he liked the idea. To raise money we were suppose to make some cookies or make cupcakes to sell them. I told Rowley he could make the cookies and I would sell them but he didn't like that so he bailed. I really needed some money to buy the new video game called Ninja Killer and so I got stuck making some cookies. Mom saw how messy I was making "her kitchen" so said she would make them herself. I finally went to sleep all snuggly.

over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
May 12

Today I tasted the cookies mom made and they tasted pretty good for home made. I also went to go around and sell them. At first I didn't sell any but after I was giving samples they were selling like hotcakes. I asked mom if she could make some more but she didn't budge after I said I'd give her 40% of my money if I won,and if I didn't I was going to owe her 40 bucks. I guess she really needed the money because she started making the cookies like a machine.

May 13

Today in the morning I had atleast 20 people knoking on my door to buy cookies and I told them I was going to make a sponcer list to support my school. Tommorow I'm going to ask mom if she could make more cookies and that will be the last batch and she told me I had to babysit Manny for a day and then she would make them. I was then stuck babysitting Manny for a day tommorow.

May 14

Today in the morning mom had already left so I waited for Manny to wake up so I can make him breakfast. When Manny woke up, I had made him some pancakes with eggs and bacon and I think either he was hungry or I cook better than mom because when mom makes him the same breakfast and he never eats it. After breakfast I asked Manny what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to play my video game and so we played together. It wad a good thing Rodrick wasn't here because it would already be a disaster. It was now night time and Manny went to sleep. To be honest today was a pretty good babysitting day because Manny didn't make any trouble for me. Ok I admit it I made Manny not hate me by letting him play video games and eating chips all day.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
Haha i think i got alot of views
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
this story is pretty good but is there a point or does it lead to a thing coz if there's suppose to be one, I don't see it
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
@flamemouth well the whole point of this story is practicly the same format as the other diarys so i just want to make the 7 book coe true
over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
May 20
So today Rodrick is taking me some kind of dance from his school and to be honest I'm pretty nervous. The only reason he is taking me is because Mom agreed to give him 100 mom bucks if he took me, and thats like 10 dollars in real money.See, Rodrick is one of those kids who doesn't deny any kind of money.

May 21
Yesterday was a blast I mean I've never been in a dance that cool it's like the teachers don't even care what you do. I got to admit I got like six really nice looking teenager girls to dance with me.

May 30
So today at school I made my move on Holly and you will never guess what she said! She said yes she wants to go out with me and yes she likes me. I've got to hand it to Rodrick his advice really worked. So I'm trying to think where to take Holly on my first date. I'm thinking to take her at a hamburger place but I think that's too cheap but if I take her to a saphisticated place it will cost me a fortune.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
June 3
So today in my homeroom we are trying to figure out what to do in the last day of school. Some of my classmates want to throw a junk food party but I dont think the teacher is satisfied with the idea.I'm thinking of making a pool party at my house but I dont think Mom thinks it's a good idea.

June 8
Today I was trying to think if I should tell Mom with my relationship with Holly.The reason I don't want to tell her is because she's going to be like oh greg that's so sweet or oh greg you're going to dress like a handsom man.

June 10
Today I asked Holly where she wanted to go on our first date and she said she'd always dreamed of going to Pizza World where there's a lot of amazing games like basketball or bowling with her first boyfreind. The date was set on the 12th
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
Why dont yo shut up rbg becuz ur stories suck so I would not be talkung
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Look, both of your stories are great, rhgbdhfbg, I like your power of chaos percy proposes to Annabeth one, I reckon it's a nice idea, and Giovannihuerta, you diary of a wimPy kid 7 is creative too. But still, I haven't yet readcabin fever yet but yeah. Also one request, can you two STOP FIGHTING?
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…
At flame mouth he's the one molesting me and I just don't talk back to him
over a year ago madface1234 said…
I need more please don't stop writing
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
I'm a ninja smauria elf jedi sith magician wizard sorrecor like thing!
over a year ago GiovanniHuerta said…

Today is my date with Holly I asked Mom if i could go to the mall with Rowley as an excuse so i could go on my date but she called Rowley to see if this was true and i was like noooo but i couldn't beleive how Rowley read my mind he told my mom it was true so now i owe him big time but i think now we are even for that cheese thing I did for him a long time ago. So first I went to the store to buy some things I needed but this guy out of no where grabbed my hand but i thought quickly and hit him with the thorny flowers i had picked of for Holly. When I knocked on the door i couldnt believe it...........................
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Write longer chapters! I'm a ninja!